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Crystal's page

If you can CONCIEVE It and BELIEVE It , you can ACHIEVE It !!!
That's me up there!!!
things I like to do

My Favorite Links

My picture page!!!!!!!
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
this Is a cool place !!!!!
a Really great friend from Canada!!
a cool dudes page!!!
A wonderful person and poet !!!
kenny's page!!!
a great friend from australia , check this page out !!!!
My big sis!!!!

Hello all !!!! please bare with me , this Is my first home page !!!! I live in the great state of Alaska !!! My name Is Crystal, I am 14 and a female :-) I was born on 7/28/84 in Beale Air Force bace, California... I love to hang out with friends , talk to people !!!!! I snow machine and four wheel alot with my friends !!!! One of the nicest people you can meet Is Jessica!!!!! she Is REALLY funny and is really nice !!!!! I finally got a pic of Jessica in my pic page!!!! thanks for looking at my page !!!!

KENNY thanks a million for helping me with my page, you made It look great!!!!

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