"As we expand and transform the limits of our understanding of our relationship to dreaming, we will transform the same limits in our lives and in our world." Fred Olsen

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Volume 4 Issue #8

21 August 1997

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams - on the World Wide Web



-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Bob Krumhansl <bobkrum@erols.com>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:

Peggy Coats <pcoats@dreamtree.com>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:

Richard Wilkerson: <rcwilk@aol.com>

--For back issues, editors addresses

and other access & Staff see


at the end of this issue


Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(8)


from guest artist Ranjit Bhatnagar who, in additon to being a terrific artist and designer, makes neat webtoys too! http://moonmilk.volcano.org



++ Editor's Notes

++ From the Webmaster

Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams!

Matthew Parry

++ Join the Next Dream Group Online!

DreamWheel 22 Begins October 1

Linley Joy (Dream Group Moderator)

++ DreamGroups via Email 1997- 1998: The baton is passed

Richard Wilkerson

++ Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton

Dream songs, research requests, Dream Chat online

And much more. Want an interview?

++ Dream Trek : The Spooky Future

Linda Lane Magallon

++ Flower Dreams - Connie Barrett

++ Should We Control Our Dreams? Fred C. Olsen

++ Developing Lucid Dreaming in the Netherlands: A Personal Account

Carolus M. den Blanken

++ Column: Life, Art, Dream: End Summary.

Alissa Goldring

++ Cyberdream - History Notes

Richard Wilkerson

++ Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 8th House

++ Meditation on One Eighth House Facet: Sex and Sexuality


G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

This Month's Features:


- A Dream Treck to Support the Dream Network

-Intuitive Watercolor Painting

- Alchemical Dreamwork

- "Night Passages of the Soul: Exploring our Dreams"

- Greece Dream & Myth Tour -- July 1998

- Mutual Dreaming Author Radio Interview


- Searching for Dreams of Future Worlds

- Psychic Dream Survey

- Mysterious Words

- Wanted: Inner Child Dreams

- Search for Dreams

- Dreams Needed for Book

- Dreams of the Dead


- Dr. Strange's Dream and Paranormal Forum

- Dream Bibliographies Online - Update

- Medieval Dream Resources

- Sex, Symbols & Dreams

- Sleep and Dreams Research Web Site

- Nocturnal Postings

- Dream Helpers

- Richard Wilkerson New ASD WebMaster


-James Hillman and Dream Animals Local Bay Area Lecture

- History of Dreaming - Online Class Sept 1.

- Dream Show Changes On AOL


!!!!!! D R E A M S E C T I O N !!!!!!!

Bob Krumhansl has organized the dreams and comments send in to Electric Dreams and has nearly 50 pages for you. See the INDEX in the DREAM SECTION



~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END INDEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~


September 17, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(9)



Editors' Notes


Welcome to Electric Dreams vol 4 no. 8! We have a great issue for you this month, but before I talk about that I wanted to introduce two new staff members.

Patrick, (Robert Patrick Murtha) will be involved in the media management of Electric Dreams, which means everything from how our sites and ezine are displayed online to how we relate to the world outside of dreaming via magazines, TV, radio and other media connections and events. Also, having a double major in psych and parapsychology, we will probably be hearing more from Patrick on these matters as well. (See ED Access for more info).

Linley Joy will be moderating the dream groups. Please see the article below on the DreamWheel Dream groups for more information regarding the groups. Linley may also be doing a book review for us once in awhile, which will draw on her many skill in writing.

How do people become part of the Electric Dreams Staff? Well, since we are a free publication, basically it only requires that you have a desire to join us and send me a note saying so. If you have a specific area you want to work with, fine, or if you would like to look at our task list, I can send that to you. Be a pioneer, join today! rcwilk@aol.com

Do you have dreams of events that really happen? It seems that many of us do, but what do we do about them? An experienced psychic dreamer, Linda Magallon, tells us the dues that necessary to move from a raving hysteric Cassandra to sensitive, community connected seer like Tiresias. Read the Dream Trek Column for more.

For nearly 30 years, Connie Barrett has been recording her dreams and in the last decade has been researching the effects

of Herbal Remedies. While we at here at Electric Dreams haven't followed these studies up and cannot recommend the treatments one way or the other, the work is a great jumping off point for those interested in the effects of various substances on dreams, dreaming and dreamer. See her article "Flower Dreams".

How much control should we exercise over our dreams? Does lucid dreaming enlarge the ego and drive the much needed unconscious connection even further away than before? Fred Olsen, who has been developing his own reentry techniques for several decades takes a look at this issue and wonders if maybe we have been asking the wrong question. Perhaps we should be asking less questions about whether to control or not, and more about the who that wants to find this question in the first place. The investigation of this path may unravel all you have previously learned and turn the currently held notions of cultural advance on its head.

Carolus M. den Blanken is generously sharing a variety of dream resources with us over the next few months. This month you can check out his Lucid Dream Bibliography, (See GD News) and his paper that is part of a project of bringing lucidity to the Netherlands. ( See article)

Alissa Goldring, who has been providing us with her continually dream inspired art articles, has completed her column with us and this gives us a chance to see her full site and get a summary of the wisdom of Life, Art and Dream. Many thanks to Alissa for her contributions this year.

Dreams form a valuable group of objects in our culture in that, among other things, resist commodification. They are free, and its hard to sell them, or even get attention for them. It is no wonder the capital cultures attempt to teach us through mother's voice that "it's just a dream". We are taught to be bored and disinterested in other's dreams and see them as narcissistic indulgences and random neural foam. Now you already know this, or your wouldn't be reading this e-zine, but what about those who have followed this voice and forgotten their dreams? I have been doing a little more outreach this year to other mail lists and areas of cyberspace that might still have an open ear to dreams and dreaming. In Cyber-dream History Notes I've included a short history I published on CyberMind and am re-publishing here so that you can use this as a template to begin dialogue on your own mail lists and discussion groups. Drop me a line and tell me how it goes. I look forward to the day in our culture when instead of saying it was just a dream, parents say something like Kilton Stewart suggested to tell children "When you are awake you have to obey me, but in you dreams, we will obey you...."

Madame Aionia an Island continue to explore the use looking at dreams as if they were from various Astrological Houses. This month, they look at Sex, Death, Inheritances and other Eighth House concerns.

Peggy Coats & DreamTree brings us all up to date in the latest Global Dreaming News. This is not only a *news service * but the place where we can watch the dream culture evolve online and find our unique interests and pursue our specific desires and individuality through dreams and dream inspired projects. Whether you are interested a wild romp to Dreaming in Greece, or a more personal adventure at Twin Lakes in Alchemy, the GD news offers you a program. Can't make it to any of these events? Well, try my History of Dream Sharing Class, which begins the 1stof every new month.

There are just *tons* of new sites and cyber-dream projects this month and I hope you get a chance to look through the news and visit these new sites.

The GD news is also a chance to help out researchers. If you have Dreams of Future Worlds, psychic dreams, mysterious words in your dreams, dreams of the dead, or just have some dreams you are willing to share in general, these researchers could use our help. Let's search through our journals and send them the material they need to provide interesting new insights for us all.

If you have material for the News, send that to Peggy at


Here are some Higlights from the Dream and Comment section from our Dream Editor, Bob Krumahansal:

Computer Dreams galore - from hardware to software, from e-mail to the Internet, even Bill Gates makes an appearance as computer related images are incorporated into our dreams. A recipe is applied to an Oven dream by B.A.Baker ;), a Shark attack is undergone and examined, journeys, escapes, crashes, repetitive dreams and a precognitive Jerry Garcia dream are among the many others shared this issue. Enjoy this episode of our continuing explorations into Dreamland. BobK

OK, Keep sending those dreams in! When you do, I put them on the ed-core@igc.apc.org mail list and those who are interested will comments. Then Bob Krumhansl puts this all together once a month.

You can send dreams to Bob or me, or you can join the mail list and send dreams and comments in yourself. How?


TO: majordomo@igc.apc.org

SUBJECT: sub me (or anything, this line is not read)

IN the Body of the Email put only

subscribe ed-core

In a few minutes you will get a note to send back verifying that is was *you* making the request and not some obnoxious spammer.

Then your can send dreams directly into the list. Please include a title and pen-name and send to ed-core@igc.apc.org

Any dream that comes in will get distributed to everyone else on the list and you are welcome to comment on the dream as you wish.

To those of you who would like to see your articles on ED be displayed better, we are working on it! In the meantime, our Web Master, Matthew Parry, is offering us some ways to put the site up and have it connected to the ezine. See his instructions below.

OK, enjoy the issue and have a dream filled September.

- Richard Wilkerson


Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams!

Webmaster - Matthew Parry


Do you want everyone to see a prettier version of your Dreams,

Articles etc? Well I've now worked out how to get the HTML version of ED to look much nicer. All you need to do is write your article on some user friendly HTML editor and put it on

your web site somewhere. Then from your web browser save

the file as ascii text, add the following line to it:

<hfile href="http://www.your.isp.com/your/nice/looking/article.html">

and send it off to Richard or Bob or whoever it is you

would normally send it to for inclusion in ED - But please

DO NOT send them HTML files, just ascii text versions of it.

The HTML version will then make a link to your pretty page

instead of the ugly text ones.

N.B. The ED archives at the website will still have a link

to your page after the next version of ED comes out, so

don't erase it. In the near future there will be a way for

you to change the links at the ED web site if you move or

rearrange your website.

Matthew Parry - Webmaster <mettw@newt.phys.unsw.edu.au>


Join the Next Dream Group Online!

DreamWheel 22 Begins September 1

Linley Joy (Dream Group Moderator)


Join today to participate in a relaxed exploration of dreams via email!

If you are new to Electric Dreams, or the dream community online and would like to see a sample of a Dreamwheel in action, go to

www.dreamgate.com/asd-13/2lb12.htm and take a look or read the article on email dreamgroups by Chris Hicks at www.dreamgate.com/dream/library

If you would like to participate, send a request to Linley Joy at

maidai@webplus.co.uk and say something like;

"Hi, please put me on the list for the next Dream Wheel Dream Group and send me instructions!"

The Electric Dreams Dream Wheel Dream Groups now have an automated mail list that makes joining and participating easy! By simply sending an email message to our automated system you are put on the list for the Dream Wheel. Once this is done all you need do is check your mail for Dream Wheel related messages!

And, when you are ready to directly participate by sending in questions for the dreamer or comments all you do is send them to a single email address. Any messages sent to this address are automatically *re-mailed* to everyone that has joined the Dream Wheel! Simple!

If you have any questions on how the Dream Wheel Dream Group operates or how to participate, please feel free to email either Linley Joy at maidai@webplus.co.uk or Richard Wilkerson at <rcwilk@aol.com>

Dream exploration is a fascinating process, almost always enriching, often surprising, but above all, fun. As the Dream Moderator for Dream Wheel #22, I look forward to you joining in.


Linley Joy (Dream Group Moderator)



Electric Dreams/ DreamGate DreamWheels

DreamGroups via Email 1997- 1998

The baton is passed from

Chris Hicks to Linley Joy


For over a year, Chris Hicks has been moderating and watching over the email dream groups sponsored by Electric Dreams and DreamGate. As a co-editor I have been privileged to watch the care he has given the groups and the courtesy extended to all the participants. Chris is a pioneer in cyberspace and online dreamwork. I wanted to give my personal & special thanks, and I'm sure I speak for the rest of the community as well.

Cyber-dreaming 1997-1998

The last year of ED dreamwheels have provided a great introduction to dreamwork for many people around the world. I especially liked the notes we got back from those who were homebound and in areas where dream work offline is not available.

The general idea of a dreamgroup is still a little odd for the general public and dreamwork online even odder.

What I mean is that it is not enough to tell people that one has a dreamgroup online for the person to *get* it. It just doesn't quite make sense what's going on until it is happening. I have found that many interested people need to be lead step by step not only through the group process itself, but the whole joining and sign-up process.

Electric Dreams has a new moderator, Linley Joy, and she will be developing an awareness of the whole process as well as running the groups themselves. I see this as an opportunity to explore the whole issue of initiation, which is terribly lacking in our society.

If you have ideas about how to get the word out on the groups, or ideas about the group itself, or if you are interested in co-moderating a group, please send those notes to Linley,


Richard Wilkerson



Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton


Hello everyone

Winter is coming to an end here in Australia.

I have been busy being a mother most of this year.

To see my progeny, have a look at:


Anyone who would like to be an interviewee is welcome to

send me some email mermaid@alphalink.com.au

Have happy and enlightening dreams everybody..

Do you have questions, answers, comments, replies? This is your column to communicate with the rest of the Electric Dream Community, so just send those email in.


Dream Chat Online DREAMS@intuition.org

Just a note about the dream discussion and experimentation list at www.intuition.org

There have been some very interesting experiments lately on mutual dreaming.If you are interested in joining, you can sign up at the www.intuition.org web site. If you are not familiar with mutual dreaming, you may want to check out Linda Lane Magallon's new book Mutual Dreaming at


=============== More songs for Dick Mcleester

The "Dream Police" by Cheap Trick.
Outt.. Jeff.

"Dreams" by Van Halen. excellent song- Aaron Matthe


I have been working with a team of high school students as they competedfor scholarships in the ThinkQuest competition.The ThinkQuest competitiongives scholarships to students for the best educational websites that thestudents can create.I have been a "coach" for my group for several


They have just finished their site and part of their score depends on howmany "hits" they get to their site.The site is about the History andPsychology of Dreams and they would appreciate it very much if you would visit the siteand participate in some of the chats and journals.

ThinkQuest is also a great source of teaching material for any of you outthere who are teachers.

My team's site:http://library.advanced.org/11189/

ThinkQuest site: http://www.advanced.org/thinkquest

Make this your good deed for the day-visit our site!



A quick interview with the Dream Team.

++ How did you all meet and decide to do a site on dreams and dreaming?

It was a topic that we all found equally interesting. Another factor was that it was different then the 'norm' of educational websites.

++ The programming on the site is very advanced, where did you learn CGI and Java?

Chad has always been an advanced person in programming. It's something that has interested him since the Tandy Color Computer, in which you could program in basic. Even in High School he takes a few credit courses at the local college, while going to high school full time.

++ Did you have any dreams during the project or about the project?

Not that I can recall. I actually found it difficult to sleep, since coming down the line we spent little time sleeping. Either worrying about the project or actually working on the project.

++ What are your own favorite dreams?

In general, lucid dreams. Because of the fact that you know what you are doing when you have them, which would definitely make them the most interesting.

++ What dream books did you like the best?

A dream book that I found the most interesting, although the most fake,which is why we didn't use it on the site was ZOLAR's book of interpretations. This book made you look at how dreams in no way could be interpreted by a person and must be interpreted by yourself.

++ Do any of you plan a career in psychology?

Chad is planning a career in Computer Technology, Brandan in

Business/Advertising, and Jadey in an arts field.

++ Is the site going to continue and grow after the contest?

Of course!!

Thanks for the great review on the site. We greatly appreciated it.



As I am not able to reach the ASD Bulletin Board I hope I may send this to you (and you may send it further).

Some weeks ago a lady (?) reported to be interested in anorexia nervosa and bulemia. I told her that I had read about dream research in relation to the topic, but had forgotten the name. I found it back. Mr. Douglas Frayn 'The incidence and significance of perceptual qualities in the reported dreams of patients with anorexia nervosa'. Can. J. PsychiatryVol. 36 sept, 1991 p. 517-520. (another part was send to me. Probably not published. The incidence and significance of sensory percepts and dream recall in normal and psychopathological states)

He found that the dream content of successful treated patients differed from unsuccessful patients. To me it is not clear where in treatment the differences arose. Was it before weight-gain, after weight gain, or no clear (temporal) pattern. If she wants to do research she may find out whether she finds the same (differences between successful and unsuccessful treated patients) and when the content arises in relation to weight-gain (and absence of weightgain). Is it possible to see from the content whether treatment will be successful, as Kasatkin in the second world war could see from the dreams of his war-victims who would survive and who would not. May be even a step further is, to change therapy when dreams indicate that it is not(will not be)


May be you also like to know about Frayn's research. (there is a49 item literature list in the second -not published - article, and 15 in the published one).






By Linda Lane Magallon

The Spooky Future


<hfile href="http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/ed-articles/ed4-8mag.htm">

Recently, Simon shared several of his nuclear nightmares and precognitive disaster dreams with _Electric Dreams_. "These dreams have always worried me," he said. "I have had other dreams that seem to predict some future events as well as dreams that seem to be a glimpse of alternate timelines. The Challenger dream and the plane crash dreams have always really affected me because I didn't do anything."

As Simon is aware, the future is not fixed. A dream *may* predict the future; but then again, it may be a window into an alternate future or be a practice run at a future that will never be congealed enough to manifest here in waking reality. The dream event may stay forever in the realm of "potential, but not physical."

That especially applies to nuclear nightmares. I believe that, as a human race, we have chosen not to actualize that particular probability in which we blow ourselves to nuclear smithereens. We are capable of learning the lessons inherent in such an event through alternate manifestations on movies, TV and through semi-accidents like Chernobyl and Five Mile Island, without exploding the whole enchilada. Of course, I can't *prove* my contention, any more than the earth change doomsayers can *prove* that California is going swimming with the fishes.

I choose to live as though such a prediction is not inevitable. As I do, I believe I am helping to actualize the positive alternative. Acting as if the most positive future will manifest is one way to "do something" about negative possibilities. It's the physical equivalent of verbal affirmations and visualizations, and all the more powerful because it's not just a mind event, it's mind and body cooperation.

However, some negative dreams do "come true" Let's say Simon was convinced this was going to be the case for one of the dreams which disturbed him. None of his examples would have affected him personally (like a nuclear war surely would). They were all other people's personal events. To change their outcome he would have had to reach out beyond himself. Perhaps he could have told a participant or someone in charge.

But even if he did alert the authorities, would they have listened? It's been my observation that in this skeptical society there are few "authorities" who pay serious attention to psychic advice in the course of their official working life. Those that do, listen to an individual with an established reputation for detailed, accurate information and with whom they have developed a first hand relationship built on trust and respect for proven ability. If Simon believes he has a calling to be a psychic detective, he should be prepared to pay his dues. He has to establish a track record with respected members of the community who are willing to take the time to verify his accomplishments.

Then, he faces an even tougher challenge: to demonstrate the practicality of psychic information to, say, members of the police force. Such people desire psychic services for a specific task: like locating missing children or murder suspects. As such, Simon will need to become a proactive dreamer: a dreamer on demand. Sorry, but spontaneous information just won't do.

Many people dreamt of the Challenger shuttle disaster and the Loma Prieta earthquake before they occurred. I did. But without a specific date, time, location, or other details, the usefulness of my information was limited. Obviously, the dreams were too vague to serve as a practical global warning, even if I had had the inclination to act on them. So why do we have such dreams?

I believe we are all psychic. We all have the ability to tune into the psychic dream channel. Most dreams we don't. We're too wrapped up in our own drama to become aware of any "outside" information, unless it yells at us. The psychic information that gets through our disinclination to see beyond our own noses is that which has the loudest "noise." It's the information with the greatest emotional wallop. It could be a strong positive emotion. But in this culture, it's most likely to be an intense negative one.

So when an upcoming negative event echoes backward in time, anyone with the least psychic sensitivity is going to notice it. Notice it, heck, we're going to feel it. Live it, from the inside out, because that's how dreams work. Living our own private nightmares are disturbing enough. Living a global nightmare is a real pain in the head, heart and gut.

We are not meant to be personally responsible to a "bleed through" on our psychic dream TV from the global disaster channel anymore than we are personally responsible for everything that we see on physical TV. It's just news. It's the participants in the event who have the prime responsibility for their actions, not the audience.

Of course, if we get a personal news broadcast, like a dream of our car sliding off the road, well, before we begin dreamwork on our symbols, we'd best check out the condition of our automobile tires and brakes. Responsibility begins at home.


Flower Dreams

Connie Barrett


<hfile href="http://www.rainbowcrystal.com/bach/dream">

I've been recording and studying my dreams since 1970. I noticed a significant change in their quality when I began taking Bach Flower Remedies in 1989.

