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!Digimon Ultima!

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Getting Twins and Skull Shooting Teddymon

Always win Super Cheat Code How to get flaming teddymon
Getting Twins: To do it, you have to grow a Teddymon and when it dies, press the middle button then press the bottom button ten times{you should be holding B} after that stop pressing C and press reset.{still holding B?}When it the egg hatches, two Digimon wil appear. Getting a skull shooting Teddymon: When your Teddymon dies, press AABBCCAABBAACCAABBAA, then press reset. A skull shooting will appear on your screen. It is said that the skull shooting Teddymon is invincible!

The Cheat : Press all the three buttons when your digimon shoots out the first time, press b when the second time, press a and c the third time and hold on to all the buttons the fourth time. This code will work if you do it correctly.We guarantee it will work.

To get an invincible Teddymon with a Flaming Body, your Digimon must return to the Megalithic Mainframe at 99 years old. Once you are there, press the top button 200 times, the middle 100 times and the bottom 25 times. When it rehatches, a flaming Teddymon will appear on your screen!

Getting your Digimon to Grow The Same Way News How to get Teddymon
This cheat code lets the Digimon the same way as before. This ony works when your Digimon gets ed in a battle. When the computer screen comes up and says how old your Digimon is, press the top and the bottom together. The screen will go the egg and you have to set the time. Then your Digimon will grow the same way as before.

I have seen some Digimon 2 showing up in stores but they sell out as soon as they get them.

I managed to get one photos are coming soon.

Sent in by" I was surfing the net for Digimon info and I found out that if you push the tab in and press C repeatedly until the screen fades, take it out, a Teddymon will appear. I tried it about 20 times until it works. So be patient and you will succed ."

Growth Chart
Level 0 to Level 1: The Egg will become a Botamon in about 5 mins.

Level 1 to Level 2: The Botamon will become a koromon in about 1 hour.

Level 2 to Level 3: The Koromon will become a Betamon or an Agumon at about 2 years old.

Level 3 to Level 4: The Betamon can become a Darkmon, Airdramon, Seadramon, Meramon or a Numemon at about 5 years.

Level 3 to Level 4: the Agumon can become a Darkmon, Tyranomon, Meramon or a Numemon at about 5 years old.

Level 4 to 5: The Numemon is the only one that can become a Teddymon.

Level 4 to 5: Darkmons, Greymons and Airdramon can become the Metal Greymon.

Level 4 to 5: Tyranomons, Meramons and Seadramons can become the Mamemon.

Attack Ratings

Agumon : 44

Beatmon : 44

Numemon : 66

Meramon : 101

Seadramon : 102

Tyranomon : 102

Darkmon : 136

Greymon : 137

Airdramon : 141

Metal Greymon : 178

Mamemon : 185

Teddymon : 191

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