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Joni aka Pineapple™

Joni Lynne Chandler

Okay, where do I begin....ah yes, at the beginning!!!
I was born in Ohio to James and Eileen Chandler.
Not THAT far back?
Okay then.......hmmmm....I was raised as a military brat by James and Monika Chandler.

I am the oldest of nine siblings. They are :

Tom Chandler ~ he is married to Corrina. They have three children..... Matthew, Shannon, and Chrissy. They live in Germany where Tom works with computers and Corrina is an aerobics instructor.

Jim Chandler ~ is married to Carla. They have one girl among four boys... Elizabeth, Christian, Joshua, Glenn, and Danny. Jim is in the USAF and lives with his family in Delaware.

Carmen (Chandler) Wenczel ~ lives in Florida with her husband Evan. They have one son.... his name is Eric. She works for a printing company.

Patrick Chandler ~ is also in the USAF and is currently stationed in Hawaii with his wife Grace. She is studying hard to become a teacher.

Tracey Huff ~ lives in Cinncinnati with her daughter, Keanna.

Bryan Huff ~ was an artist. He passed away in Oct of '99

Mike ~ is the son of my stepmother Judy... okay, technically he is a step-brother..... *S* He lives and works in Ohio... He is married and raising his son, Jeremy, and her two sons with his wife.

Regina ~ - or should I say Lee Ann... was given up for adoption back in the 60's... she found me via the internet... right on these very pages where all I had was her first name at birth. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband, Tim, and their son, Joshua.

I graduated from Northwest High ('77) in Clarksville, Tennessee.

I have lived in Ohio, Florida, Missouri, Colorado, Germany, Georgia. When I moved to West Virginia.... I lived as a single mom raising my four teenagers, one dog *REDNECK* (he came with the house), one cat *Paranoia*, two hamsters, and one tank of fish.

I now have a new dog *Too Late*... two cats .. *Kat* and *Drooler* and only one fish in the tank

Music is my passion!!! I appreciate a wide variety, but I have to admit ...... the OLDIES or CLASSICS (music from the 70's) are my favorites! You know the ones....*sigh* lets's see......

Journey........ "Faithfully"
(which is my absolute favorite of all time !!!)

Reading is a must with Stephen King, Johanna Linsey, Robin Cook, LaVyrle Spencer , Dean Koontz, ee cummings, Amanda Quick, and Edgar Allen Poe.

Movies & Football.....(yes, football) rate high on favorite things. It's hard to say what my all time favorite movie is, but " A Star is Born " with Barbara and Kris....... or maybe "The Rose" with the Divine Lady M..... wait ...this could go on forever... I don't have just one favorite.

Chatting is a recent hobby!!! *LMAO* Yeah I know...... its been five years now... time flies doesn't it??

Education is important to me, so,I went back to school learning all about computer applications (Lotus 123, WordPerfect8.0, Windows98, etc.). I finally received my second year of certification !!!

The schooling paid I am a receptionist at a Hometown Community Bank !!

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