Bach Flower Remedies, discovered and developed in the early 1900s by Edward Bach, MD, work to dissolve emotional blockages by flooding the being with the opposite qualities characterized by the individual flower. For example, people who feel little interest in physical or day-to-day reality, preferring to exist in the world of imagination, would take Clematis. The result is usually a deepened connection between the worlds of physical and imaginative existence, which allows them to manifest their creative imagination in physical form.

It's my experience that much of the healing generated by Bach Flower Remedies takes place in dreams as indicated in the following examples.


I'm at a Center for the Wounded Child Within. I'm a weekly volunteer there. I file cards, but I realize I want to do something more challenging. Then I feel guilty. I think, "Well, everyone wants to do something more challenging. Who's going to file cards?"

Everyone is on some kind of team. I keep on finding myself getting up, and let other people know how I feel. Everyone else feels the same way about their wounded children. I say I need therapy. There's some therapy at the center, but you have to put in a lot of hours to get it. I don't know if it's worth it (or is it that I don't know if I'm worth it?)

I was taking the Remedy Larch, for self-esteem and self-confidence. People in need of Larch, although their capabilities are equal to those of others, are convinced that they're incapable of success, and particularly resist doing anything new. In the dream I defeat my desire to do something more challenging by saying that someone has to do the routine work. The metaphor of a wounded child tells me that my self-image is my problem, but when it comes to exploring this via therapy I wonder whether I'm worth it.


My partner is very ill and has been for some time. Her doctor has just done surgery. He takes me inside and says that she has cancer all he did was open and close her. He knew her cancer was incurable from the first time she went to see him.

This shocks me because she went right away. He tells me he hasn't told her. I'm sure she knows, and I feel I have to tell her. I call my store and ask someone to arrange to fill my time for a few weeks so I can be with my partner. I take a serious look at how my life is going to be. I want to take care of her, and at the same time prepare myself for running the business alone. I also need to take time out for recreation.

I was taking the Oak Remedy, for people who take on difficult to impossible tasks out of a sense of duty, continuing long after most people would give up. Taking on the responsibility of caring for a terminally ill person is just what an Oak person would do and they would add it to their other commitments. In the dream I both release my commitment to my store and realize that I will need to take time for play. These decisions represent positive effects of the Oak Remedy.


I'm in an office building with my mother and father. My father begins to viciously insult my mother and starts to hit her. She begins to cry. I become furious and scream at him, "Don't you dare!" and slap him across the face. I feel very good about having spoken up and defended her. Then the whole building blows up.

I was taking the Agrimony Remedy, for the tendency to resist awareness of disturbing feelings, and to conceal any unhappiness from others. The dream reveals an aspect of the relationship between my parents of which I wasn't consciously aware, and has me act on my response to this awareness. The building blowing up represents the unleashing of deep feeling.


I'm in a jungle. I see places where the land has been completely destroyed. There are other places which are dark and swampy. The water is very deep, and beneath it is the land of limited reality. It is ruled by an evil king who controls everyone. I feel myself sinking into this land, which is very heavy water. I feel the weight of it, and I know this is what happens when you don't take responsibility for being the creator of your life.

I was taking the Willow Remedy. for those who blame external circumstances and other people for their own misfortune. Resentment and bitterness are keywords for Willow. People in need of this Remedy characteristically turn their emotions inward, for which the swamp, a stagnant area, is a metaphor. In the dream I feel the weight of the water (held-in emotions) and have a clear appreciation of the emotional heaviness which results when I don't take responsibility for my life.

Bach Flower Remedies have increased my ability to remember my dreams, deepened their emotional quality, and made their symbolic content more accessible to me. I recommend them to all dream voyagers.

Connie Barrett has been a certified Bach Flower Remedy practitioner since 1990. Her website, <a href="http://www.rainbowcrystal.com">Beyond the Rainbow</a>, contains extensive information about flower essences. You can view this article there at http://www.rainbowcrystal.com/bach/dream

Connie Barrett

Beyond the Rainbow

New Age CatalogHolistic Resource




Should We Control Our Dreams?

by Fred C. Olsen, M.Div.


<hfile href="http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/reentry/ed4-8ols.htm">

The question "Should we control our dreams?" has surfaced recently in the Dream Network letters to the editor with respect to lucid dreaming. This is not a new issue in the dream movement. In fact, one of the most vivid memories I had from the 1990 Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) conference in Chicago was of a panel discussion on the subject "Should we control our dreams?" Very passionate and contradictory viewpoints were expressed. The same issues arise in Jungian psychology with respect to active imagination and in therapeutic circles, in general, when confronting the role of the conscious ego in relationship to the contents of the unconscious and between the therapist, or guide, and the dreamier. The issue of control touches the heart and soul of our relationship to dreams and dreaming, but more importantly, it infuses every area of our lives. We do not act, choose or relate without confronting the issue of control. Every world view, theology, cosmology, social, political and economic system has, at its core, a structure of belief about the appropriate nature, source and locus of control. Once we identify our survival with one of these points of view we act reflexively to defend that viewpoint, often with our lives.

In this article my purpose is not to provide a definitive answer to the issue of control in dreams but to expand the dimensions of our explorations. Why, for example, is this particular question so important to us in our cultural framework? I will present three dream accounts in which the issue of control arises in the dream and the accompanying dreamwork and I will explore: 1. some aspects of the nature and function of control, 2. what we mean by "our" dreams, and 3. who is the we that controls our dreams. As we dialogue on these essentials, then we can begin to approach the question 'should we control ourour dreams. As we dialogue on these essentials, then we might begin to approach the question 'should we, or should we not, control our dreams?

o Control -- A Cultural Bias

In Western culture, in contrast to many primal cultures, for example, we experience a primary split between Nature and Spirit, mind and body, consciousness and matter, outer reality and inner reality. Core Judeo-Christian images blended with Greek and Roman philosophy have provided a powerful engine that drives our civilization. A core belief pattern is that "Man", is subject to an unchanging law of God and is responsible to exercise dominion over nature, which, since the "Fall," is under the power of Evil (Satan). The only salvation for "Man" is to turn his life, loyalty and obedience back to this unchanging God which will insure a place in Heaven in the after-life. The secular, scientific, socio-political-economic models derived from this hierarchy of God over fallen Man, and Man over a corrupt Nature, is that we feel dissociated from Nature, including our own and we feel responsible to freely exploit and control nature to insure our unending progress (salvation). In this world view, God guides, or controls our destiny, and we control or have dominion over acorrupt nature. In the extreme view, nature is not worth saving at all. This simple vision of a hierarchy of power between God, humanity and a corrupted nature is in sharp contrast to the visions it supplanted and other major cultural and religious viewpoints.

For example, the Native American and other primal mythologies are not based on an individualistic ideal, or a hierarchy of control but on a relational, or communal ideal which includes the animals and plants, rocks and sky as part of a vital living community. It is not a model of dominance over, but of partnership with all that is that is crucial to survival. Nature is experienced as a conscious living being to be loved rather than an object to be used, abused and discarded at will. The Great Spirit (God) is infused in nature so that everything is in a living relationship to everything else. When we look at dreams and dreaming through these very different and contradictory viewpoints we arrive at very different perspectives on the issue of control.

The question "should we control our dreams?" may arise from the relationship to all that is. Then the issue of control is experienced in a totally different light. Instead of a hierarchy of power we find ourselves in a more fluid ecology and economy of shared relationships where the health of the whole is more important than the autonomy of the parts. In this world view dreams are meant to serve the whole community. The impossibility of determining the source of dreaming as from either God or nature may reflect more on the inadequacies of our limited world view than on the source or value of dreaming. During the ASD panel, Eugene Gendlin expanded the focus when he pointed out the importance of dialogue between the dreamer and the dream and within the dream. Through inner-dialogue a felt-shift occurs in the body if a breakthrough is achieved in the dreamer-dream relationship. During the question and answer period I suggested that we further expand our understanding of who the "we" is who is controlling in the first place.

My ongoing work with dreams and active imaging has revealed consistently that the locus of 'dream ego' control changes dynamically when within the inner-image experienced in relation to the body, through various feeling states and through layers of imagery within the dreamscape. This suggests that the relationship between the waking and dreaming domains are much more dynamic than we acknowledge from our preexisting viewpoints. I believe that as we expand and transform the limits of our understanding of our relationship to dreaming,we will transform the same limits in our lives and in our world.

There are a variety of ways to facilitate a fluid relationship between the many selves within our being. The key to all of them is to stay connected in the relationships through dialogue, interaction, choice and action. The following dream, for example, invites the dreamer to take greater control.

W's Dream

W dreamed that he was standing on a beach near a wide inlet of water. On the beach towering over him was a tall mechanical crane. The crane was unusual in that it was constructed of a delicate spiderweb-like material. It had a long arm. Whoever was in charge of the crane encouraged W to take over the controls and operate the crane from where he stood. W felt very small, inadequate and vulnerable. If the crane toppled it could fall on top of him. He wasn't sure of his competency to operate such a large and delicate machine.

In the dreamwork that followed W reentered the dream. He reluctantly took the controls and tried to operate the crane, which became unbalanced. He then relinquished the controls for fear of causing an accident. At this point in the reentry the scene changed. The crane now reached down using its own power and swept the water away with its long arm. This motion exposed the sea-life to the open air. In the nearby shallows a very large prehistoric Mako shark was exposed to the air. W was shocked that such a dangerous creature had come so close to shore where swimmers had been only moments before.

When W shared his associations related to the shark and the crane, it became clear that they were aspects of himself. The tall artistic mechanical crane that he had trouble controlling matched aspects of himself, as did the psychically attuned, efficient shark that traveled easily in the deep waters. The exposed identity of the small dream-ego, who was not in control, matched more closely his fears about himself. When he was able to bring the feeling of the crane and the shark into his body and view the reluctant person on the beach from that perspective the locus of control shifted dramatically. In his waking life the crane and the shark aspects operated independently of his diminished self-image. As he became increasingly aware of the inner relationships between the parts of himself, his abilities, and the way they serve him, he began to exercise greater control from a more expanded awareness. In this dream the invitation is for the dreamer to take greater control of his abilities and his power.

J's Dream

The opposite is true in the following dream. At a recent meeting of California Dreamworkers, Calamity shared the following dream. In the dream she saw her daughter Jezabel at the top of the stairs holding a talisman that had been given to Calamity by a beloved and skillful dreamer. In the dream the talisman opened like a flower, turned inside-out and then crumbled into a black powder. Calamity was appalled. The scene then changed. Now Calamity was alone in the middle of the ocean holding on to a pole with one hand. The pole was anchored solidly to the floor of the ocean and rose about twenty feet into the air. All of the ocean was calm except around the pole. A whirlpool spun faster and faster. Calamity spun out from the pole so that she had to hold on tightly with both hands. The faster she and the water spun the more desperate Calamity felt and the tighter she held on.

In the dreamwork, when Calamity realized that the pole was secure, she was able to embrace the pole. The pole then shifted inside her body and aligned with her spine. Now she could let go and feel safe, centered and peaceful at any depth or height on the pole. On her way home that night, Calamity realized that the pole was a symbol of her horse Spark. She had purchased Spark to replace the one she had lost as a child. Her childhood pony had been her symbol of safety and spiritual connection as a child.

When Calamity arrived home that night, Jezabel had prearranged to trailer Spark to a horse-show the next day with another woman's horse. From Calamity's perspective everything was wrong with this picture. Neither horse had been trailered, the trailer was rented, etc. It was a disaster in the making. Calamity immediately slipped into her pattern of feeling out of control and distrusting the circumstances. Then Jezabel said "Mom, you never trust me." The dreamwork immediately flooded back to Calamity. At that moment she understood the dream. By entrusting Spark--the talisman--in Jezabel's hands it could flower and turn inside out and release the magic of the spirit into the atmosphere. When Calamity shifted to the new level of trust and allowed the transformed dream energy to infuse the situation, the next day fell into place like magic. Control was shared between herself, Jezabel and the magic of the moment. This led to a positive shift in their relationship.

In W's dream the issue was for him to take greater control whereas Calamity needed to let go of control and trust the connections in the moment. Here the dream, the dreamwork and the outer events coincided in a magical synchronicity where control was shared in a dance between the players and the greater purpose of the moment.

o Control in Systems Theory

In systems theory control is shared by interacting processes that each contribute to balance and equilibrium in the system as a whole enable the system to fulfill its purpose. It restrains as well as guides and maintains the system integrity as a whole. Should we exercise restraint over our dreams? Some people are so overwhelmed by dream content that they need to find ways to slow the frequency of recall. Others attempt, with great frustration, to recall any dream or fragment. Some, plagued with overwhelming nightmares, need to find relief in order to gain equilibrium in life. Should we exercise direction over our dreams? Anyone who incubates a dream--a very common dream skill--is in some measure setting out to exercise, at least partial, direction over dreams and dreaming. Should our dreams exercise direction over our lives? Few serious dreamers would deny the value of dreams for clarifying, at least on occasion, our life direction. Should our dreams dominate us, or command us, hold us in check or curb us? Even here we would, I believe, find occasions to say yes. I believe that if we ponder the question of control deeply we will be compelled to recognize that we are engaged in a co-creative relationship in life at every moment.

o The Locus of Dream Control

The question is not a simple "should we control our dreams?" or "should our dreams control us?" The question of control lies at the heart and soul of who we are. From moment to moment we face the choice, the freedom and the responsibility to exercise, relinquish or share control. Instead of "should we control?" it makes more sense to ask *who*is in control, under what circumstances, by what means and for what reasons at each and every moment, in every aspect of our dreaming and waking life. We might then learn to take seriously our relationships, our purpose, our freedom, our responsibility, our limitations and the mystery of our existence in relationship to the vast dimensions and connections between our inner and outer worlds.

I have learned that the locus of control varies fluidly in many dimensions. It changes according to where the dream originates in the body. For example, in the heart I may find a very different dream than in my stomach, throat or head. The dreamer or dream-ego is an inveterate shape-shifter. In age, dress, feeling, intention and context. It is humbling to realize that my inner two-year-old makes so many of my decisions.

o Who is the 'we' that controls?

When tracking the locus of the dream during active therapeutic imaging we note that shifts in feeling state, attention in the body, and changes in context, also shift the dream-ego identity as well. At one moment the dream-ego may be an innocent five-year-old. At another moment a traumatized twelve-year-old. At still another moment a future older and wiser self. When the various inner characters communicate, relate and act together, the inner world changes naturally to reflect the resulting changes in the dreamers consciousness. When conflict, confusion or dissociation represented in the inner imagery becomes clear and resolved, the outer life experience, including physical symptoms, shift accordingly. When we recognize and relate to these 'many selves' within us, we are then empowered to move to a higher order of control in our dreams and in our waking life.

o The Western Fallacy of Independence

The western myth of the independent controlling ego may prove to be a major fallacy of our fragmented civilization. When we come to recognize that free and responsible choice is rather a product of a relational consciousness in a global context, then we will understand our true relationship to our dreaming universe.

Control is not at all about me controlling the dream or about the dream controlling me. It is rather a control that unfolds from a conscious relationship in which we explore and co-create the universe together. The world of our dreams is a flexible world in which we are able to safely practice and rehearse, to blunder and fall, to discover, uncover and recover. It is here that we expand our consciousness to embrace our many selves and the other. When we bring our dream characters into our waking life they assist us in co-creating a new world. When our battles are fought and resolved in the imaginal realm with full consciousness, then we don't have to act out our violence in the physical world. We are enabled to break through to new and vital ways of being in a healthy world. This is the process of mythmaking. It is where we learn to crawl, to walk, to run, to fly, and together to transform the world. When we are attuned in this way, the inner and the outer coincide. Our dreams and synchronicity then flow together seamlessly as we saw in J's dream experience.

R's Dream

A third dream example illustrates the issue of control in our dreams and in our lives. At the same California Dreamworker'smeeting, R related the following story from his recent trip to the Dreaming in India Conference. After thirty-six hours of travel and finding himself overwhelmed by the stimulation of India, R was working very hard to control and capture every minute of his experience in his journal. He became exhausted and sick. Then he dreamed that he saw a structure made of square cubicles. In each cubicle was an Indian God. He dreamed that he awoke late in the day. He had, as a result, missed breakfast and the morning events of the conference. Jarred from this realization he awoke to realize that the first awakening was a false awakening. It was actually early in the morning. He had plenty of time to prepare. When R related the dream to his Indian room-mate, the room-mate said "It seems that you have an issue of control. It will be very difficult for you to control your experience in India." With this realization, R let go. He stopped recording every detail in his journal and trusted the flow of his emerging experiences. His illness subsided and from then on he flowed happily and easily through the remainder of his journey, experiencing many synchronicities and adventures along the way. A key to R's transformation was the timing of his sharing with, and accepting of, the input from a stranger who could see the dream from an alternate perspective.

When we trust ourselves and our dreams with others, life expands in its wonder and majesty. When we come into alignment with the myriad dimensions of reality, our dreams and our life respond to us accordingly. We are supported in taking greater or lesser control, or shifting our control to an expanded dimension of reality where we adopt a seamless attitude between our dream life and our waking life. It is ultimately the quality of our attitude that makes the difference, not the degree of waking or sleeping, or our lucidity or nonlucidity.

By affirming a conscious relationship to our symbolic life we can discover and rehearse the deep patterns and consequences of our choices and actions before they are manifested in material form. With the courage, vulnerability and commitment to seek the deeper layers of truth and good in our relationships within and without we have within us the capacity to transform and heal, or to abuse and destroy our world.

This is our final choice....

Fred Olsen, dreamtreck@aol.com


Thanks to DreamNetwork Journal for permission and sending the transcript.What, Never heard of the DNJ?

Dream Network, A Journal Exploring Dreams & Myth

"Encouraging Individual & Cultural Appreciation for the Value of Dreams" Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor

1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite 22/PO Box 1026

Moab, UT 84532

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Email: DreamsKey@sisna.com

Website: http://www. hmtp.com/new/dream/dream.html


Developing Lucid Dreaming in the Netherlands:

A Personal Account by

Carolus M. den Blanken

Utrecht,The Netherlands


<hfile href="http://www.dreamgate.com/dreams/blanken/blanken2.htm>

Drs Carolus M den Blanken will be offering us at Electric Dreams a few months of his research material collected over a life time and we will be giving the *introduction* here on the e-zne and then directing you to the WEB site for the main body of the paper. This material appeared in: Lucidity,11(1&2)85-93:1992-1993.

Edited by Elinor Gebremedhin for Lucidity. This paper is based on a French-language address to the European Association for the Study of Dreams, delivered on October 12,1991 in Mons, Belgium. A French version with the title "Le rêve lucide aux Pays-Bas" appeared in Oniros,34/35,17-19;1991.


Some time ago, when Mr. Roger Ripert invited me to give a presentation at a meeting of the European Association for the Study of Dreams(EASD), I hesitated to accept this invitation.

I felt honored, of course, but despite a number of invitations throughout the years, I had always kept myself aloof from seminars and congresses. Hopefully, the variety of reasons I had will become clear during this presentation.

The primary reason, however, I want to disclose at the outset. I had always wondered what new perspectives I could bring to the lucid dream field. I am just a simple lucid dreamer, like so many of you, and I do not have the opportunity to do scientific research. The fact that I have published some articles and a book regarding lucid dreaming seemed insufficient reasons for a presentation today.

Suddenly, however, I realized that by addressing you I would have an opportunity to express some feelings I have carried around with me for a long time. By voicing the situations that I have experienced in the Netherlands, I could not only clarify my own position, but also be a spokesman for all those anonymous people in other countries that have no dreamer networks or scientific research on lucid dreaming. I would guess that there are a lot of individuals like myself, who have been carrying the lucid dream vehicle in their country completely through own efforts, without mental or financial backup. I will say more about this later. In addition, I thought I would now have the opportunity to express my ambivalent feelings towards lucid dream research. So you see, I am warning you that the title of this lecture is somewhat misleading. Enough clarifying, the story.

For the main body of this paper, please stop by


Also, see the extensive Lucid Dream Bibliography, edited by Drs. Carolus M. den Blanken from the Netherlands, which is now available online. For more details, see This month's Global Dreaming News

Search "blanken"


Column: Life, Art, Dream

A Summary

by Alissa Goldring


<hfile href="//www.dreamgate.com/dream/goldring/">

Many Thanks to Alissa Goldring, who has been providing us each month with a wonderful dream inspired art and self reflection column. Alissa is on a break for awhile, but you can still catch her past illustrated columns online. Here are some of the topics she has covered.

