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| Introduction | Helpful Information | Legalities | Let's Trade | HipHop Information |


My name is Mr Mizzatt and me and Out4Fame are the Hosts. Welcome to HHVTTC. This page will serve as the headquarters for the club. Each member will have a separate link that will display their e-mail address, tape list and tape desires. If you would like to trade with someone, please e-mail them and negotiate the trade.

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Helpful Information

  • How to join the HHVTTC

  • To join the HHVTTC, send an e-mail to Mr Mizzatt. Include your NICKNAME, e-mail address, tape list(long play and short play info please) and tape desires in the e-mail. You will be added to the web page.

    You do not have to have an extensive tape collection to be a member of this club. The number of tapes in your collection is not important.

  • Removing yourself from the HHVTTC

  • To remove yourself from the HHVTTC (web page ) send an e-mail to Mr Mizzatt.

  • About the Tapes

  • Tape lists must be sent in alphabetical order. If you are not sure what I mean, take a look at one of the links for a club member. I ask that lists be sent this way because it makes it easier for me to put them up.

  • Please send all additions/deletions to your tape lists to Mr Mizzatt. Please send only the additions/deletions rather than the entire list. If you make massive changes to your entire list, send the whole list but ONLY if massive changes have been made to it.

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  • You may copy and TRADE tapes that you have taped from television or that others have taped for you. You may not BUY or SELL tapes.

  • Professional tapes may not be copied and traded. You should never copy a professional tape onto a blank tape for someone and you should never accept this from someone.

  • You may collect the cost of the actual tape and the postage but that is all. You cannot charge anything above and beyond postage or cost of the actual tape.

    Mr Mizzatt and Out4Fame (The 2 host's) are not responsible for the actions of individual tape traders.

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    Let's trade!

    Each member has their own link which contains their e-mail address, tape list and tape desires. Please e-mail the individual tape trader to negotiate a trade.

    Mr Mizzatt



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    HipHop Information

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