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Attention all users: This page is out of date, and I am remaking it totally.. please send me e-mails....
This page is mainly about

is back!!!!

Click on diablo to hear Our Theme song YEAHHHHHHH
, Blizzard's newest and best relase , it is a RPG game. is a Brother of the three prime evils.... he is the lord Terror and creator of the Dark Exile. Angels improsened all the Brothers and sadly , the were put into separate soul stones.... has risen using Albertchers body , the kings son, and has taken over a labyrinth.... it's up to you to take him out before the darkness kills us all......... in town people who will help are Adria the Witch , Pepin the healer , Cain the elderly , Wirt the peg-legged boy , Odgeon the tavern owener , Gillain the bar maid, Farnham the drunk , Wounded townsmen and Grisworld.....
Reccommended home pages:look at the links.... If you can help me in any ways e-mail me at Please advertise this page..... I'll soon set up a sister page about my clan called Soldiers Of Fortune Currently if you want to join just e-mail me.
Tips: Whenever possible sell all that you feel like selling because most people nowadays sell stuff to other people. If you cheat and get bored or just get bored , find a team you trust and then go and make a private game , the best team would have at least 1 of each classes. the sorcerers take care of staffs , rouges take care of bows and warriors take care of swords , shields , the best way is not to go to town for anyhting........spooky , eh?? Anyone got new tips?? e-mail them to me , ok?? i'll put then on the page.... Untill next time ..... RULES...............
The sister page is scheuld for a late release..... when it comes out it will be linked to here.
EXTRA TIPS: You should first try to use a warrior. then a rouge then sorcer because you slowy learn about magic!! The best on Henry
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Clan allies:Angel knights, BLG, KOL, Foresaken, Arch~protectors, The Jungle The leagcy of The Dark Knights
Best for
  • Godly plate of the whale
  • King sword of blood
  • Stormshield
  • Obaison amulats and rings

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Hits since 5/12/97