DreamLife, July 1997 Good Humor

DreamLife, June 1997 Books

DreamLife, May 1997 Bones

DreamLife, April 1997 Crying

DreamLife, March 1997 Refrigerator

DreamLife, February 1997 Snow/Adhesives

DreamLife, January 1997 Projection

DreamLife, December 1996 Fire

DreamLife, November 1996 Suitcase


Cyberdream - History Notes

Richard Wilkerson


I thought I would include this article for those of you who need a short summary of dream sharing online. This is a reprint of an topic I brought up on the Cybermind discussion list.


Date:Tue, 5 Aug 1997 23:50:27 -0400

From:AOL User <RCWilk@AOL.COM>

Subject: Cyberdreams - History Notes

Cyber-dream - History Notes

Dreams form a valuable group of objects in our culture in that, among other things, resist commodification. They are free, and its hard to sell them, or even get attention for them. It is no wonder the capital cultures attempt to teach us through mother's voice that "it's just a dream".We are taught to be bored and disinterested in other's dreams and see them as narcissistic indulgences and random neural foam.

Now that the grassroots dreamwork movement that has been growing since the sixties is online, there is an unique opportunity to watch and participate in how this unfolds in cyberspace.

When I first came online most of the dream sharing was done via email and occasional IRC. I tried to track down dream sharing in MUDs and MOOs, but it has proven to be too spontaneous. Someone will mention a dream they had, others may join in. If you have records of this, send me a reference.

All of the dream sharing at that time was non-clinical, grassroots insight and peer relationship oriented. The quality varied widely. Many groups achieved very imaginal, though time limited, insight groups. Sometimes it was just spew of folklore and pseudo-psychology.

The first really unique cyber-dream groups were developed by John Herbert as offshoots of his work in prisons and on BBSs. John migrated from the WELL to AOL when Seniornet offered him free bulletin board space to conduct his research. They really had him buried there, and it took me months to find him even after I heard he was doing dreamwork online.

John's study compared offline and online groups, revealing that while face-to-face groups, as he calls them, offer a more emotional experience, the online groups were self-rated as higher in insight by the dreamer presenting the dream. If you are interested in his work, see:

Herbert, J.W.(1991).Human Science Research Methods in Studying Dreamwork: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Face-to-Face and Computer Dream Work Groups&quot; Unpublished Manuscript, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, http://users.aol.com/john0417/HuSci/Greet.html

(25 Nov.1996)

About the same time the Usenet newsgroup alt.dreams emerged, originally suggested by Jack Campin as a way to study contemporary culture. He wanted a snapshot of dreams in the late 20th Century much in the same way that _The Third Reich of Dreams_gives a snapshot of the society in Nazi Germany. But it was soon apparent that the real appeal of alt.dreams was to share dreams and discussions about their significance and meaning.Now alt.dream.lucid and alt.dreams.castaneda have split off to form their own discussion areas. Still, there was continual disappointment around the dream sharing.

The original Electric Dreams community formed out of a response to the shallowness of these discussions. Using the unique Net abilities to send mail around cheaply, a group of 60 or so dreamers formed an e-zine of dreams and comments on dreams that they distributed bi-monthly. Eventually we began experimenting with Herbert's techniques via email, forming short lived but intensely focused groups. Unlike other mail lists that grow and shrink according to their own pattern, the Electric Dreams groups automatically unsubscrib*d everyone automatically at the end of each group. The key technique seem to be having everyone own upfront their own psychological projections, by saying prefacing, either literally or in an implied way "In my dream..."Or " If this were my dream...."This reduced the group as something being "done" to the dreamer and opened up the energy for the whole group to participate in.

About this time the Web was beginning to take off and an explosion of unique cyber-dream sharing began, from interpretive services to free comment boards to a wild and wide variety of non-interpretive sharing, such as dream inspired art galleries, hyperlinked dream journals and soulful mythical education centers arising from cultural and archetypal psychology.

In 1996 the Association for the Study of Dreams held its annual conference in Berkeley, and this was a hard time for the Electric Dreams community. Basically the ASD board was very wary of dream sharing online and determined to not have any exhibitions of this at the conference. This was during that paranoid time when the only reports to the general public on the Net seemed to be about child abuse and pornography. (The planning for the conference was all in 1994-1995).The board was very generous about dreams and computers in other ways and gave us room enough for the week to set up a half dozen computers, have demos, clinics, seminars, and discussion panels. Just no dream sharing. That was taboo. I'm still struggling with policies of linkage with the online web site.

The issue of free speech in Cyberspace then began to take prominence. As you can guess, some dreams and dream sharing can dip very quickly into - well, odd and adult topics. This has forced us to remind people who sign up for groups that they *are*, at this time, meant for adults. There is no reason they couldn't be handled appropriately with children, but no one to my knowledge has yet attempted to run such a group.

For the text of a sample group,


Once dreams have been liberated from the couch and brought out into the culture at large, a wonderful group of events seem to occur, at least within the group. New ways of entertainingdream images that are not tied to medical models begin to unfold in a wide variety of directions.

And that's the question I like to keep putting out - what are ways to approach dream images on the Net that provide meaning and value? Poetically speaking, what does the dream image itself call for that can happen only in current electric currents?




Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 8th House


<hfile href="http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/ed-articles/ed4-8aio.htm">

Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images ofastrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave)dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House.The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

The Eighth House. Scorpio. To build an image of Eight House dreaming, The passions of Scorpio will need to be explored as well as death, and feelings and possessions gained through others. In partnership with the lower energy of the self possessions of the Second House, the eight house may be seen as the feelings and possessions gained through others. The life/death cycle in this house generates a variety of emotional and sexual energy, including love and hate, jealously and revenge, mysteries of occultism and psychism, after-death research, transmutations and transformations.

Dream: Grandfather sits in a chair by the fire and checks off a list as the children each talk to him. He is telling us what he is going to leave to us. I see that he go two checks on the list. He looks back at me an grins, and I feel an ancient hatred, but grin at him anyway and see that this upsets him and know this is a crucial moment for us.

In the Eight House the flow of feeling is between one and another. This can be positive as well.

Dream: When she finally was allowed into the room, we acted like we knew one another all our lives. I felt like a stream of feeling existed between us and knew she would be my bride, if I could only keep focused on the agreement.

Dream: I was about to say my oaths when I realized this wasn't my fiancé at all, but someone completely unknown. I panicked, but was so scared I didn't say anything and we got married anyway. I am waking around the house now, I can't believe this has happened.

This house is often called the House of Death, an over focus on one of its aspects, just as the "money received from others" is part of this house, but only an aspect. These interpretations are OK as far as they go, but don't really lead anywhere. Rather, I would suggest that the interchange of finances relates to the meaning of money as a symbol of emotional values. In the inheritance dream above, we could focus on the inheritance as an object that reveals the sibling rivalry, or we can look at the inheritance as that which accumulation of karmic emotion which flows in death to the next generation. Reading a dream as an eighth house dream leads to clues to the significance of our emotional constitution in matters of sex, emotional crisis, and the death and rebirth of the instincts as transformed desire.

In this sense, money too becomes a symbol of emotional dependence or freedom. Note in our culture the tie between money and how free or dependent we are in relationship, how sexual values are colored by our finances, how financial and emotional stinginess so often come together.

Watch for dreams at this level of difficult financial situations, odd partnership and marriage agreements, demanding partners, and selling sex for security or other gains.

Watch for crisis. The eighth house is a battleground for self-understanding and self-mastery via crisis. Here can be found the creative and procreative forces though which we contact others. Just like the way people come together in an earthquake or flood, or sex, the issue of this house lift us out of our personal world and unite us with a larger wheel. What for signs of resolution of these crises in symbols that combine opposites, such as the ourobouros, or serpent eating his own tail, the plumed serpent of the Aztecs, or mandala - circular symbolism that may initially repel but also fascinates.

Watch for issues of sexual inadequacy. While commonly seen as an issue of potency and competency, it may be better re-visioned from the view of the Eighth house as an issue of emotional fearfulness. This fear relates to giving up oneself to another on a social level, and giving up to death on a spiritual level. And these fears may be well founded and closely heeded. Forcing oneself to become more sexually competent is not the way to become more emotionally evolved. Neither is forcing emotional connection. The partner may be the wrong lover, and big issue of control, of violation, and emotional rejection may be at play. Becoming vulnerable with the wrong people can be abusive. On the other hand, with an open and willing partner, the exploration of emotional flow during sex can be quite liberating.

Also, sexually speaking from the Eighth house, one might be a "perfect lover" physically, but be blocking the flow of emotional energy. Watch in dreams for lovers that morph and change and don't remain stable during the actual act of sex.

If the Eighth House dream traveler can be said to be seeking something, it is connection. In their lower forms, these connections may be dependent, ill, defeating and abusive. But the underlying issue is really union over security, and particularly intense, transformative unions. Those who are reaching for the sky just to surrender (thank you Leonard Cohen) are in for a bumpy ride. Sex, money, relationships and feelings can be used to gain object security, but this leaves us generally unsatisfied without the real union with the deep levels of the unconscious that bring life-giving healing to oneself and others.

Next month: 9th House -Profound mental activities and foreign travel in foreign lands. Send in your dreams to

M. Aionia at aionia@dreamgate.com


Meditation on One Eighth House Facet: Sex and Sexuality



<hfile href="www.dreamgate.com/dream/ed-articles/ed4-8isl.htm">

July 31st: Today up about 7:15 following the first vivid dream in quite some time. The dream also followed on the heels of my in essence providing closure on doing further work related to HIV positive men and women, usually contracted sexually, and after nine years -- I began in August 1988.

"First Ring The Bell"

I dreamed LK (a legend in the gay community) comes to see me. I am both surprised and very happy to see him, and I tell him so. There is one thing especially on my mind -- what to do with the interviews, for I have better than 600 people who have spilled their guts. Then RM (another gay leader) shows and, although my husband and family are on the premises, perhaps in other rooms, it is as if the three of us bond together. At some point, we are laying together, and I feel very warm and affectionate toward them. But I also feel somewhat awkward -- would my husband understand that it has nothing really to do with sexuality?

LK and I leave to go a block away to eat breakfast. He chooses a breakfast place in a house that is among a row of old houses. The area looks rather dilapidated and rundown, but the breakfast place promises an authentic, old style breakfast. I barge right in, opening the door of this old mansion without ringing the bell or knocking, and LK corrects me. "Ring the bell first." I say, "I see nothing suggesting I should do that." I suddenly feel awkward, as if I've committed some faux pas, and wish to recover gracefully. I do not want LK's feeling about me to sour. But then I see on the lower left hand corner of the entrance plaque, positioned to the left side of the building, a small buzzer, suggesting that one ring the bell before entering. But you would have to really look hard to see it. Then I ask LK, "Where did you find this place?"

My feeling about it is, despite all appearances, there is something so authentic, so real, that it is an experience of a lifetime to breakfast there. The insiders pass along information about it, so what seems like a real and rare find to me is just common knowledge among the insiders. We enter and stand in the foyer.

At this point my husband and stepson are also there. They, however, complain about the smell, and how could LK bring us to such a place? I do detect an odor, but I am OK with it. Then LK leaves briefly to go to a gas station across the way, I believe, to get change. When he returns, we stand just inside the entrance, perhaps even on the porch or veranda. He embraces me and kisses me very affectionately, and I am surprised to feel he is sexually aroused. Odd, because he's gay. I can almost read his thoughts: if he had met me much earlier on, he might not have been gay and been forced to live such a disenfranchised life. [end of dream]

I hardly know LK and, though RM, a very close mutual friend, told me more than once that I was LK's female counterpart, I always resisted that perception. LK is a revolutionary. I am not. I have made little impact outside my little world. Here I am, after months of agonizing, prepared to let all the interviews go -- turn to something totally different and new -- suddenly dreaming about LK and RM. I do obsess about the interviews -- thousands of pages, millions of words -- about a world of cruelty and indifference surrounding an HIV positive person, unless he or she is aligned with other HIV positive people, but what can I do? The dream says, "First ring the bell." --"Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle," I can see me now, picking up a tiny little bell, and shaking it a few times. Not Quasimodo, ringing the bells of Notre Dame, with all the fervor of his being, though I have often imagined that I felt like Quasimodo, and quickly found myself aligning with others who felt similarly. Even as young as seven. Remember TCalamity who failed three or four times and stood several heads taller than the others in the second grade? Remember how they laughed and made fun of him? I hated that. And I told them so. But sometimes I have not been able to say a word, as if my tongue had been cut out of my mouth, like Shakespeare's Lavinia in Titus Andronicus.

Wonder why? Breakfast. Break - fast. Should I break away fast? Should I apply the brakes quickly? Should I break the fast -- somehow release myself from a perpetual fasting mentality? Or should I enjoy a good hearty breakfast, like the kind Auntie used to cook on the farm? With buscuits and churned butter and maple syrup and grits and eggs and sausages and pies and fruit and juice? That old style breakfast where a lot of people are gathered, enjoying the early morning, and a huge table piled with food? I am so conflicted. What to do? What to really do? How could I be brought to such a place by LK? So my husband and my stepson do not like the smell (of decay and death? of the interior? of what)? Why am I OK with it and they are not? Why do I believe that to be gay is not defined by one's sexuality really. To my mind there is something else going on than just merely being attracted to a same sex partner. To my mind a heterosexual can be gay. But of course, I'm ridiculously wrong. And that thought at the end of the dream, that had he met me earlier on, he might not have been gay, or taken a different path, well -- that doesn't really refer to LK. That must be MK -- will I ever get over his suicide?

So I ask LK: "Where did you find this place" [in your heart]? How did you discover it [your heart]?" Only the insiders know. Just "first ring the bell." Auntie. The only one who ever fixed those huge, old style breakfasts that put me in awe. I'm so glad I told Calamity (her daughter) recently that Auntie had the biggest heart of anyone I had ever known -- it was big enough to embrace the Universe. Each one of her five children are the sweetest, gentlest, best human beings I have ever known. Odd but in their community, they were ostracized throughout their childhood. Separated. Made to feel "less than." People talked about them behind their backs, in whispers, excluded them. Even their own first cousins were forbidden to have anything to do with them. They found out why once they became adults. What could they do about the fact that their mother was dying of cancer for more than 20 years and their father in the meantime started a second family with a black woman in a rural southern town with the KKK on the rampage just thirty miles away. Their father is as wonderful a man as Auntie is a woman. They were the perfect pair, and yet -- the cancer struck her in her twenties, so many cobalt treatments, her sexual urges must have been affected soon thereafter -- and the black woman he ended up with helped Auntie run the house. How did everything get so twisted and tangled and knotted? In their family? In mine? That's why I have a million questions about sex and sexuality. Does sexuality -- primal -- who can really do anything to alter its impact, no matter how its flow is diverted and rechanneled -- somehow do the twisting and the tangling and the knotting? How do we untangle ourselves?

I just ran across this passage! Steinbeck puts the matter plainly in the preacher's mouth in Grapes of Wrath:

"I says to myself, 'What's gnawin' you? Is it the screwin'?' an' I says, 'No, it's the sin.' An' I says, "why is it that when a fella ought to be just about mule-ass proof against sin, an' full up of Jesus, why is it that's the time a fella gets fingerin' his pants buttons?'" He laid two fingers down in his palm in rhythm, as though he gently placed each word there side by side. "I says, 'Maybe it ain't a sin. Maybe it's just the way folks is. Maybe we been whippin' the hell out of ourselves for nothin'.' An' I thought how some sisters took to beatin' theirselves with a three-foot shag of bobwire. An' I thought how maybe they liked to hurt themselves, an' maybe I liked to hurt myself. Well, I was layin' under a tree when I figured that out, and I went to sleep. And it come night, an' it was dark when I come to. They was a coyote squawkin' near by. Before I knowed it, I was sayiin' out loud, 'The hell with it! There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do. It's all part of the same thing. And some of the things folks do is nice, and some ain't nice, but that's as far as any man got a right to say.'"

Steinbeck may have begun to answer some question for himself...will my questions ever be answered? What about my first original question before I turned six? "Why do human beings do what they do to each other?" Is sexuality (or lack of) the root of it? Is it fear of death? What is it? What? What?





August-September 1997


This Month's Features:


- A Dream Treck to Support the Dream Network

-Intuitive Watercolor Painting

- Alchemical Dreamwork

- "Night Passages of the Soul: Exploring our Dreams"

- Greece Dream & Myth Tour -- July 1998

- Mutual Dreaming Author Radio Interview


- Searching for Dreams of Future Worlds

- Psychic Dream Survey

- Mysterious Words

- Wanted: Inner Child Dreams

- Search for Dreams

- Dreams Needed for Book

- Dreams of the Dead


- Dr. Strange's Dream and Paranormal Forum

- Dream Bibliographies Online - Update

- Medieval Dream Resources

- Sex, Symbols & Dreams

- Sleep and Dreams Research Web Site

- Nocturnal Postings

- Dream Helpers

- Richard Wilkerson New ASD WebMaster


- James Hillman in Berkeley - Dream Animals

- History of Dreaming - Online Class Sept 1.

- Dream Show Changes On AOL




<<<<<<A Dream Treck to Support the Dream Network

Fred Olsen recently embarked on a Dream Treck across America to share his process of Dream Reentry Healing, to support the creation and nurturing of emerging communities of dreamers, and to explore the transformational currents of dreaming in America. His goal is to share an emerging vision and perspective that can make a difference in resolving the unnatural divisions within our selves and in our world. His tools, perspectives and insights have made a difference in the lives of many people and in the groups and organizations he has worked with. Fred recently purchased a small Toyota Dolphin motor home in Boston, MA and set out on a journey to conduct a series of introductory workshops. He presented in Troy, NY, Concord and Quincy, MA, New York City, Vienna, VA, Oklahoma City, and Paradise, CA. Because of the initial interest stimulated on the summer Dream Treck, Fred is organizing a more extensive tour this Fall and next Spring. His three goals are: To teach his process of Dream Reentry Healing as vehicle for transforming and healing. (Note: The Dream Reentry Healing process is particularly effective as a tool for therapists and healers working with deep cellular and soul trauma though not limited to this group); To support the creation and nurturing of sustainable dream-oriented communities and, To collect and study dreams and inner experiences related to collective traumas in our culture. You are encouraged to contact Fred to arrange for a workshop, training or presentation in your area. He can be contacted on-line through his e-mail address at Dreamtreck@aol.com. Check out his web site at http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/reentry for more information on Fred and his work. Fred's articles have appeared from time to time in the Dream Network. He sounded the call for, and co-founded the Bay Area Dreamworker's Group (BADG) in 1985.

<<<<<< Intuitive Watercolor Painting with Susan St. Thomas M.A. Sunday afternoons September 14, 21, and 28, 2-5 pm, at East West Gallery/Conference Center in Mountain View: 415 988-9800 .Learn basic and experimental watercolor techniques of painting and empower the artist within through intuitive exercises and the development of dream art process. Explore art as meditationr ather than imitation. For information and a materials list, contact Susan at 415 647- 5245 or sstmandala@telis.org or call East West to register. $85 for the series.

<<<<<< Alchemical Dreamwork

Dream Studies Program at Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts in Santa Cruz, CA begins September 19. The 200 hour program is designed as a progressive multi-level training that will prepare students to work professionally with dreams. Throughout the course, students will be engaged in the process of exploring their own dreams as a foundation for working with the dreams of others. Training is oriented towards Jungian based dreamwork, as well as recognizing the many ways in which various cultures utilize dreamwork as a valuable resource for healing and guidance. Our "client-centered" model of training respects the unique aspects of each dream and dreamer. A Dream Studies Certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of this program. The Dream Studies Program is for... * personal exploration of dreams * people who want a professional practice in dreamwork * professionals who want to integrate dreamwork into another practice of the healing or educational arts - such as hypnotherapy, massage and bodywork, aromatherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, teaching, counseling, psychotherapy, and traditional western medical modalities.

