Dammi solo un minuto, soffio di fiato, un attimo ancora...
The Offical MxPx Homepage

Adopt a Bohemian!
I'm proud of my beliefs...What do you think?
The Christian Coalition SUCKS!

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Dammi solo un minuto...(Give me only a minute...)

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"Omigod! Like, who is that ugly puella???"
This is a HIDEOUS picture of me...but come on and ZOOM! Click here to see my Zoom page!
Hi, my name is Sarah! I finally got around to updating this.......a little. Anyway, I'm 15 now (my b-day is November 18), and I probably won't update this for two years or something. The biggest news pertains to my current beliefs. I don't really follow the riot grrrl/grrl/feminazi movements anymore. Please do not misunderstand...I have nothing against these women and men. They are strong, productive people, but I don't have the energy to devote myself to revolutions now. I haven't figured myself out enough...I can't comment on anyone else's life. I'm too afraid of my own weaknesses. All of you that laughed before and said I was too young to have political opinions...whatever. Maybe you were right...but I wouldn't trade that period of my life for anything. I wish the movements the best of luck. Most of my categories will remain as a testimony to a simpler time in my life...a time worth fighting for.Hatari, vinidogodogo.
"Evil Empires... one down, one to go"

LinkExchange Member


Bikini Kill
Huggy Bear
A site dedicated to the women of 1970's punk
Slant 6
Team Dresch
Sonic Youth
Babes in Toyland
Cold Cold Hearts

Bass Stuff

Yahoo Search Results
Bass Tab Page...An excellent resource
Tabs R Us
Harmony Central Bass Stuff
Tablature Creation for Windows

Grrrl/Grrl Resources

Cynthia's Grrrl Page
RiotGrrl...A 'zine fer you grrlz and guyz
BratXGirl's Page
A trip to the Riot Grrrl convention
Womyn and Grrls
Yahoo! Search Results for "grrl or grrrl"


My other homepage that focuses on Joy Division and Huggy Bear
Please Visit Dan's HTML help Page
Why I am a feminist
A surprise...click here and you won't be disappointed!

Button Man
This is our angry button. He has been know to have quite a temper. You may push him, if you like, but let it be warned, he will not put up with you pushing more than once. I would highly reccomend that if you, in fact, do find the need to push this button, do it only once, for his convenience and yours. He will enjoy it the first time, but after that, may ge a bit...well...grouchy.

Please click here!
OoO! OoO! Look here!

Whine to me here:
Remember kiddies, write to me, or I'll send you anonymous e-mail....

My Awards!
Dammi solo un minuto, soffio di fiato, un attimo ancora...