For more information and brochure, contact Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, 1210 Brommer St., Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Phone (408) 476-2152.

<<<<<< "Night Passages of the Soul: Exploring our Dreams" Oct. 15 - 19, 1997 -- Camp Gualala, CA.

This is one of many exciting workshops at this women's week long retreat, Womanspirit. Womanspirit '97 is sponsored by the Santa Rosa Church of Religious Science. Registration must be for the entire retreat. Cost of the entire week is $295. For more information on Womanspirit phone SRCRS at (707) 546-4543. For information about this specific workshop, contact: Hochima Denise Treppa, MFCC (707) 664-6607.

<<<<<<Greece Dream & Myth Tour -- July 1998

Kathy and Jeremy Taylor will lead a unique tour for dreamers, sponsored by Starr King School for the Ministry. Places visited include Athens, Delphi, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Ephesus, the islands of Crete, Santorini and Samos and other spectacular spots. Jeremy will provide myth stories and Kathy will lead dreamwork every day for those interested. Cost is expected to be about $3,500 (departure New York). If you are interested, please contact the Taylors at 415-454-2793 or email ktaylor597@aol.com for more information, as the tour is expected to fill quickly.

<<<<<<Mutual Dreaming Author Radio Interview

Linda Lane Magallon will be the featured guest on KAZU radio on September 10th. Linda is the author of the newly published book "Mutual Dreaming." The show, "Dreams: Another Way of Knowing," is hosted by Kathleen Sullivan every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. You can find KAZU at 90.3 FM. The range of this Pacific Grove station extends north to the Highway 17 summit, south to Esalen and east to Hollister.

R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


<<<<<<Searching for Dreams of Future Worlds

I am searching for people who have frequent dreams of the future world. I have been keeping an active dream journal for the past five years, during which time I have accumulated over 1,000 dreams. At least 80% of these dreams deal with the world in the future; for the most part the world seen in my dreams is military or computer controlled. Each dream, however, is unique. I am hoping to find others who have similar dreams, perhaps we will be able to come up with a common ground. I have not only recalled dreams but also words, maps, dates and symbols. I would really appreciate hearing of your experiences, even if they are not in the same direction as mine. Please send me your dreams atjmanson@escape.ca

<<<<<<Psychic Dream Survey

Those who are 21 years or older who have experienced either precognitive, telepathic or clairvoyant dreams and would like to participate in a research project designed to study the range of these experiences, please call or write for a questionnaire to:Helen Erickson, 1208 Virginia Way, La Jolla, CA 92037, 619-459-8557, e-mail: HErick7847@aol.com. This study is part of a doctoral dissertation which attempts to advance the knowledge of precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance in dreams. All responses are confidential and there is no follow-up contact. The questionnaire takes between 15-30 minutes to fill out.

<<<<<<Mysterious Words

I would like to gather information from dreamers on unknown words. My method of dream recollection requires me to keep a pen and paper beside my bed. On occasion I have awaken in the middle of the night and began to write. When I awake in the morning I find a paragraph or sentence that I do not recall. I read it over in hopes that it will trigger a dream memory but it does not. In these writings I have found words that sound like words, however I have searched many language dictionaries to not find them anywhere. Here are a few examples Senjula , balice, hese, cawwinaw, I would love to hear if anyone out there has had similar occurrences please email your mysterious dream words tojmanson@escape.ca If you know of any meanings for these words I would also love to here from you. I have on occasion written full paragraphs during these times, I would also like to hear if you have had this happen.

<<<<<Wanted: Inner Child Dreams

If you have a dream that you feel represents an Inner-Child aspect of yourself, please share. More specifically, I am collecting dreams that represent an inner self-parenting process known as Inner Bonding (Margaret Paul, Ph.D) ; becoming a Loving Adult to your own Inner Child. [For more information about the process, see http://home.earthlink.net/~innerbond].Feel free to e-mail me for more information or to send a dream. Nancy Weston at InnerKid2@aol.com

<<<<<Search for Dreams

I was wondering if anyone would like to submit their dreams to be displayed on my web page. I've gotten some friends that are doing it already, but I'm trying to get a kinda archive goin'... If you're interested, PLEASE e-mail me!! Right now I'll put anyone's up! No matter what they are about (just as long as you're being serious about the dream). Anyway, my site is at http://auspex.home.ml.org, check it out and tell me what you think! One of my friends has already posted stuff and I'm getting ready to post mine (I'm not good at dream recall so I barely remember anything.) Contact Auspex <Auspex@usa.net>

<<<<<Dreams Needed for Book

I'm currently writing a book on dreams. Please e-mail any dreams you would like in the book and a name you would like with them to unstab19@mail.idt.net .PLEASE I really need to get this book done...e- mail me funny, romantic, scarry, whatever!

<<<<< Dreams of the Dead

I am a clinical psychologist. I am trying to help a doctoral candidate who is doing research on dreams that include people who have died. We are looking for examples of dreams that involve the dead and for people who might be willing to be interviewed about this. Any help would be appreciated. Contact jcoppin@psyber.com .

W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


<<<<<Dr. Strange's Dream and Paranormal Forum

Eureka Science Forum - Paranormal Section


E-Mail DoctorStrange@msn.com

Hosts: Lucid Dream Chat on Sunday, 7-8 PM PT,

Hosts: Paranormal Science Chat on Wednesday 6-8 PM PT

Listing of Complete Strange Dreams Library Contents

Handout #1 Lucid Dreams

Handout #2 Lucid Dream Incubation Technique

Handout #3 Out of Body Experiences

Handout #4 Alien Abductions and OBEs

Handout #5 Healing

Handout #6 Mutual Dreams

Handout #7 Hypnagogia

Format: This group uses the Paranormal Science section of the Eureka Forum, especially the Paranormal Science BBS.New participants can work with any of the posted handouts in any order, although beginners should probably start with Handout #1.Participants can post their experiences and comments in regard to the task on the BBS.They can also discuss their experiences on-line with Dr. Strange in the Eureka_1 Chat Room during the weekly scheduled Paranormal Science Chat from 6-8 PM PT on Wednesdays, and Lucid Dream Chat, from 7-8 PM PT on Sundays.

<<<<<Dream Bibliographies Online - Update


A wonderful new addition to the Dream Bibs: www.dreamgate.com/dream/bibs/blanken.htm An extensive Lucid Dream Bibliography, edited by Drs. Carolus M. den Blanken from the Netherlands is now available online. The bulk of this review contains books, articles and doctoral dissertations on lucid dreaming as we know it today. Also included are references on books, articles etc. on e.g. out-of-the-body experiences, Tibetan yoga etc. (but only those which are frequently mentioned by lucid dream authors,e.g. references to Carlos Castaneda, Evans-Wentz a.o..) Of notable interest to all lucid dream researchers is that Den Blanken has provided references to hard to locate articles in journals such as Lucidity Letter, Oniros, Bewusst-Sein. The author would like to expand this review with your help. Please send any additions that are related to the subject of lucid dreaming. Drs. Carolus M. den Blanken vag@worldaccess.nl

<<<<<< Medieval Dream Resources

Chris <a.christiaensen@pobox.ruu.nl> has located a variety of European sources and bibliographies which you may contact him directly to learn more about. The following is a sample of some of the unique dream-related material he has recently discovered.

A 30-page text - in the Dutch language - on dreaming in the middle ages Here's how to get there: You search Utrecht University and you will get a line: Zoeken op trefwoord (= seeking on key word) : Zoeken naar informatie binnen solis en op het internet. OR: U kunt in Solis zoeken....(= you can seek in Solis...) put in the word 'dreaming' and submit. You get a series of answers. Nr. 4 may be: http URL: droemde.html / host: iris.cc.ruu.nl / path: iris/iris1/publikaties/ LB/SCR/NED/1994/droemde.html

TITLE: ick droemde een wonderlyck dinc


st. nr. 8642338/ dec 1994


1. introduction

2. the history of dreambooks

3. Avicienna's theory about dreaming and predictions

4. dreambooks in the middle ages

5. the antique dreambooks

5. the dream classification of Macrobius

5.2 the dreamtext of Bartholomeus Anglicus

5.3 comment on Bartholomeus

7. the lunaria

7.1 a comparison of two lunaria

II dreams in medieval Dutch fictional texts.

1. introduction

2.2 the dream(s) inJoncker Jan uwt den Vergiere

2.3 ...the Niebelungen lied (song)

2.4 ...the Roelants lied (song)

2.5 ...Floris ende Blancefloer

2.6 ...the Lancelot compilation

2.6.2 ... the Lanceloet

2.6.3 ... the Moriaen

2.6.4 ... the Queeste van den Grale

2.6.5 ... Walewein ende Keye

2.6.6 ... Arturs doet

2.6.7 ... Narcissus ende Echo

2.6.8 ... the Spiegel der Minnen

III. Conclusions and recommendations

- list of used literature

- finding places of dreams in Middle Dutch literature

E.g. : Emil Zola: 'Le rêve' /

N. Vaschide 'Le sommeil et les rêves' (copyright 1911) with a list of titles of his (other) articles on sleep and dreams in it.

Roger Ripert (one of the editors) gave me

D'Hervey de Saint-Denys I. 'Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger'Observations pratiques' II: 'Bibliographie, Correspondance familiale,l'oeuvre de l'onirologue & et du sinologue (two volumes. 390 FrenchFrancs together). (Editions Oniros BP 30, 93451 Ile Saint-Denis cedex).

A doctorate thesis (scriptie), about 100 pages, in the Dutch language, by Babette Hagedoren, on 'A vision (idea, thought) on dreams from (by) two seventeenth century writers, Van Beverwijck and Viverius. (Elk droomt daar af het meest, dat hy meest achtet) (Everybody dreams most about what he values most)

Student number 89082. July 1995.

http URL: droomt.htm

host: iris.cc.ruu.nl

path:/ iris/iris1/publikaties/LB/SCR/NED/1995/droomt.htm matched line: keywords# traum

matched line: body# 334ber den Traum




H. I. Veenstra

H. II. analysis

1. something about medicine

2. Van Beverwijck

3. Veverius

H III. Conclusions

<<<<<Sex, Symbols & Dreams


"Sex, Symbols & Dreams" is a website exploring the recent book of the same name by author Janice Baylis. Learn how dream images associate to meanings in regards to the dreamer's health, money, job, relationships and creativity, as well as *sex as symbol* in dreams.

<<<<<Sleep and Dreams Research Web Site


Very nice bi-lingual (French-English) site on Sleep and Dreams research. Selections by Michel Jouvet and other researchers. Topics include psychological and philosophical aspects, genetical and phylogenical aspects, sleep-waking cycle, dreams, clinical aspects in adult, comas,children and newborn, books on sleep, Links to other neuroscience & sleep sites. Bibliographies, updates, more.

<<<<<Nocturnal Postings


Nocturnal Postings is an electronic publication specializing in fiction. It focuses on, but does notnecessarily limit itself to, the hours between dusk and dawn; this might include stories written at night, works inspired by dreams, things involving the night as a central element to the work, etc.. The August Issue of Nocturnal Postings is out! This month's theme is relationships and dreams.

<<<<<<Dream Helpers


The Webs newest interactive Dream Site has arrived. Here you will find dreaming with a difference for we do more than share our Dreams, we dream for others. In the Dream Helper Web site we provide you with an opportunity to re-discover the powers of consciousness which lies dormant within your dreams. You will reconnect with those powers in a way that not only awakens your dreams to their full potential but gives you a new insight into the very meaningful role of how your dreams can serve others. Participate in one of the Dream Helper Ceremonys and you will be surprised at the boundless nformation revealed from within the subconscious.

The Dream Helpers Group is one of a number of dream groups located in the internet community, but their purpose is slighly different in that Dream Helpers exist primarily to dream for other members of their group. They dream for a member who seeks an answer to a problem, resolution to a concern, or guidance in his/her daily life. They focus their dream healing skills on that person without knowing the person's concern. It is an amazing processs , very healing and something you too can participate in. Why not check it oot?

<<<<<Richard Wilkerson New ASD WebMaster

Richard Wilkerson, one of our editors at Electric Dreams, is taking over for Jayne Gackenbach as Web- Maestro for the Association for the Study of Dreams website. Visit the site today at http://www.outreach.org/gmcc/asd/

<<<<< Dolfina Dreaming


If you're interested in lucid dreaming, and would like to interact with other lucid dreamers both online and in dreams, then Dolfina Dreaming may be right up your alley. Dolfina an acronym for Dreaming Of Lucid Freedom In America. Dolfina's Journal is an on-line journal of various stages of waking up from inside lucid dreams, including several dream scenes describing the modes of perceptual shifts in order to demonstrate modes of awareness and intention during the course of dreaming. Dolfina's intent is to create an interactive dreaming site where other dreamers can logon and work on their dream material in order to recognize cognitive shifts of their awareness. Other dreamers will be invited to email their dream content with the express permission to publish on-line the segments where Dolfina can point out perceptual shifts and point out elements where dream energy gets blocked and creates perceptual eddies of stagnant energy. Hopefully the site will serve to tutor dreamers who are pre-lucid and lucid, emphasizing techniques of lucid dreaming practice as a spiritual quest.


<<<<<An Evening with James Hillman - Dream Animals

The author of Dream and the Underworld, The Soul's Code and many other vital Archytypal psychology books presents a slide-screening and conversation with artist Margot McLean "...a charged collaboration that will change the way you think about dreams, souls, and the very real animals among us." --AmyTan

Why, as animals disappear from face of the earth are they appearing now in our dreams? Be ready to alter you view of the world, the imagination and the soul.

Thursday, September 18, King Middle School. 1781 Rose St. at Grant. North Berkeley. BART access 6 blocks away. 7:30pm

Advance tickets $10.00 for info, tickets, more 510-848-6767 x611

Sponsored by Chronicle Books, _The Express_ and KPFA Radio

<<<<< History of Dream Sharing - Class via Email returns!

When you have finished the class, you will have a grasp

of the whole history of dream work and be able to apply many of the techniques to your own dreams. About 20 e-mail lessons include the dream techniques of Freud, Jung, Adler, The Existential Phenomenology of Boss, Surrealism and dreaming, How dreamwork entered the United States and came out of the clinical settings to become a grassroots movement, Gestalt, the Dream and Bodywork, Mindel, Gendlin, contemporary dream workers, Delaney, Taylor, Ullman, dreams and religion, dream anthropology, lucid dreaming, dreaming and telepathy, mutual dreaming, the Senoi and much, much more. The classes are $10.00. You can still register via email and get into the September class.

For registration information send the following note:

"Richard, I'd love to be in the History of DreamSharing Class. Put me on the class list and send me the registration information!"

Send to rcwilk@aol.com

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dream Show Changes On AOL

The Dream Show can be found by using the Keyword "Dream

Show" and it is located in the Astronet section. It will lead to a menu, and the dream show live will be the top choice on the menu. There is no direct entry keyword.

The Dream Show is on Tue-Thu at 9-10 AM Eastern.



Sep 1-4 -- Carpinteria, CA

"Ancient Dreamings" -- Advanced applications of Dreamwork. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805-969-3626. Fax: 805-565- 1932.

Sep 4-Dec 11 -- Berkeley, CA

Institute in Spirituality and Worship Dream Class with Jeremy Taylor. Thursdays from 1:30-3:30 pm. Contact Kathy at 415-454-2793 for more information.

Sep 6 - Dec 8 -- Berkeley, CA

Starr King School for the Ministry Dream Class with Jeremy Taylor, Mondays from 7:10-9:40 pm. Contact the Registrar for more information at 510-845-6232.

Sept. 9 - Nov. 4 -- Rohnert Park, CA.

"Introductory Dream Group" Alternate Tuesdays 7:30-9:30pm, (With option to continue as ongoing group.) $15/session, or $65 for whole series if paid by Sept. 9. Sharing, exploring, discussing, gestalting dreams in this safe confidential group. For more information or to reserve space: Hochima Denise Treppa, MFCC (707) 664-6607.

Sep 10 -- Monterey Bay, CA

Linda Lane Magallon will be the featured guest on KAZU radio Linda is the author of the newly published book "Mutual Dreaming." Tune in 7:00-8:00 pm, 90.3 fm

Sep 11- Oct 16,-- Marin, CA

Dream Groun, Thursdays 7-9:30 pm with Jeremy Taylor. Call Kathy to sign up, 415-454-2793.

Sep 12-14 -- Gainesville, FLA

Jeremy Taylor Dream Workshop. Contact Joan Stevens at 352-378-0886 for more information.

Sep 13 -- Hawaii Pacific University

"Dreams an Wholistic Healing", a one-day program sponsored by ASD. For further information, contact ASDreams@aol.com

Sep 13 -- Palo Alto, CA

"Your Dream Maker As Spiritual Guide" with Dr. Hellevi Ruumet,. 10:00am-4:00pm. $55.00 For more information, contact Pate Luce at 408- 270-0116, email: beamo@aol.com

Sep 14, 21, 28 -- Mountain View, CA

Intuitive Watercolor Painting with Susan St. Thomas M.A. East West Gallery/Conference Center in Mountain View. For information and a materials list, contact Susan at 415 647-5245 or sstmandala@telis.org or call East West to register. $85 for the series.

Sep 15 - Dec 9 -- Oakland, CA

School of Applied Theology Dream Class with Jeremy Taylor. Four meetings. Contact Frank Nieman at 510-652-1651 for more information.

Sept 19 -- Bethesda MD

Small Press Expo at the Holiday Inn. Jesse Reklaw will be presenting Concave Up, the illustrated dream anthology. Drop by and have your dream sketched! Contact Jesse Reklaw reklaw@nonDairy.com for more information or visit the Concave Up website at http://www.nonDairy.com/slow/wave.cgi

Sep 19 -- Cupertino, CA

All Day Workshop with Jeremy Taylor at the Center for Gerontology, Spirituality and Fiath. Contact Julie Barton at 408-968-8028 for more information.

Sep 20 -- Santa Cruz, CA

Dreams and Dreamwork with Christine Boyer from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Information about cost and location can be received by calling Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Department at (408) 429-3663.

Sept 24 - Nov 12 -- San Anselmo, CA

"Dreaming as a Spiritual Practice", an 8-week workshop devoted to exploring the spiritual dimensions of dreaming conducted by Kelly Bulkeley. The workshop is open to people from all different spiritual and religious perspectives. Call Joan Currey at 415-258-6583 for more information.

Sep 24-Dec 3 -- Oakland, CA

University of Creation Spirituality Dream Class with Jeremy Taylor, Wednesdays from 7-10 pm. Contact Marlene DeNardo at 510-835-4827 for more information.

Oct 3-4 -- Concord, MA

"Preception, Dreaming & Reality", a workshop with Sparrow Hart at The Dreamwheel, 9:30am-5:00pm. For more information, contact The Dreamwheel, 191 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742-3423. Telephone 508-369-2634. Email Dreamwheel@compuserve.com

Oct 3-5 -- Kelowna, BC, Canada

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Brenda Jackson at 250-717-3978 for more information.

Oct 10-12 -- Aspen, CO

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Barbie Seidel at 970-925-3421 for more information.

Oct. 15 - 19 -- Camp Gualala, CA.

"Night Passages of the Soul: Exploring our Dreams" is one of many exciting workshops at this women's week long retreat, Womanspirit. For more information on Womanspirit phone SRCRS at (707) 546-4543. For information about this specific workshop, contact: Hochima Denise Treppa, MFCC (707) 664-6607.

Oct 17-19 -- Arlington, VA

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Cathy Shepherd at 770-434-3999 for more information.

Oct 21-Nov 25, San Francisco, CA

Dream Group with Jeremy Taylor at Unitarian Church. Contact Joan Phelan at 415-863-8414 for more information.

== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N8 ==

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Vol. 4 Number 8.

Highlights from this issue: Computer Dreams galore - from hardware to software, from e-mail to the Internet, even Bill Gates makes an appearance as computer related images are incorporated into our dreams. A recipe is applied to an Oven dream by B.A.Baker ;), a Shark attack is undergone and examined,

journeys, escapes, crashes, repetitive dreams and a precognitive Jerry Garcia dream are among the many others shared this issue. Enjoy this episode of our continuing explorations into Dreamland.




= Commentary by Heratheta on "Mama's Dream Advice" (970808) =


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

* Dream: "pre-cognition - fat man rocks" by Kelly (970731) *

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

* Dream: "Jelly Ghost" by Sandi'e (970806) *

* Dream: Nightmares and Videos - Jermey (970802) *

* Dream: "The Emergency that Wasn't" by Sandi (970818) *

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

* Dream: White Wedding by K.C. (970719) *

= Commentary by Heratheta on "White Wedding" (970805) =

* Dream: "The Oven" by B. A. Baker (970807) *

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

* Dream: 'Dream Stocker' (or Dream Stalker ??) by Apple 970730) *

* Dream: "Sharks!" by Melanie (970811) *

= Commentary by Heratheta on Sea Dream (970808) =

= Commentary by Cathy on "Sharks!" (970812) =

= Commentary by Myst on "Sharks!" by Melanie (970813) =

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

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AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Sharks - in a symbol rich dream under STAGES OF LIFE: DEATH, lions, Cats, birds and ... ]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

* Dream: "PAPER ROLL" by Ruben Fjordmann (970805) *

= Commentary on "Paper Roll Dream" by DreamBat (970805) =

* Dream: Visit from Bill Gates by DreamBat (970813) *

* Dream: "Dream Waiting" by Nutcracker (950621) *

* Dream: "Fancy Meeting You Here" by Nutcracker (950721) *

* Dream: "Internet Form" by Nutcracker (952711) *

* Dream: "Free Time" by Nutcracker (951227) *

* Dream: "Computers: The Death Of Us All" by Nutcracker(960112) *

* Dream: "The Internet Lottery" by Nutcracker (960116)*

* Dream: "My Turn To Teach Mom" by Nutcracker (960119) *

* Dream: "Attack of The Killer E-Mail" by Nutcracker (960127) *

* Dream: "Computer Frustration" by Nutcracker (960605) *

* Dream: "The Frog Page" by Nutcracker (960614) *

* Dream: "Just Like Magic" by Nutcracker (960629) *

* Dream: "No More Reading PC Mag Before Bedtime" by Nutcracker (960916) *

* Dream: "Anonymity" by Nutcracker (960916) *

* Dream: "Only In My Dreams - Pt 1" by Nutcracker (961023) *

* Dream: "Only In My Dreams - Pt 2" by Nutcracker (961113) *

* Dream: "Movie Listings" by Nutcracker (961122) *

* Dream: "Mis-Filed" by Nutcracker (961212) *

* Dream: "Download Failure - Part 1" by Nutcracker (961230) *

* Dream: "TMI: Too Much Information" by Nutcracker (961231) *

* Dream: "Computer del Sol" by Nutcracker (970111) *

* Dream: "Sam's Discount City" by Nutcracker (97970124) *

* Dream: "Download Failure - Part 2" by Nutcracker (970202) *

* Dream: "Border Patrol" by Nutcracker (970213) *

* Dream: "Eerie Specter" by Nutcracker (970213) *

* Dream: "My New Office" by Nutcracker (960322) *

* Dream: "Newsgroup Friends" by Nutcracker (970331) *

* Dream: "Hard Drive" by Nutcracker (970403) *

* Dream: "R.I.P." by Nutcracker (970415) *

* Dream: "E-Mail Barrage" by Nutcracker ((70503) *

* Dream: "Net Talk Live" by Nutcracker (970522) *

* Dream: "The Company We Keep" by Nutcracker (970604) *

* Dream: "Graffiti Artist" by Nutcracker (970518) *

* Dream: "Web Page Design" by Nutcracker (970711) *

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

= Commentary by Richard on Dream Directions (970807) =

* Dream: "LONG ISLAND SOUND" by Heratheta (970808) *

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

* Dream: "Time Traveler" by Nutcracker (970517) *

* Dream: "Dream Meeting" by M (970707) *

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

*Dream: "Beanie Babies" by Nutcracker (970510) *

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream: "Evil Helen" by Nutcracker (970513) *

* Dream: "Gargoyles" by Nutcracker (970504) *

* Dream: "On The Run" by Nutcracker (970508) *

FEAR [What scares us]


FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

* Dream: "The Shaman" by Nutcracker (970502) *

* Dream: "The Forbidden Room" by Nutcracker (970525) *

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

* Dream: "A New Den" by DreamBat (970822) *

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream: "The One That Got Away" by Nutcracker (970523) *

* Dream: "Exposed" by Nutcracker (970514) *

* Dream: "Chartres" by Nutcracker (970513) *

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

* Dream: Lucid Dream- by SethW (970813) *

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

* Dream: "WRITHING WOMEN" by TheresaA (970730) *

= Commentary by Bob K. On "WRITHING WOMEN"

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

* Dream: "Custody Fight" by Nutcracker (970527) *

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream: "ABOUT TEACHING" by Jeff (970805) *

= Commentary on "ABOUT TEACHING" by (970805) =

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

*Dream: "Prison Couture" by Nutcracker (970509) *

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

* Dream: "HIGHWAY DREAM" by Paul (970808) *

= Commentary by Heratheta on "Highway Dream" (970811) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on "Oven" & "Highway" Dreams (970808) =

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

(See STAGES OF LIFE: DEATH - "Sharks!")

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

*Dream: "Just Another Day At The Office" by Nutcracker (970517) *

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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(See the Nutcracker Computer Dreams under COMPUTERS)

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Thanks to all the dreamers who share their gems with the Electric Dreams community and the commenters who share their insight. Join in the fun and send us a dream or comment for the next issue!



= Commentary by Heratheta on "Mama's Dream Advice" (970808) =

yes, mama does have a lot behind her, like the big bang with Elvis following that dream wherever that dream may lead him. I cringe every time I hear that background radiation advice like a toreador might cringe if we could see his face up close as the bull passes by sometimes brushing against the cape. and, I also feel, I guess, some of the thrill too that he feels knowing he can get out of the way. the matador's space changes with the bull's movement and vice versa like we souls change with the dream.

ole! sen^or wilkerson ole!.


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

* Dream: "pre-cognition - fat man rocks" by Kelly (970731) *

>From a request for dreams of the Grateful Dead - on alt.music.gdead


One night a couple of years ago, I had a dream that the band hired a new rhythm guitarist. No one in the crowd seemed to know what had happened to Weir, or why, and of course the band wasn't giving any clues by saying anything. They just played the show, which started with a song reminiscent of "Feel Like a Stranger." How odd and appropriate!

It was apparent from the first notes, however, that something was majorly wrong, and that the Grateful Dead was no longer going to be the same, or even at all good. You thought Weir had struggled with slide guitar -- you should've heard this guy creaking and squealing in my head as I slept.

The crowd's confusion, along with the band's struggle, made it a weird enough dream without it even being a real live actual show. The dream ended as I woke up just a couple of minutes into the first song, with no resolution of the story.

Less than a week later, Jerry Garcia died.

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

* Dream: "Jelly Ghost" by Sandi'e (970806) *

Hi Bob, I have a dream that has haunted me for many years. I can't find anyone to give me some kind of meaning. Dream goes as such: Note: I lived in this house when I was Married and 4 children.

In this dream I am about 12 years old and it is night time. The room where the dream takes place was a dinning room and no basement. There is a full size bed and my mother is on the furthest side sound asleep. I am on the other side with a comfortable chair and my doll playing. All of a sudden, I get this eerie feeling and slowly turn toward the stairs at the foot of the bed. (there were no stairs or basement in this house) The door was open and I felt there was something coming up the stairs.

A form started to take place as it came closer. As it got to the top, it looked like a jelly ghost (on the order of the one on ghost busters). As it came closer I started screaming Mommy Mommy. When I turned to face her, there was the head of a white lamb on my pillow facing her. That is when I woke up.

I dreamed this dream 3 times like I do all dreams that wake me up shaking. I would love to know the meaning of this dream. It has never gone away. I would like to know more about you electric dream community. Can you help me with this dream?

Thank you. Sandi'e

* Dream: Nightmares and Videos - Jermey (970802) *

Hey, I got something that _may_ count. (as per the dream request about computer dreams) It is not something that I am most proud of, but here it is:

Every once in a while, I'll have dreams that have something to do with violence. Often, the dreams are textured more like dramas than nightmares, but sometimes they can be bluntly frightening. However, over the past few years, these sorts of dreams have started to develop a strange byproduct of my fascination with computers; my dreams have started acting like video games whenever I feel I'm in danger. Now, instead of waking up in terror, I come out of my sleepy stupor feeling like I was playing a VR version of Command and Conquer, or some new Doom/Quake game. I'm dreaming that I'm being chased by a group of people in a forest, and all of a sudden, I'm in a secret military facility. Next thing I know, I'm seeing an ammo counter in my peripheral vision and finding powerups on the lawn. Suffice to say, it is an interesting way of dealing with potential nightmares, and I don't even play those sorts of games very often. Ironically, I get better scores while dreaming than I could imagine getting while awake.

* Dream: "The Emergency that Wasn't" by Sandi (970818) *

This is a recurring dream I used to have when I was a single parent:

I'm in bed asleep at night. I awaken to hear an intruder. I call 9-1-1. I let it ring for 30-40 rings and there is NO answer. I hang-up and call back. After 5 rings, I get a recording that says "All emergency operators are busy now. Please do not hang up. Your call will be answered in the order that it was received."

By that time, the intruder is in my bedroom. He's dressed all in black. I say to him "I have a gun and I'm loading it now! It's very big!"

He stands there and smiles. I get the gun loaded. I aim at the intruder and pull the trigger. No gunfire! I pull the trigger again-STILL no gunfire. This repeats itself over and over.

This is where the dream ends.

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

* Dream: White Wedding by K.C. (970719) *

I was at someone's home or hotel. I was to be in a wedding party as matron of honor (everyone in the wedding party has blonde hair). The place is like a castle/church. We have been here all day. It isn't hard to get lost in this place. Somebody needs something from downstairs and I offer to retrieve it. While I was down there, someone else mentioned that the wedding was about to begin and that I should get dressed. There were several (round) racks with dozens of (white) dresses on. One rack with twelve dresses was for me alone. I grabbed a dress off the rack. Is this the matron of honor's dress? I took a quick glance at it and decided it was. It was white satin with bugle beads down the bodice. I then went to look for a place to change, unzipping the dress I was wearing so as to save time when I did find a dressing room.

I came to a hall and there were four golden doors before me. I opened one and went in. At the opposite end of the room, a baptism was taking place. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," I whispered, backing out. I then went to the second golden door and opened it, thinking it was the rectory. When I opened it, I found 1000's of people wearing choir gowns and singing. The auditorium and the singing were quite beautiful (it had stadium type seating). It was as though I was 'on stage' and not them. I closed that door and was greeted by a plump woman with brown hair and wearing a red coat. She told me I had to hurry as the wedding had started. I called to her to grab my white shoes from the table as I rushed from the room.

Once outside, I could now see across the lawn from the castle/church, the wedding party and all of the guests. I had to be at least a quarter to a half mile away. The building they were at was huge. There was a balcony which the wedding party was standing on with the guests on the ground below. I watched as the bride tossed her bouquet. Isn't she supposed to do that after the service? Myself, the lady and my 8 year old daughter run to get over there in time. There was no clear path. It was a narrow dirt path surrounded by dead vines. I looked at my dress. It was now black as was the boat shaped hat (to match) with red rose. I look down at the shoes I am wearing at the moment. They're very attractive brown suede shoes and make me feel good. The white wedding shoes have also turned black. We get closer to the road to reach the wedding party, but even though late afternoon, it is now foggy, as thick as pea soup. We need to go to the right, but I can't see where I'm going. The path before me (which at the moment seems infinite) is covered with hanging dead bramble bushes.

= Commentary by Heratheta on "White Wedding" (970805) =

your tired in this dream of "all" and what I usually do is take some time away from things and remain all engaged so as to loosen up a bit until my next dream. of course someplace perpendicularly located from a line drawn to the wedding site from you dreamed the dream would be a good place to disengage a little, if possible.

* Dream: "The Oven" by B. A. Baker (970807) *

This is the dream I had last night. Pass it around. At first I thought it was nothing but then I opened the dream up.

Everyone has their own method of opening out a dream. This is how I do mine.

1. I go through the dream and free associate on words that seem to have energy or me in a footnote.

2. At the end of the dream I summarize WHAT THIS DREAM IS ABOUT.

3. Then I take one neutral object in the dream and GESTALT from the point of view of that object. See what it sees.

I hope you find this dream interesting. It seemed simple enough, but had an interesting message.

"Don't just spend your life trying to make something permanent. Fall in love with the process."

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THE OVEN \ DREAM 8/7/97 4:04 AM

Talking with a woman baker . I am interested in the kiln and pottery. There is a pottery class and we are visiting her place of work to learn about kilns. She is sitting down inside the oven, talking about kilns: "the power bill is very high and we never let the oven cool off . That is why the walls are so thick ." I notice the oven's walls are about 2 feet thick. The back of the kiln we are sitting in a only a tarp however. I am thinking that a lot of heat is escaping into the back room, which also has thick walls, but that she is losing some heat . She is heating water in a long ladle ... she is testing the water for temperature and when it is about right , she adds honey and gives it to her child, a little child /girl. I say "She likes sweet." "Oh, yes..." she replies. "Keeps her from crying?" I ask. "Oh she just likes it." How pleasant the child can be here with her mother where she works.

I am looking at the wall construction: earth/adobe and the roof: tin. There is a good feeling about the situation.

HONOR THE DREAM: eat honey today on bread.

GESTALT THE LADLE: I am the ladle. I am neutral. I enable the server the worker the cook to touch the deep elements of the alchemy of life without getting blown away/destroyed in the practice. I am the form the poem. I am the tool. I am not the end. I am the neutral element. I (the relativized ego) do not add to the honey. I am the enabler... that the pie comes out good, but I don't add to the pie./ poem/ unconscious spontaneity. I am the unconscious arm of the author of the poem. I have been crafted for this purpose.

THIS POEM IS ABOUT useful Ego. The crafting of the kiln and the ladle.. How containers are necessary to enable transformation.. The Poem itself is a container. It needs to be crafted such that it does not lose its contents.

OVEN oven: alchemy place of creation; place of change; hot, sometimes uncomfortable; necessity for discomfort/effort. The ego essentially does not want to put out effort, and if it does expend effort, it expects pay-off/gratification. Self-sacrifice is not salubrious for the soul, as is touted by the culture and as is expected by the Ego. The ego will self-sacrifice if there is payoff: flattery, money, power, "honor", "glory", get laid. "A victory of the Ego, is always a loss for the Soul."

WOMAN BAKER woman baker: My Muse. My Anima? She smiles like Mona Lisa. Explains the kiln ... information people die to know. ... what it is .. the container/ego. "Don't fall in love with the kiln/ladle/your pots. These are tools. Nothing is permanent except bread-making. She is not doing "pots". She is doing "Bread". Communion/Manna. There is some see-saw energy between the Baker/master/teacher and the "class" of learners/innocents/beginners that wants something "permanent". She is saying with her actions, "Make bread for the child. Nothing will stay except bread-making, i.e., the kernal of creation."

POTTERY: alchemy change; once changed, it never goes back; We are in a "baker's" oven/kiln. Here, she is making "things to eat", items much less permanent, items for the common man, items like manna from heaven, communion.

power /energy: One uses a lot of power to get the job done. The energy comes up from the unconscious... it is there. It is available. The energy needs to be given its shape/form/ . . .

NEVER COOL OFF: never cool off: maintain mindfulness all day, throughout the events of the day. All elements of conscious activity are grits for the mill.

THICK WALLS thick walls: That the heat needs containing; the container: the ego. The ego itself is valuable as the container, the crucible, the chalice, the bowl, the organizer of the stage setting; the director of the play, but not on stage when the play goes on... A play with the director on stage would not ordinarily be a good play... The drama could not unfold on its own between the players. The "suspension of dis-belief" would not be possible. (There probably is an artful play written about a movie being made/a play being put together, etc. A play about the play. Perhaps and interesting story is a story of how the story is made. What goes through the mind of the players, doing their lines. Lines that are imported from the outside/unconscious/some other consciousness. "This is not my voice"...."but I feel like this .............. when I say them".... "but my own live has this going on in it, ...I said the lines with such furor, it was real,.. I cried on stage, but I really cried, perhaps for the first time.)

LOSING HEAT losing heat: part of my ego is undeveloped... Its working fine, but here is an area that needs attention, closer observation, some work, some attention, some recognition and action taken...;Its working, but I am losing some energy. All the energy coming up form the Unconscious is not being efficiently given form... Control of the energy is lacking. The Control is improving , at least I now can recognize "control" of energy/ the energies. I recognize "a problem".

LONG LADLE long ladle: You don't get too close to the material you are working with. Don't get your fingers in or they can get burned.

TESTING THE WATER testing the water: using your discerning mind; deciding what you are doing.

ABOUT RIGHT about right: survival; fun of decisions; The Buddhist monks around the pickle barrel.

HONEY honey: food of the gods; mysterious sweetness that comes with much work with the interesting details of life.

CHILD child: inner child; the one growing/developing; the one close to the Unconscious/Spontaneity. the one who gets the honey/the nectar of the gods. The author is creating poems with his craft/distance/art and the contents of this art/ladle is given to the inner child in all of us and in the author.

The child is slightly out of sight: what grows is something you cannot always see, but it grows as a result of the quality/experience/ phenom of the poem. The 3rd body. craft: form of art; practice.

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

*Dream: 'Dream Stocker' (or Dream Stalker ??) by Apple 970730) *

A little background. I am an attorney and entrepreneur. I work in the Times Square area of NY which has pretty much been purged of its notorious seamy underside.

I am walking on West 43rd Street late at night. The area has changed. There are many undesirables walking around and menacing me, making threats and just plain scaring me. A black man jumps out and begins fighting with me. He slashes me several times with a knife and kills me. At this moment, I realize that I am not dead and become lucid for a period. It is a liberating invigorating experience (I've had them before)that is very intense. In that moment I know that I am experiencing my whole self and not the tiny portion used in day to day existence.

The lucidity fades and I am with a prostitute. At first I have ideas of sleeping with her, but then I decide that I want to help save her from the life she has chosen. She is a drug addict hooked on uppers. A man appears and he is fairly benign but also a drug abuser. I pray for them both and am slightly aware I am dreaming still, but not lucid.

The dream ends.

The dreams quality was intensely vivid and I awaken refreshed and highly positive.

* Dream: "Sharks!" by Melanie (970811) *

I am not sure exactly what Electric Dreams is, but I found your URL/listserv on a dream Web site and decided to sign up. I am enclosing a dream that I had last week in the hopes that someone may be able to help me decipher it.

My Dream: I dreamed that I was in the ocean with 4 other people (3 men and 1 woman). We were on a boat and I was just swimming around with 2 of the men. The other man and woman were on the boat and the woman was pregnant (I don't think I was pregnant in this dream). None of us were related except that the woman was a friend of mine (no one in real life) and the men I was swimming with were co-workers. The other man on the boat owned the boat and knew one of my male co-workers.

There was a long rope that went up to the mast of the boat and we took turns climbing it to see how strong we were. I seemed to climb it with no problem and took great satisfaction in that. When you got to the top, you were supposed to jump back down to the water and pull the dingy toward you (it was on the other end of the rope) and get in. When I jumped, I kept thinking I would hit the bottom of the water, then realized I was in the ocean and I couldn't. So I started going back up to the surface. All of a sudden, I felt great panic and, though I could not see them, sensed that sharks were near by. I swam as fast as I could back to the dingy and rowed to the boat and got on. I yelled that everyone should get out of the water. But it was too late. The pregnant woman had decided to jump in and swim. I tried to get her back on the boat, but a shark came up and took a huge bite out of her stomach.

She made it to the side of the boat and begged me to call her husband. I was so upset and shocked that I couldn't remember their last name. She kept trying to tell me, but I couldn't get the phone to work. A huge great white came and ate her in one bite. I was devastated. I cried and cried. I knew that I had to go back home and tell her husband. When I got there, he was ecstatic and was showing me their nursery, etc. and was talking about how great his wife and baby would be. I had to leave because I started crying uncontrollably. I tried to find my mother to tell her and get advice on what to do, but I couldn't speak because I was crying so hard.

Waking relevance:

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with no complications.

I do not fear sharks in the least. In fact, I love them. I watch everything I can about them and learn as much as possible. I know that they do not "hunt" humans for dinner.

I saw one shark-related story on Dateline the week before my dream. It was about 4 men stranded in a boat in the ocean. When the Coast Guard found them, the CG could see sharks in area (the CG was in a helicopter) and did not know if the men were aware the sharks were there. No one was injured by a shark.

I am not afraid of the water or of boats.

= Commentary by Heratheta on Sea Dream (970808) =

the rope is certainly something you would not want to imitate in thought or deed following a dream like that. surprising people or things is a good way to go tripping over richard's buddahs. keeping that (the rope and its characteristics) in the corner of your eye which some say has a different sense of vision (able to see auras and dreams in the daylight) will lead through the eternal tao of heaven

= Commentary by Cathy on "Sharks!" (970812) =

The dream of the shark eating the pregnant woman might suggest that ordinary pleasures that give a thrill(as symbolized by watching shark shows, etc.) are threatened by the pregnancy. Perhaps the dream is about suppressed fears that the changes in becoming a mother might bring unpleasantness (less sex, less chance to go to scary movies, go on dangerous sporting activities, etc.).


= Commentary by Myst on "Sharks!" by Melanie (970813) =


I entered your dream 'Sharks' into my dream software program and these are the symbols and meanings it came up with (keep in mind you have to decide which ones apply to specifically to your dream). Hope they help you!


Symbol : Water / Flowing Water

Flowing water symbolizes an abundance of life.

Symbol : Four / Meaning

Suggests spirituality, confused spirituality, or intellect.

Symbol : Numbers / Meaning

Numbers usually work more as personal symbols than as universal symbols and therefore are best interpreted by the dreamer. If you wish to see the universal interpretation of a specific number check the symbol for that number.

Symbol : Crowd / Meaning

When three or more people appear in a dream they are considered a crowd. Whenever a crowd appears in a dream the dreamer is being told that a decision needs to be taken. Generally the dream tells us what decision we should take.

Symbol : Person / Meaning

In the majority of cases all other people involved in a dream will represent some aspect of the dreamer. People we don't know but seem to be like someone we know will also represent some aspect of the dreamer. People that we don't know at all represent something new, a new aspect in the dreamer's life. When the person in the dream is someone we recognize then we must stop to think what this person represents to us ( attraction, intelligence, stupidity, etc.) or if we have some kind of influence over this person ( emotional, financial, etc.) or maybe he/she has something that distinguishes him/her ( shy, trustworthy, etc.). Whichever the case, whatever you feel that person is symbolizing, the dream is usually about you. In other words, if you see someone who you think is highly intelligent, the symbol will be about your own intelligence. It is also important to notice the gender of the dream person. A male will represent masculine energy; rationality, creative boldness, enterprise, courage. A female or feminine energy stands for feelings, intuition, relatedness, sensitivity and the like. Sometimes the dream will actually be about the relationship with the other person, but it is safer and more objective to see them as a representation of yourself first. Take responsibility for what you project on a dream person and learn from what they are teaching you about yourself.

Symbol : One / Meaning

One symbolizes unity, loneliness, sometimes God or a god.

Symbol : Two / Meaning

The number two suggests the need to select between two things, paths, decisions, etc.

Symbol : Stairs / Meaning

Stairs or anything that permits you to move up and down like elevators, ladders, hills, ramps, etc. suggest either progress or regression. The act of going up means an advance in some aspect of life or in some situation or the gaining of a goal. While going down represents the contrary a regression or depression in life. If your dream begins in a low level and ends up in a higher level this will mean you are on the right track. If the opposite is true then the problem hasn't been solved and may be getting worse.

Symbol : Emotions / Meaning

Feelings and emotions in dreams are a reflection of these same feelings in your waking life. In order to identify what causes a feeling or emotion in your waking life you must associate the symbol that causes that particular feeling or emotion in your dream with a particular situation in your waking life. For instance, if you fear a beast in your dream and you associate that beast with your own rage, it probably means that you are afraid of your own rage or of your reactions when you are enraged.

Symbol : Jump / Meaning

Were you jumping over something? If so did you make it or did you fall? What obstacle were you jumping and what does that represent in your waking life?

Symbol : White / Meaning

White symbolizes the purest form of spirituality. A symbol of hope and innocence. It may be inviting you to shed light on something. It could also be commenting on someone dressed in white in your dream.

Symbol : Colors / Meaning

Colors almost always appear in abundance in dreams and they shouldn't be taken into account unless they have an important role in the dream or they stand out in some way. Reflect on the way that you use a certain color in your everyday life and consider how much it influences you. Do you normally say things like black mood, green with envy, feeling blue, yellow-bellied, etc. Or maybe you have a special personal meaning for a color.

Symbol : Children / Meaning

Children symbolize a new life. When a child appears in a dream the dreamer is starting a new stage in his/her life.

Symbol : Presence / Meaning

Everyone has experienced the fear of being chased by something unknown in their dreams. This threatening presence is what Jung called the Shadow. And it represents some aspect of our own psyche that we have not been willing to face. Once you have faced this threat a great potential for growth will be unleashed.

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

========================================== ==========================================

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Sharks - in a symbol rich dream under STAGES OF LIFE: DEATH, Lions, Cats, ... ]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

* Dream: "PAPER ROLL" by Ruben Fjordmann (970805) *

Note to bobK : Ruben Fjordmann is a pen name

On my PCscreen (or is it on a TV?) I can see a huge paper-roll, like the paper used for printing newspaper (an enormous big roll!). On this roll a hand is writing something with relaxed and determined handwriting, two lines with a signature under - the lines placed neatly and self-confidently on the bias. I am shouting to the hand to write it correctly (sorry can't remember the words). I am presented the lines and can control that all is perfect. Leaning back, satisfied, like an old man on his pillows

* Commentary on "Paper Roll Dream" by DreamBat (970805) =

thanks for the paper roll dream, I sent that in to the community for comment. When I asked myself, "if this were my dream..." the following occurred to me....

In my dream...the first metaphor that occurred to me was that this was like a modern day "writing on the wall". In the biblical sense, the metaphor would mean that the course of events would be clear to the person who could read it. In my day and age, I try to gleam this from the screen. Further, I watch the news and other things as they roll off or down the screen, and like in the dream, my concern is around things that can be rolled off, like news and capital. Within this concern I see the guy who enscripts the roll and I notice his bias. It is interesting that bias is both writing askew and also pre-logical opinions. In a sense bias is not just prejudice, but also intuition - just depends on the outcome. Again, writing on the wall is a form of intuition as well. I seem to be this scripters manager and notice the bias and correct it. Much like my relationship with computer programming and life habits. I set them up, but then have to watch and correct them as they have no self-correcting internal system control. I wonder how much control I really need over these automatons. In the dream, I feel satisfied by the correction to the roll in the surface through which I see things.


* Dream: Visit from Bill Gates by DreamBat (970813) *

I've just come home and Bill Gates is visiting. I'm feeling off-balance, somewhere between feeling blessed and cursed. Kind of like a celebrity is here, but kind of like one of the vp's or directors where I work is in my home. Bill has brought a whole group of gradeschool girls who are staying in my mom's room. Bill is going to sleep in my room. (cute sandy hair, nice little ...but I don't think so.) My mom tells me she got his autograph on a poster that is now over my bed. Its from some old project of his, Win 95 or the Road Ahead. I go into my mom's room an see the girls in sleeping bags on the floor. Bill comes in and watches me, as if he is the caretaker for them. I'm about to chat with Bill when an old friend rushes in and wants me to come down to the projects room and teach the girls (now up an at the projects room) how to group-lift*1. I go to teach them but while I'm explaining what to do, a woman complains about her car. We see that the hoses inside are cut or broken. Other distractions occur, I wake up.

1. group-lift: Hey, did you ever do this? four people lift one person then put hands above their head and lift again - amazing difference, great party trick.

* Dream: "Dream Waiting" by Nutcracker (950621) *

Since becoming an AOL member, I seem to have 'dream waiting'. Just click on a chat room and there's another dream waiting for me. (6/21/95)

*Dream: "Fancy Meeting You Here" by Nutcracker (950721) *

I had gone to the AOL (America On Line) Writers Club office and was waiting in line to speak to someone. The place was packed with people. I was looking over a list of the months writing courses being offered when a girl walked past me. I looked up for a moment. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. Then she walked by the other way and I glanced at her again. "Kay, is that you?" I asked. "N?" she replied. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. She told me that she worked here in exchange for a place to live. She's the daughter of my mom's best friend (and my godmother).. I then asked her about her brother, who I graduated from high school with. She said he was at the 'Rochedelio', a very 'uptown' hotel. Well, I thought, he must be doing ok for himself then. I didn't get the chance to ask her about her older sister, Connie, though. (7/21/95)

*Dream: "Internet Form" by Nutcracker (952711) *

I had gone with a girlfriend and her boyfriend to a nearby town for a festival they were having. We went into a bar and stayed there for quite a while. We (I) must have been entertaining as two of the waiters gave us free drinks. Looking for some money to tip them, I dumped both our purses on the table and scoured it for change. What's this notebook? Is this mine? It didn't look familiar, but it was mine. And this? It was a single page from a notebook, but not mine. I tried to get a better look at it (in the dim light). It was a pre-printed form and looked much like the one I had made up to keep track of my time spent on AOL. There was a box for time signed on/off, a box to check for using a flash session only, one to check if you were on the Internet, in a chat room, etc,. "Where did you get this?" I asked my girlfriend. "At the store." "This is exactly what I've been looking for." Some other guys then joined us and we flirted shamelessly with them. Then someone asked my girlfriend if she would babysit for them. She said yes, which meant we had to leave. While she took the baby from whomever, her boyfriend and I walked back to get the car which was parked quite far away. I didn't want him to have to go by himself. I told him that I was sorry we had to leave and that if I liked kids (or they liked me) I'd gladly babysit so he and my friend could stay and enjoy the rest of the evening together. I would have stayed there by myself, but I needed them to drive me to my car which was in the next town. (11/27/95)

* Dream: "Free Time" by Nutcracker (951227) *

All of my AOL credit minutes and free minutes were stored on the roof of my house. Credit minutes on the left, free minutes on the right. (12/27/95)

* Dream: "Computers: The Death Of Us All" by Nutcracker(960112) *

I had tried to put a disk into the A drive of my computer, but there was already one in it. I removed it and the entire disk drive popped out with it, literally falling apart in my hands. I shoved it back in and inserted another disk. Then I discovered I had put in the wrong disk and pushed the button to remove it, but now it wouldn't come out. It was stuck. (1/12/96) #032

* Dream: "The Internet Lottery" by Nutcracker (960116)*

I had gone into a store to play the lottery. As I was filling out my card, some guy asked me for my Internet address (to fill in on his card). I looked at his card and said, "Put an .ix here. Now put netcom.com over here. Before I knew it, I was filling the whole thing out for him. As I was doing that, he walked out of the store, leaving his $60 ticket behind. Meanwhile, I couldn't believe that I had left my purse lying on the table behind me, unattended. Luckily it was still there and intact. (1/16/96) #041

*Dream: "My Turn To Teach Mom" by Nutcracker (960119) *

We were in the kitchen making dinner. My mom was saying that she wanted to see how the mail works. She wants to see how the mail works? What is she talking about? Then B. tells me she means e-mail. I go and turn on the computer and decide to call my friend Nancy and have her forward some mail to me so my mom can get an idea as to how it works. There's an open program on the computer screen. It's a kid's program. What is it doing here and where did it come from? It's like a cartoon (in slow motion). There are kids in a room sitting at a table playing. Every item in the room is marked with the name of the item (i.e. dress, table, chair, shoe, pencil, etc.). I guess this program is designed to teach kids how to read. Every time I go to close the window/program, one of the kids steps in front of the word CLOSE, making it impossible for me to close the application. Annoyed, I yell (at the screen), "Damned kid, get out of my way." (1/19/96) #047

*Dream: "Attack of The Killer E-Mail" by Nutcracker (960127) *

I had forwarded some e-mail only to have it came back and attack me (jump off the screen like electricity). I was with three other people and we tried to hide from it. We tried to send it again, but it only kept returning to find us. Finally, I told the others to hide and I would try to send it once more (third time's the charm, right?). I worked furiously as I only had a slim window of opportunity in which to get it through. (1/27/96) #066

* Dream: "Computer Frustration" by Nutcracker (960605) *

I was having trouble getting a software program to run .cgi and .ini files, but I eventually figured it out. Later, I drove home to my in-laws, my sister was in the car with me. It was winter (no snow) and the ground was frozen. I drove on the grass to park, getting as close to the house as I could. As we walked into the house I said, "If anyone deserves a drink (after a day like this), it's me." (6/5/96) #358

* Dream: "The Frog Page" by Nutcracker (960614) *

I had finally figured out the inner workings of HTML and had my web page scrolling effortlessly on the screen. But also on the page in one corner of my form was the Budweiser beer frog. Every time the page would scroll up, he'd say, "Bud." (6/14/96) #381

* Dream: "Just Like Magic" by Nutcracker (960629) *

I'm reading the newspaper. You can read the HTML (highlighted orange) links by pressing your finger directly on the text and the linking pages appear automatically at the top of the paper. (6/29/96) #401

* Dream: "No More Reading PC Mag Before Bedtime" by Nutcracker (960916) *

(all night long...or so it seemed): People in my dream were testing NT 4.0 and OS/2. Every time I'd toss and turn, they'd be testing different factors between the two systems. (9/16/96) #590

* Dream: "Anonymity" by Nutcracker (960916) *

I was in a restaurant and the walls were decorated with antiques and the like and people were encouraged to paste (staple/pin) their e-mail addresses on the wall as well. Sitting at my table, I looked up and saw the name of a friend I hadn't seen or heard from since moving from TX fifteen years ago. The address read: Headrick@aol.Pittsburgh.com. Now I knew she didn't live in Pittsburgh, but thought it was a good idea to use a 'fake' address to keep people from finding you and I thought of doing likewise myself. (9/16/96) #592

* Dream: "Only In My Dreams - Pt 1" by Nutcracker (961023) *

Down the street from my house they're building a new two story home on the corner. The owner/buyer is an Internet service provider and will be selling unlimited Internet access for $5 per month. (10/23/96) #657

*Dream: "Only In My Dreams - Pt 2" by Nutcracker (961113) *

I dreamt I was writing down my dreams on the computer as I slept and that I would find them saved to file when I woke up the next morning. The TO subject was: Pork Loin (the ISP) and the SUBJECT was: Chocolate Shake (file text). (11/13/96) #704

*Dream: "Movie Listings" by Nutcracker (961122) *

I was meeting my friend Nancy downtown to see a movie. I was waiting for her on a street corner when she came up to me. "Let me see the movie listing from the paper," I said to her. She took it from her purse and handed it to me. I perused the list for movie times. What? I can't believe it! The theater we plan on attending has twenty-four different movies playing and the one we want to see isn't listed. I'm appalled. "Let's check the AMC right here," I say to her. We were standing right in front of a theater other than the one we had planned on attending. I went up to the window to read the marquee. The movie we wanted to see was 'M(something?) Place'. I can't believe they're not showing it here either. I tell Nancy we'll go back to my house and get on the computer and search the Internet for movie listings. We crossed the street on the way to our cars and as we did so, I noticed for the second time that day, a small handful of marbles lying on the road. These were in shades of blue and white and formed a tear drop shape. Earlier, before Nancy arrived, I saw another such display, but the marbles were a darker iridescent blue/green and together, they all formed a circle. (11/22/96) #726

*Dream: "Mis-Filed" by Nutcracker (961212) *

All night long while I slept, I kept calling up computer files in my head, each with a file name and month (Scavenger/January, etc.). I had all of these saved to file, yet when I opened them, there was nothing in them worth saving. (12/12/96) #769

* Dream: "Download Failure - Part 1" by Nutcracker (961230) *

All night long as I dreamt, the ceiling fan squeaked, leading me to believe that whatever files I was downloading couldn't be downloaded unless some other person's fan in an alternate universe was making the same noise. All this amidst my neighbor's swimming pool being dug (literally). Later I was with Clint Buchanan (Clint Richie/OLTL) and we had gone to some guy's office. We suspect the guy was corrupt. His desk was like an oven. There was foil on the bottom to catch spills. The foil was greasy and I removed it. Beneath the foil was some charred debris. I wiped that off with a damp sponge. Now it was clean except for a few crumbs in the right hand corner. I scooped this up with a paper towel. I missed some crumbs and grabbed another paper towel, but now the crumbs are various sizes of baby armadillos. I yell for Bo Buchanan (Robert Woods/OLTL) to take them outside and set them free. (12/30/96) #798

*Dream: "TMI: Too Much Information" by Nutcracker (961231) *

On the task bar of my computer it showed three MP-3 (sound) players that were open simultaneously. I had downloaded them from the Internet, but I couldn't get any of them to play. (12/31/96)

*Dream: "Computer del Sol" by Nutcracker (970111) *

I'm on a beach in Spain with my sister and some others. There's a laptop computer with a chart on the screen with a schedule of things for my sister to do. I'm filling in the days of the week for her schedule (mon, wed, fri, etc). I'm able to move things around and delete spaces by simply touching a metal rod (needle like apparatus) to the screen. There's some kind of water competition taking place at the beach today. I suggest we move down the beach a bit as we're a little too close to the action. But no one moves, choosing to ignore me. My sister is looking at the bottom of her foot. She's somehow gotten a small shell stuck in it. I stare out to sea. It's calm and off in the distance is a red brick monument. Someone makes a comment about watching out for sailing vessels. (1/11/97) #022

* Dream: "Sam's Discount City" by Nutcracker (97970124) *

B. and I had gone to Sam's to do some shopping. We have a dolly full of stuff (computer equipment). A carryout guy takes the cart out while B. goes to get the car and drive it up to the front of the store. I stand inside the door and wait. A half hour goes by and still no B.. It's beginning to look like rain. I go outside to check on our stuff. The checkout guy (from my local Albertson's) has our cart parked under the awning so it won't get wet. B. doesn't show up and the carryout guy drives me and my purchases home. Now we're in the computer room. I hook up the printer to make sure it works. It does, even though I haven't installed the print drivers. I ask the carryout guy if he wants something to eat or drink. He asks for some bottled water and then changes his mind, saying he has his Gatorade with him. I realize I don't have any pants on, just a shirt and underwear. There's a towel on the floor. I grab it and put it over my lap. I then try to exit the room gracefully. I run down the hall to the bedroom and lock the door behind me. I'm just a little uncomfortable with a stranger in the house. I put on a pair of shorts. I go out onto the patio outside the bedroom and look across the street at Jack and Boots' house. There's a hill behind their house and an empty lot to the left of their house. There's a car parked in the empty lot with its lights on. My other neighbor, Harry, comes over and asks why my front lawn is eroding away. I tell him because of the moles. He says that B. will have to take care of it the next time he's home. I laugh and say that'll never happen. He says he'll do it for me then. (1/24/97) #055

* Dream: "Download Failure - Part 2" by Nutcracker (970202) *

I was downloading something from the web for a friend, and when I sent it to her I wanted her to be able to open it instantly. Instead, she ended up with five different variations, only one of which would give her the info I wanted her to have. (2/2/97) # 072

* Dream: "Border Patrol" by Nutcracker (970213) *

I was crossing the border into Canada. As I waited in line to talk to the border guard, I began to panic. I had my computer with me and all of the icons, bars, buttons, etc. that I had downloaded were still on the monitor; they hadn't been saved to the hard drive and I was afraid they would be confiscated. (2/13/97) #097

* Dream: "Eerie Specter" by Nutcracker (970213) *

I had bought a scanner, but hadn't hooked it up yet. I took it out of the box and set it on the desk. Then, without electricity or the circuit board being put in the CPU, it automatically began scanning, over and over and over again. (2/13/97) #098

* Dream: "My New Office" by Nutcracker (960322) *

My friend Nancy had come over. Where I lived wasn't really a house, but an abandoned warehouse with several office type cubicles still in tact. I was in one room that was in the center of the building. I had my office set up in here and there were three cubicle areas off to the side of the room. I had just gotten a new computer, printers, scanner, tape backup drive...the works. My desk was uncluttered save for a few notes I had made to myself. Nancy began clearing them off of my desk. I wondered why she was doing so, as her desk at home was so buried under papers you couldn't even find it . She was also rearranging the equipment. She came upon a box and began opening it. I went to see what it was. I knew what it was, but couldn't find the right name for it (it was an amplifier, like for guitars). I said, "Oh, that's that woofer/tweeter thingy, right?" I vaguely recall her husband being there too. It's early in the morning, 5:30, and she's all dressed up in a beige linen suit (jacket and pleated skirt). I knew she didn't go to church and asked her why she was dressed up. She said she had a breakfast and a luncheon meeting to go to. I stopped for a minute to look out the window. I was trying to catch a glimpse of the Hale-Bop comet. The windows had mini-blinds on them. I pushed the blinds aside with my hands and looked up toward the sky. Darn, the tree across the street was blocking my view. I could partially see through the tree as the leaves hadn't fully developed yet. But, then there was a large amount of cloud cover as well. I saw one small lighted area peek through the clouds. I figured that it was probably the comet shining through. (3/22/96) #182

* Dream: "Newsgroup Friends" by Nutcracker (970331) *

Nancy and I met with two of her Internet newsgroup women friends. We were in the car talking. I knew one of the women only by her screen name. I had brought each of them a small gift. The one I knew by screen name only, opened hers and then tossed it on the floor of the car. At first I thought, "How rude," but later decided that she might not care for material possessions. Later on we were standing outside some apartments. On the ground I saw some colored shells (like mini conch shells). They were in colors of deep red and deep rose. They had black dots (like ladybugs) and were edged in beige. They were polished to a high gloss finish. I thought they belonged to the woman I only knew by her screen name. I handed them to her and then noticed a small garden of them nearby. These shells were in a small plot of dirt, dangling from narrow sticks (like sticks of incense). Some of the shells had fallen and these were the ones I had picked up. I wondered why, if she knew they weren't hers, why didn't she just say so? (3/31/97) #204

* Dream: "Hard Drive" by Nutcracker (970403) *

I had saved a file of dreams (in my mind while I slept) called DDS and would keep opening and reopening them all night long to add to or re-read my dreams. The hard drive was my brain. (4/3/97) #215

* Dream: "R.I.P." by Nutcracker (970415) *

I got into my (red) Datsun and drove to a nearby town to see a movie. Not just any movie, a porno movie. I found myself a seat and sat down. The place was virtually empty. The movie began. Some guy came and sat two seats away from me. Then shortly after another guy came and sat on the other side of me. Uncomfortable, I got up and moved. It's getting more and more crowded by the minute. Now I can't see the screen because the guy in front of me's head is in the way. I try to peek around either side of it, but it's hopeless. About ten rows in front of me, there are two women playing cards (at a table). They're talking loudly, disrupting our viewing. Everyone yells at them to shut up. After the movie I meet two men (George Segal and the guy who plays Remo on 'Caroline in the City'). We go somewhere for a drink. We spend a good part of the afternoon just chatting away. I think Remo has a crush on me. I tell them that I must leave, but I don't want them to see where I parked my car because I feel Remo might write down my license plate number and that he probably knows someone at the DMV who would give him my name and address and then he'd know where I lived. I get to my car, only now it's a red sled (yeah, just like Rosebud/Citizen Kane). I arrive home only to find my mom crying (not my real mom). She's sobbing and sobbing. She sees me and tells me I'm dead. I tell her, "No I'm not! I'm right here." She tells me I drove head on into Remo's car and was killed. Now I'm outside. It's as though our house is on a mountain top. The grass is green and the sun is shining. I'm sitting my physical self, or an empty shell of myself, on the mountain top. I appear juxtaposed with a computer CPU and monitor (the monitor is sitting atop the CPU). Myself, as the computer, is covered in grime (from the accident). I get some window cleaner and spray it, trying to wipe the dirt from it. Back in my room, my soul is getting ready for my funeral. I'm wearing a white slip, doing my hair and putting on makeup. I removed some rollers from my hair. It fell in big fat curls across my forehead. My hair is thick and shiny. I then dotted some foundation around my eyes and let it set for a moment, so it'll be less fluid. Then after a few minutes I blend it over my entire face. My skin tone is even in color, my complexion flawless except for a few flakes of skin which I brush away. My skin feels like wax. I accidentally brush my right cheek with my hand and I find a deep gouge there. Must be from the accident. I take a tweezers and begin removing the dead skin that has collected in the scar. Then I reapply my makeup, covering it up until it's flawless once again. In a certain light I can see an abrasion on my face, like a scrape. I hope no one else will be able to see it. I want them to love me, dead or alive. (4/15/97) #231

* Dream: "E-Mail Barrage" by Nutcracker ((70503) *

I had gotten home from a trip and had to remind myself to turn on the computer and check my e-mail, which was not something I was looking forward to doing because when I'm gone for 1-2 weeks, I always have 600+ messages waiting and my ISP usually crashes. (5/3/97) #280

* Dream: "Net Talk Live" by Nutcracker (970522) *

I'm in a large room (hall) with other people. It seems like a setting for some type of MTV singles show. There are four couches, two on one side and two on the other side, facing each other. I'm sitting on one couch with an old woman. On the couch to our right is Jovan (the host of Nettalk Live), only he looks more like the comic, CarrotTop. I think there are people on the couches opposite us too. A group of people come in (men and women, but mostly men). They're wearing t-shirts and BVD's. For this show, everyone has to dress in bedtime attire. The old woman next to me is wearing street clothes though. (5/22/97) #321

* Dream: "The Company We Keep" by Nutcracker (970604) *

I was home alone and just a little uneasy about that fact. For company, I turned on the computer. Wow. The modem logged onto the Internet at 150,000 kbs. Then it dawned on me in order to feel more secure, I should bring the computer into the bedroom with me and lock the door. I signed off and carried the computer into the other room, where I logged on once again. (6/4/97) #339

* Dream: "Graffiti Artist" by Nutcracker (970518) *

I was at school, in the auditorium. It was empty. I walked about halfway down the aisle and went down one of the rows and sat next to the wall. Evenly spaced throughout the hall were ten different areas with pictures or graffiti. I thought that we must be expected to 'add' to the art as it were and proceeded to carve into the wall the initials HTML. The markings were only as wide as the head of a pin and very faint. Suddenly from behind me a woman said, "Give me your scalpel or your knife." I was sitting on it and wondered if I could slip it into my shoe unnoticed. Instead I held it up for her to take away from me, but she didn't. She then took an eraser and erased the writings on the wall next to me. It was a blackboard, not graffiti and I had defaced it by carving on it. Then she went from picture to picture, erasing them all. There was one picture up on the stage, on an easel. The woman had to lean out, over the orchestra pit to reach it fully. She was wearing a black and white print dress. Now the woman is a man and we're walking up the aisle together toward the outer doors. I tell him again how sorry I am and that I'll pay for any damages. He tells me to see H. Reno about that. I go out through the doors and just stand there in the hallway, unable to move. My friends pass by and I want to say something to them, but am afraid that I'll only taint them with my shame if they acknowledge me in any way. Gail D. walks past and just stares without saying a word. How do I get myself into these situations? (97/5/18) #310

* Dream: "Web Page Design" by Nutcracker (970711) *

It seems as though I was at a restaurant. In the lobby was an arcade game - the kind where you manipulate the arms to grab a prize below, only on this particular machine I was designing my web page. An old woman came and sat down beside me and asked what I was doing. I explained it to her as I continued to work, only now the arms are manipulating dice and poker chips. Now it's a casino game. The woman and I went outside. She told me about the restaurant and the lady who owned it. She then pointed to a tree stump that looked like a rhino. It looked as though it had been carved up (like meat for a sandwich). She said the woman made her money at the restaurant by selling rhino sandwiches. (7/11/97) #431

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

= Commentary by Richard on Dream Directions (970807) =

90 degrees is a rather sharp turn for those that generally don't know where they are. It implies being able to calculate - figuratively or literally - a shift from *here* to *there*. Being here is rather rare.

Knowing where the dream is, and then being able to move 90 degrees (note this is ~not~ 180 degree, thus avoiding the constellation of opposites and literal compensation - Bravo!) is a great improvisational move.

It is important, however, to distinguish the different levels of value in and of dream. We live in a society that teaches us to move 180 degrees from the dream, to ignore the dream, to dream only in terms of wishing, and to wish only for future benefits for the current cultural dominants.

Isn't it interesting that the dream continues to resist commodification? Of course society tell us to forget the dream, since it can't be bought or sold. Hell, its hard to even get someone to listen to a dream that is not their own. What cannot be replicated in our society (a later form of production, but the way) is considered unreal and cannot partake in the economy. It may be mother's voice that tells the child that "its just a dream", but its a much larger code from which she speaks.

I'd be happy to see people be able to turn 5 degrees from their dreams, let alone 90, which to me implies a great more of ~being here~ to accomplish.

Yes, the path of the east has always been to turn ones head from ~maya~ and in doing so, the Emperor remains forever in dominance over this passing but essential moment. Oh, shucks, another buddha left dead on the road. :(~


* Dream: "LONG ISLAND SOUND" by Heratheta (970808) *

had a dream I could see long island sound and something was missing that caused me to have to make other arrangements. so upon waking I tried to be home today for communication and spent the day finishing projects I had taken some time away from. long island sound is east of my dreamsite so I directed my attentions to the north first and the south as backup. even sat in chairs or took a nap with myself facing north or south and with the nap my head directed to the north. the gardens to the south so their was plenty of elbow room. pauls dream was interesting in that he made efforts in his dream to avoid head on interaction with the dream figures. was he left handed? paul if you read this let me know if possible. the gestalt thing i've been through and the becoming one thing I got a scar on my face in a dream one from that sort of suicidal advice. paul's thing though I did once and upon side stepping the interaction I woke up and saw the dream figure that went by in the house as a ghost figure. I kept my cool and I kept the ghost in the corner of my eye. we moved about like the bull I was talking to RCW about and then it passed out through a wall.

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

* Dream: "Time Traveler" by Nutcracker (970517) *

For all the dreams I had that I couldn't recall and had escaped me, I had to try to retrieve them before my twin (alter ego) could get to them and change their outcome. (97/5/17) #307 Dreams

* Dream: "Dream Meeting" by M (970707) *

Hello dreamers

On June 1 I had attended a wonderful weekend of dance and ritual and meditation and reflection. It was not a weekend about dreams, yet we were encouraged to write down our dreams.

On June 16 I had my monthly meeting with my regular dream group. Just prior to that I had a dream. I don't know whether the dream was given for the dream group or for myself. The woman in the dream whom I will call Marta is the only one who had been attending the wonderful June 1 weekend with me.

June 14, 1997

En does not feel like driving T. to the dream group meeting. He says to me,"It is only that I don't want to feel that I "should" do this.

I am contemplating asking the others if I can bring a prayerful elderly aunt to join our group, but then I decide not to.

Marta arrives and she introduces us to four high school boys who will now join our group. Three more boys arrive while we are dancing in a circle together with the teachers and One of the young men stands close to Marta and holds her hand tightly while we dance. I recognize the young man from our weekend As the day progresses, we break for lunch. Marta disappears with this young man and I suspect they are making love on the grounds.

I consult with T. about this incident. Should we bring to Marta's attention that she should have asked us if it was okay to bring these young men into the group. While I am speaking with T about Karen, our local M.P. and how Karen combines creativity with organizational skills. Marta comes back in and we decide not to put it off any longer, but to confront Marta. I stand back behind a screen while T. takes Marta aside, and I can hear

Marta mumbling excuses and covering up and T. says angrily, "you are too evasive, I take this to mean yes, you did bring this young man here on purpose and over lunch you disappeared and had sex with him." Marta says pleadingly, "don't you know what temptation is?" That when I step out and say firmly, "First you ask four boys from the local high school to join us, just so you would be able to sneak in your lover without arousing suspicion, but I am on to you. Get out!"

Now T. and I must explain to the students that we had some internal problem in our dream group, so the program cannot go on as planned. We had done some dream sharing before. One boy had told me his dream. He dreamed that he saw so many stars at the heavens that it paralyzed him; to which I offered the suggestion that he was paralyzed by too many choices.

So I suggest that we go outside and we greet the four directions, East, South, West, North. It is very cloudy on the grounds and I can barely see which direction is which. As I go through the movements of the greeting and I bring down the energy into the earth, my hands get covered in mud. I have to struggle to keep my balance and not to wipe out.. Everyone, including T.

begin to leave as they are not interested in this exercise.

So far the dream (...lost in space...)

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

*Dream: "Beanie Babies" by Nutcracker (970510) *

Nancy, Sue and I were in London. There were two restaurants across the street from us. One was a McDonald's. An old lady mentioned to us that they still had Beanie Baby toys in their Happy Meals. I thought I'd eat there as long as that was the case. Surely someone back home was missing something from that category. We crossed the street and went inside. Our cashier was Winona Ryder. She remembered us from having been in another time, but couldn't remember Nancy's name. I mouth the word 'NANCY' behind Nancy's back to her. Winona says, "I remember you (meaning me), Steve and Bob (my brothers)." I said, "You mean Steve and Audrey (my brother and his wife who had been with me at the time)." I look at the Happy Meal toys they're giving out. It isn't a Beanie Baby. It's Mickey Mouse in the shape of Mr. Peanut with the same type dimpled body. He's dressed in bright colors (aqua, pink, white). Since they don't have the Beanie Baby toys I no longer want to eat here, but Nancy goes ahead and orders a hamburger and milk anyway. Now I'm destined to eat here or not at all. (97/5/10) #292 N.E.S./Foreign

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

*Dream: "Evil Helen" by Nutcracker (970513) *

I had gone into an office supply store. It was very small and there weren't many items to choose from, just enough to fill a single glass counter. . Helen Hunt (Mad About You) was the clerk. I didn't find what I was looking for and went home (a 2-story house). Once home, I just had this feeling that I should check to make sure all the doors were locked. I went through the house, checking one after the other. I got to the kitchen door and opened it to see if the screen door was locked as well. There stood Helen with a shotgun. I slammed the door shut and locked it. There were others in the house with me. Paul (Doug Davidson/Y&R), an older man (grand fatherly type), my two nieces and some others. I told Paul to get back, that she might shoot through the door. Next I gathered everyone and told them to go upstairs and hide. I was already upstairs when one by one, Paul and the others filed into the room I was in, followed by Helen and her gun. I was dialing 911 when they all came in. The phone was dead. How did she get in I wondered? She ordered us to sit down. I sat on a bench next to Paul. I had a Bic pen in my hand. He also had something that could be used as a weapon in his hands. "Should I stab her?" I asked. He shook his head no. She then told us what she was going to do with us all. She was going to kill my nieces and some of the others. The rest of us she would put in jail cells. For how long, I don't know. I looked at my nieces. They looked so cute. Alyse's hair was curly, like Shirley Temple's and she had on a red and white polka dot dress. I think they were oblivious to what was happening, which was just as well. Next, Helen handcuffs us all. After she does the kids, I whisper to them to try to get up to the attic and try to escape. Now Helen has put the kids in one jail cell and the adults who will die in another. She has the bars to the cells covered with brown kraft paper with an opening to insert a hose. She's going to gas them to death like the Nazis did the Jews. Alyse sticks her hands out through the opening. I think, please sit down and be still. Then Helen puts the rest of us who are to live, in yet another cell. I'm now in the cell. Helen is inside too only now she's a one-year-old baby. I don't know what gender. I grab the evil baby and begin choking it. The baby has pale skin, no hair and is dressed in a yellow outfit. Am I hallucinating? I'm holding the baby by the shoulders with my thumbs dug into its throat. I'm dizzy with rage. I can't focus my eyes, but I think the baby has only one arm, the right one. I continue choking it. I don't want to, but it's the only way to get rid of the evil and save the others. (97/5/13) #297 Celebs/F&F

* Dream: "Gargoyles" by Nutcracker (970504) *

I'm in a car with Jax (Ingo Rademacher/GH) and Brenda (Vanessa Marcil/GH). They're a couple, but recently separated. Jax stops at the beach and gets out of the car. Brenda follows. I wait in the car. Brenda gets into another car (although at this point I feel it's still the car I'm in, it just happens to be further down the street). Jax comes back and we drive somewhere. We stop and now we're walking outside. There are walls on either side of us, which form a fence. On the wall to my right is a small gargoyle, something I've become fascinated with of late. The sun is shining brightly; it's a warm spring day. The flowers are in bloom. I'm curious as to what's on the other side of this wall. Then Jax points out on the wall to my left, a fountain with three gargoyles, saying that this was built in 1792. As we walk along, the walls get shorter and I can now see what had piqued my curiosity. On the other side of the wall to my right was a swimming pool. It was decorated with dozens upon dozens of gargoyles. It was the most tasteless thing I'd ever seen. What could they have been thinking? We now enter a building. In my hand I've got a box with a gargoyle mug inside. Why didn't I leave this in the car I wonder? While I'm concerned as to why I'm carrying this stupid mug around, we've entered a room not unlike the cave in Indiana Jones. I'm not paying attention at all, while Jax is all too prepared to play games (with me). The floor is made up of large square stone blocks which you must step on in a specific sequence. Jax has done this, whereas I just walk in a straight line to the next doorway. Before I realize what's happening, walls come crashing down and things pop up out of the floor. I run to the opposite doorway and just make it through in time. This doesn't scare me though. Jax has brought me to the Egyptian museum. The entrance is set up to 'get your attention'. Jax stops at the information desk. He had handed me something earlier, which I now seem to have lost. I set down the bo x with the mug. I don't have my purse with me, so where can it be? Jax sees me looking for it and hands it to me. It was a postcard of a gargoyle. I slip it into the box so I won't lose it again. We go into the next room, which is the royal bedroom. There is a king-size bed and in the far corner, a day bed with some guy sleeping in it. He's wearing a stone mask of a lion; not very elaborate, but rather primitive. It looks to be made of terra cotta. The guy wakes up and comes after us. Jax is on the other side of the room. I have to jump across the bed to get over there. Jax is running down a short hallway, just ahead of me. There are three doors, all closed. Jax runs into the one to our left. He locks the door. "Jax, let me in," I yell pounding on the door. I then run to the door straight in front of me. It's a bathroom. Everything in these royal chambers is done in red and gold. I don't get the door shut in time to lock it and the guy has stuck his hand inside so I can't close it. Now the 'king' is no longer wearing the lion mask. He's an overweight, middle aged man. He's trying to push his way into the room, but I'm doing all I can to hold him back. I try to scratch him and bite him, but to no avail. I almost get the door shut completely. There's a gold lock on the door (level with my face). The lock pops open to reveal yet another lock and a small gold key inside it. I look behind me for something to hit or stab him with. I know we're in a museum and this is all play-acting, or I s it? Or have we stepped back in time? (97/5/4) #283 Celebs/Three

* Dream: "On The Run" by Nutcracker (970508) *

I'm in the jungle with Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary/GH). We've just escaped from someone. We stop and sit for a moment deciding which way to go next when directly in front of us, about twenty-five feet away, a pride of lions goes walking past us in single file, most are carrying a dead animal in their mouths. I think this is a good sign because if they've already killed their food, they'll leave us alone (hopefully). We're lost and don't know which way to go next. Luke has now become my brother Bob. W e discuss how he quit smoking cold turkey. (97/5/8) #288 Celebs/F&F

FEAR [What scares us]


FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

* Dream: "The Shaman" by Nutcracker (970502) *

Three former friends and neighbors (Barb, Gina and Jane), all of whom I went to school with, come to see me, one by one .They are all sick, supposedly with some form of cancer. For some unknown reason, they think that I can cure them. Barb comes to see me first. She just wants me to talk to her. I tell her to think positive thoughts. I hold her hand and rub her arm. I try to explain to her that I'm not a doctor, but she insists I help her anyway. (97/5/2) #273 Mystical/F&F

* Dream: "The Forbidden Room" by Nutcracker (970525) *

There were four of us, all female. We were in a hospital, as patients, I think. We wandered off and ended up in a room we shouldn't have been in. The room had been sealed off. We all huddled together on a couch. The couch had white sheets over it. Amid the sheets were various items. The female next to me (on my left) uncovered a small aluminum canister. It looked to be smeared with dried blood. It was disgusting. In the couch I found a book and opened it. The page it fell open to had a picture of a man, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. He was a stocky man. His attire and hair style reminiscent of the 1890's. His eyes were very large and almond shaped and light colored (perhaps blue) as best I could tell from the photo. The picture was a pen and ink drawing. Now the female to my left has found a brown glass vial. There is still some sort of liquid in it. She pulls out the eyedropper and removes it (only now it's more like a straw). Before we can tell her not to, she blows into the straw, splattering the liquid on herself. The liquid is some form of acid and starts to burn her skin. We all jump up off the couch. She tries to wipe the acid off of her with her hands. (97/5/25) #332 Misc

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

* Dream: "A New Den" by DreamBat (970822) *

Note: yesterday was my birthday, and I was so irritated that morning that my dream slipped away. I expect my birthday dreams like a child expects presents. Anyway, this morning I had a particularly vivid dream which I am ~taking~ as my birthday dream .....

I find a house that my wife, P and I want to move into. Somehow I have in an earlier dream and now am dropping by to check it out before we move in. There are many odd turns and paths I have to take to get there, all kind of memories from a previous dream. I recall now only a few parts of the long path. One went through a tunnel like going into a stadium. One went over a highway. One went down a stairwell so tight that I had to twist and turn to get here. I really got frustrated the second time through and pulled out of the twisty tight stairwell. "I'll never get P to come to this house if we have to go through *this* every time!" Also, the thought of getting groceries though each week made me despair. There was some sense of claustrophobia as well and I felt really good about *not* going through the stairwell, regardless of the loss.

Soon, I realize there is another way to drive a car around all of this to get there. Still, the house is quite remote, though I would characterize the neighborhood as upper middle class American. Houses had huge lots, fields an acre or two in size.

I'm in the house, its still furnished and what is really odd to me in the dream is that the previous owners have left their pets. As I go around the modest but spacious house, I think the cats will have to go (allergies of mine) but maybe the dogs could stay. At one point I look into a room adjacent to the living room and see a Lion on the bed. I think to myself "Now what where they doing with a wild animal like this and how the hell can I live with that in the house?" I wonder about the local animal shelter and how to contact them. All the while I feel a bit edgy and nervous about the lion. One of the dogs, a kind of blonde Gordon Setter, wants to play.

- DreamBat

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream: "The One That Got Away" by Nutcracker (970523) *

I had gone with some guy to a school function, a cheerleading contest I think it was. I had driven, but when we arrived, I gave him my keys to hold. We were in the auditorium and there were hundreds of kids. The cheerleaders (all girls) all wore red outfits. When the competition was over, everyone crowded out of the gym. A few of the cheerleaders were holding long, white formal dresses (prom type dresses) on hangars. There may have been a dance afterwards. I couldn't find the guy I came with, so I ma de my way outside and saw a girl I had been standing next to in the gym and I asked her for a ride. She was happy to oblige even though I didn't know her. We're in a foreign country. I don't know which one. We drive over a quaint little cement bridge and I can see Italy to our left. The buildings are so charming. I wonder how it is that she knows her way around so easily? I don't recall telling her where I want to go, yet she seems to know. As we drive along (whatever country we're in) the architecture of the buildings is just stunning. To my right is a building that seems almost magical. It's a monstrous mansion with a 'Russian' feel to it. It's a sort of modern geodesic design, not unlike the shape of many natural crystals. It's a deep luminescent shade of blue and it has a lot of goldleaf trim. Even though it's now nighttime, the colors are brilliant, as if radiating. We continue driving and come upon yet another geodesic style house. The thing I notice most here are the outdoor lights which light up the many steps to the house. The lights are reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright in design. They are stained glass in an opaque whitish blue. They are small pieces of glass held together with lead. In the center and out from the sides, a bright blue light is pulsating. It intrigues me. We're now looking for Mike R's parent's house (a guy who was a year ahead of me in high school, now married to one of my classmates). My god, I can't believe they live here in this neighborhood. Where'd they g et the money? We stop in front of a seven-story, narrow building. It's pale yellow in color and has lots of windows with white trim. The girl goes inside and comes back with Mike in tow. Mike gets in the drivers seat. He leans toward me as though he's going to kiss me. "Hold it right there," I say to him. I wipe my mouth off with my hand. Then I grab him behind the head and plant a lip lock on him. Yuck. His mouth is all wet. I wipe my mouth off again and he wipes off his. We try it again, it's more romantic this time. He's wearing boxer shorts and a bathrobe. My hand is up one leg of his boxers and grabbing his butt. Via ESP I sense him saying, "you've wanted me ever since high school." (97/5/23) #327 Celebs/F&F

* Dream: "Exposed" by Nutcracker (970514) *

I had gone with a friend to a foreign country to visit a friend of hers who owned a Bed & Breakfast. The woman, in her mid 50's, was very friendly and had short dark curly hair. Her B&B had six or so bedrooms. Each room had five or more double beds in them. Not your conventional B&B where there's one bed to each bedroom. I went from bedroom to bedroom. All of the beds were occupied. Finally in the third or fourth bedroom I found an empty bed. The woman in the bed next to mine appeared to be ill. Th ere was hospital paraphernalia scattered about her bed. I have a hard time getting to sleep normally, especially if there's anyone else in the room, but I figure we'll only be here for one night. I'll try to make the best of it. I managed to fall asleep when suddenly the woman next to me began coughing or screaming through her oxygen mask. She sat upright in bed, as did I. Someone came over to check on her. They said, "She'll be ok. She does this every night." Then the ill woman lay down and went back to sleep. It's now morning and I go with several others to look around. We're still in the B&B, but it's like we're walking through the town. The people I'm with want to shower. The showers are like store front windows; thick, heavy paned glass with silver fixtures. The handles on the doors are about 5 inches long and half an inch wide. Only a very few of the showers are unoccupied. Everywhere you look, naked people. We could never be this casual in the states, I think to myself. I need to shower as well. I see an empty shower and go inside, but I leave my orange T-shirt on. There's a man in the shower next to me. Naked. I try not to look and hope he doesn't glance my way either. The showers have removable showerheads so I can avoid getting my shirt wet. I get out of the shower and have now found a sheet to wrap myself in. It's heavier and thicker than a normal sheet and is white with a brown imprint of nuts in their shells on it. I'm by myself, walking down the street. I turn a corner and start up the next street when I see a large group of men (Muslims) walking towards me in formation (in rows). They take up the entire street and sidewalk. I turn around and head in another direction. I run into my friend and she wants me to go with her and some other men (more Muslims). I tell her I can't and open my sheet to show her what I'm wearing. "I have no pants," I say. She says the sheet is fine enough. We go to a place that is secret or sacred. There are a few small hills and the area is covered with greenery. Woodsy, yet not. There are no tall trees to speak of. (97/5/14) #300 Foreign

* Dream: "Chartres" by Nutcracker (970513) *

I was in Chartres, France riding on an open tram that ran through the center of town. There was a center median filled with statuary and pots of purple and yellow flowers. We were coming up on the cathedral when a couple got on and sat down next to me. I listened as they debated whether or not to stop and see the cathedral when they asked my opinion. The fee was nominal ($5) so I said, "There are far more beautiful churches in Europe, but if you don't see this one now while you're here, you'll regret it (and by seeing it they'd have something to compare other churches to). As we came up in front of the church the sun illuminated it. It was an extremely Gothic structure. The thousands of hand carved stone figures inside and out were overwhelming. (97/5/13) #298 Foreign

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

* Dream: Lucid Dream- by SethW (970813) *

Here's my submission to your LD archive... My first and most intense LD...

Dreamcue: My friend turned into a gargoyle and began chasing me. I realized I was dreaming and immediately flew into the night air. At first I floated slowly across the treetops, my heart still racing from the terror. I was new to this, I wasn't sure how much power I had, and I was constantly looking back to make sure the gargoyle wasn't following me.

I needed to test my power. I landed in a small clearing in the woods. I pointed at a tree and said "die." It immediately withered away into nothingness.

Now I knew I was in control, I shot up up into the air, suddenly my ears were filled with the most incredible music. It sounded like a chorus of angels. It was absolutely divine. The most beautiful music I've ever heard, and it seemed to transform me.

I soared through the night sky. I was intoxicated with the thrill. I could feel the cold air rushing past my body. The land changed from woods into a large clearing where there appeared to be a huge boat, perhaps the size of 9 or 10 city blocks lying on it's side on the ground. Some lights or fires were scattered about around it.

Then I decided I wanted it to be day. I landed on a cliff. I stretched my hand, palm upward, toward the horizon. As I slowly raised it the sun began to rise. At first the sky began to lighten, then I could see the sun. Finally it blossomed into a huge orange sunrise. It was immaculate. I couldn't take my eyes off it, my brain was screaming and then I woke up. My arm was raised towards the ceiling.

penname: sethw

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

* Dream: "WRITHING WOMEN" by TheresaA (970730) *

Dear Bob, I would appreciate any comments on the following dream:

I see some young women sort of huddled together, but each separately writhing in agony because they are being beaten on the head and face by an apparatus which they, themselves, arranged. The faces of the women are not visible because of the writhing motion, and because the women are covering them with their hands and arms. The women are only visible to the waist, and they appear to be unclothed (although it's not possible to say for certain, because of the motion and the covering gestures). It seems that the women may be identical: young and slender, with graceful necks, and long, light-brown hair arranged in an upswept hairdo, with lovely, loose curls on the tops of their heads.

Thank you! Theresa

= Commentary by Bob K. On "WRITHING WOMEN"

Hi Theresa - just wanted to let you know I got your dream. I have sent it to the ed-core for commentary.

I just wanted to reply with a brief comment on this dream which evokes beauty and pain at the same time. If it were my dream - and I was a woman - I would see the dream telling me that I have somehow set up a mechanism to punish parts of myself: my head (with which I think) - and my face (with which I communicate, express myself and am recognized by others) for some faults or perhaps infractions of some code I am supposed to adhere to.

Their hands and arms which are the instruments of action, shield them from worst consequences. The hands are used in defense only against this sexless punisher - an idea, a group, a belief system?

Why are the women there? What three parts of me are involved? Clearly feminine, and it even appears they might be the same part which has somehow multiplied or cloned itself to a three fold growth! The hairdo seems like one which is usual for a more formal indoors affair rather than for a casual outdoor setting.

Can I stop this "senseless" beating? What do I need to do to prevent it from happening again? How can I help these young women? Can I remove them from the possibility of danger by destroying the apparatus or by removing them from proximity or linkage to the apparatus? Can the apparatus be changed into something that will nourish and help the young women in a more positive way rather than in a punishing way? This dream seems to remind me of a beauty parlor where beauty is somehow being punished rather than enhanced! What parts of me need more attention and beauty enhancement?

Thanks for sharing your dream.

Bob K.

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

* Dream: "Custody Fight" by Nutcracker (970527) *

I was at my husband's or soon-to-be ex's house. I'm not sure if he had full custody of our four year old son yet or if that was still for the courts to decide, but he did have temporary custody (due to his power and money). I wasn't allowed to see my son without my ex's lawyer present. The people at the house at this time were my ex, my son, my ex's lawyer, my oldest brother and his wife and myself. My son was up in his room. I ran upstairs (covertly), hoping I could slip away unnoticed. My son wants to live with me, not his father. His room is large and decorated in black and gray faux marble furnishings. Much too contemporary for a child. A child's room should be bright and colorful. I rushed into the room and told him I needed some Kleenex. My feelings at this point were of urgency. He had hidden some food from dinner that he didn't like or didn't want to eat and I hoped to get rid of it before my ex found out about it and threw a hissy fit. Before my son could get me the Kleenex, my ex's lawyer came into the room, my ex right behind him. He began yelling at me, telling me I was breaking all kinds of court rules. I stand on the bed, so I can get in his face and I stare him down. I start yelling back and with each word I jab him in the chest with my finger. He never shuts up while I just keep talking louder and louder over his voice. There's a contest I can enter, which my brother had brought to my attention. He and his wife want me to enter it. It's a contest awarding full custody to the winner. I feel that I can't do that to my son (get his hopes up and then lose). Besides, his father (William Hurt) is rich and powerful. He'd only rig the ballots against me (or for himself). During all the fighting, my son breaks down crying and runs to my sister-in-law for comfort. This tears me apart and I begin crying too. Then sobbing. I ache (hurt) so much emotionally, I feel that I won't be able to stand the pain much longer. (97/5/27) #333 Celebs

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream: "ABOUT TEACHING" by Jeff (970805) *

I'm about to resume my academic career after a year's lay off. I'm going to LSU and taking a grad assistantship at the English Dept.

I dreamed the other day that I was teaching my first class down there, and that things were going well. The classroom was almost roaring with laughter from my jokes. But among the students was a girl I was in love with four years ago and who strung me along until I had to learn from someone else she had gotten suddenly engaged to a hick we went to college with. You can imagine the trauma.

I'm sure the dream points to unresolved issues with this girl, who is now married four years. But what specifics does it give me? I'm a little stumped.

= Commentary on "ABOUT TEACHING" by (970805) =

If this were my dream.....

In my dream there re-emerges an object of my desire. Like a siren, her song pulls and pulls at me. Like a siren, she pulls out of me things I wasn't aware existed. Like Ulysses siren, unless I am bound to the center of my true vehicle and keep my men rowing, I will be pulled so far out that the only end is disaster. Its interesting that she calls me from withing the center of my major discipline. The rock and the hard place here for me is not falling into total student on one hand, not falling into total teacher on the other, but holding the tension of these opposites long enough for something special to happen. Apparently I have done this, and the pre-cursor to something special has emerged. "Hold out!", I tell myself, "The Self is yet to come." Oh, but its so hard, she pulls, and pulls. Perhaps the romantics were right and life only begins after we crash and drown ourselves following that song.


SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

*Dream: "Prison Couture" by Nutcracker (970509) *

In a foreign country, three hostages are being transferred from a prison to another location. Each has a green wool army blanket thrown over them and tied about them. I imagine their greatest fear (what they're thinking) is what happens to them once the vehicle stops and they remove them from it (will they get thrown in prison, killed, tortured?). On the blankets are pink tags, which have a legend as to where each article on the prisoner's person has come from: Blanket by <name>, Handcuffs by <name>,

etc . (97/5/9) #289 Three/M&M

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

* Dream: "HIGHWAY DREAM" by Paul (970808) *

I am driving the car I currently own down a superhighway. As I travel the road is jammed with eighteen-wheeler trucks, huge and moving very fast. I see a car pulled over to the side like it's in trouble. I pull over and see a young mother and infant standing next to the car. I'm concerned for their safety so I tell them to stay in their car and I will go down the road for help. She and the child get into the car and close the door and just then a huge eighteen-wheeler barrels by too fast, loses control and crashes on top of the car killing the mother and baby. As soon as this happens I have the distinct feeling that I am not to stay there but to let go of the situation and leave.

As I travel down the right side of the road the way I normally would, I find the traffic is now coming toward me (like it would be if I were traveling in England or Europe). I manage to cross to the median to the left side where I

can go in the direction I need to, I find the road jammed with huge eighteen- wheelers, clogging the lanes and moving very fast. Somehow I make it to the extreme left shoulder of the road, where there is no traffic and I travel to my destination unimpeded.

I would appreciate comments particularly in regard to moving on the extreme left side of the road.

Thank you.


= Commentary by Heratheta on "Highway Dream" (970811) =

trucks jammed together and as the dream progressed the jamming becomes trucks on humans and eventually toward you causing you to veer off the road. the message would be the same. finding that commonality is the number of the dream, a beast in disguise. getting all caught up in the symbol details is the come on or the maya as richard mentioned before. for me to get into that bag which i once explored ala carl j. and sigmund f. would not only be a disservice to you but would also endanger myself. this leaves us at the point you were in the dream. where a part of you was willing to go to the aid of the injured and yet you said something kept you back. that keeping you back was your soul keeping you from the accident and later from the road itself. when you are as interested in that soul as much as you are in the wreckage of body depicted in the dream you will be perceiving more. thanks for the info on handedness. personally my dream today was located south west and southeast so i spent time due north,south, east, and west

= Commentary by Heratheta on "Oven" & "Highway" Dreams (970808) =

"interesting" is for cats with nine lives today not the dreamer for it is a word that signals trouble ahead and trouble behind the oven. "jamming " is where you don't need to be the day of that highway dream. look to the open road if possible and make shure you give everyone their space today including yourself. these suggestions only apply for the day of the dream and ideally when you wake up at your sleepsite before getting away ,stand ,turn and face toward where the dream's location was if you can remember any part of its locale and then raise each arm out from your side forming what looks to be cross. if you are right handed your right arm points to the direction of your soul's momentum and where you should be able to find less stress and where you should be able to keep your dream in the corner of your eye instead of in your face or in your back where there is collision rather than coexistence. left handers your left hand shows the was to the soul's path. if possible safety wise try letting your soul lead for a day. a dejavu experience you can cope with can then occur as long as you have also kept the quotation words above from your own thoughts. that experience can then encourage you to continue the soul path instead of the worn out path your dream's scenario represents. of course the opposite hand is the other option for you soul rather than giving up on the above suggestion completely.

joggers should have alternate paths if possible to accommodate soul travel.

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

*Dream: "Just Another Day At The Office" by Nutcracker (970517) *

I'm in a library type setting, but it's the office where I work. I have two bosses; one is JFK (John F. Kennedy, but not as President, more as a Senator type) and the other is Tom Snyder (The Late Show). We all sit at long library tables together. The tables are of a very dark wood, nearly black in color. They are very long (100 feet) and are of a very smooth wood, polished like glass. Two high school friends work here as well, Jane Z. and Gail D, but they have different bosses. It's early afternoon w hen I take a break (goof off). I go up to the second to top floor and shoot the breeze with some woman. She invites me to go upstairs to see all of her Christmas gifts. I go upstairs and find them all laid out, as if on display in a department store. On one table I notice three terra cotta Santas, each 10-15" tall. I note that I have two identical ones myself. I browse from table to table and am gone from my work for quite a while. When I get back to my desk (table), Jane comes over and tells me JFK was looking for me. She tells me he was unable to find me and was quite upset with me. When he couldn't find me, he left for the day. Tom is about to leave for the day now also and hands me a sheet of paper with some numbers on it. He needs some corrections made to one of the columns of numbers. The totals for the columns are at the top of each column, not at the bottom like they would normally be. The first column total is three, but there are only two 1's in the column. He tells me where to insert the other 1. He leaves and it's time I head home too. I look for work to do on JFK's desk so I can take it home and do it in addition to what Tom gave me. I dread facing JFK in the morning. I tell Gail that I'll just tell him I was indisposed. Gail says she'll write me a script of what to say to appease him. Her 'script' consists of drawings and colorings. They're Easter type pictures (bunny and eggs). Her coloring skills are excellent in regard to shading. I'll have to remember her when it comes t ime to illustrate my novel. Jane and I leave work together. On the way home we stop at a little shop. Once inside, I spot some flying monkey mechanical toys (like in the Wizard of Oz). There are two different kinds. One is smaller than the other. The small one is wearing a red and white stripped vest. The larger one has on a beige vest and there are five baby monkeys attached to it. I look around some more and see some old-timey wooden thread spools which are covered in various colors of wax, though some of the wood and wire trim are left exposed from the wax. The owner of the shop wants to close up, so Jane and I leave and vow to come back another time. (97/5/17) #308 F&F/Three/Monkeys

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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(See the Nutcracker Computer Dreams under COMPUTERS)

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Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.9.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl


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Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project. dreamskey@sisna.com

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Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff


Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director



Linley Joy - Dream Group Moderator


Robert Patrick Murtha - Media Management



Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor


Matthew Parry - Web Master


Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper


Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor

mermaid 8*)



Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs


Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director


Alissa Goldring - Contributing editor

Cover this month by Jesse Reklaw

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions



+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!

+ The generous authors of our articles

+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton


All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.




Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advise or psychotherapy.



SEPTEMBER 17, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(9)