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daimin says: hey did you end up reading that gospel of judas
article?? アダム says: bits of it
daimin says: yeha me too
アダム says: great find wasnt it?
daimin says: yeah i love that shit
アダム says: and an atrocity that the people that had it before didnt know how to look after it
daimin says: its the only interesting thing left in reality
アダム says: oh really?
daimin says: probably not... everything is interesting... its just that the only books i have been able to finish in the last five years concern the unknown truths about jesus
アダム says: Who says they are truths?
daimin says: my boredom i guess
アダム says: hehe
daimin says: i believe in universal truth and the catholic church doesn't seem to cut it for me overall
アダム says: What do you mean?
アダム says: I dont understand universal truth?
アダム says: I think...why is god more believable than bunyips
アダム says: and banshee's
アダム says: and fairy's
アダム says: lots of people believe in fairys
アダム says: but I aint seen any proof
daimin says: well.... to paraphrase a certain text... to understand any one way does not take you further from any other way.. it in fact when you are in a way you will see truth in other true ways
アダム says: How can you understand something you have never known?
daimin says: and conversely, broadening your experience and knowledge should not diminish the knowledge you already have... in truth it will enhance your understanding of all knowledge
daimin says: how can you know something if you have no understnading of it
daimin says: ?
アダム says: Is there any difference between those two questions?]
daimin says: i just mean, for example... knowing that a piston engine might run on petrol takes nothing away from the fact that the fish are biting on pipis today...
アダム says: What I find most interesting, is how most people need something to believe in
アダム says: its almost innate
daimin says: the laws of physics don't change... and ultimately there is only physiocs and consciousness
daimin says: well innate... primal even? programmed into us
daimin says: part of our survival as individuals and as a society
daimin says: well why would we evolve over a billion years to know god?
アダム says: Yes
アダム says: to believe in a greater existence?
daimin says: possibly..
アダム says: to give us a reason to want to survive
アダム says: if we have no reason to live...then why fight to survive
アダム says: ??
daimin says: interesting sidetrack on that point... near death experiences seem to reflect the religious attitudes of the person... so in the western world they involve flying above oneself
アダム says: so its kinda something to help us along with our basic instinct of survival maybe
アダム says: yep
daimin says: well this is all assuming our need for god is purely fictional, merely a survival tool...
アダム says: yep
アダム says: and in Native American?
アダム says: turning into animals?
daimin says: maybe i don't know
daimin says: i have wondered if religion is genetic
daimin says: or just cultural
アダム says: When you are a kid
daimin says: my ultimate goal is to cohese all scientific truth with all religious truth
アダム says: and you havent been so overly influenced by societal pressures and the psychology of the self...
daimin says: then there would be my universal truth
アダム says: you believe in things MUCH more strongly
アダム says: is that this possible innate need to believe?
アダム says: but as an adult...there is more of a need to justify it
daimin says: well.. i remember before fuckin offending by the stupoid fucking stories about jesus and that i should somehow thank him and owe him when he's been dead 2000 years
アダム says: or to be like others
アダム says: sorry? what was that?
daimin says: sorry, typos galore.... my first exposure to christianity as a kid left me offended and fucking pissed off
daimin says: several times..
アダム says: ahh
アダム says: I never believed
アダム says: My grandma and her family...strong catholic
アダム says: My mum never ever talked about it
daimin says: and i never heard of this god character... fucking catholic ned was like "well who made the universe then?" and i'm like.. wtf do you mean, the universe is the universe, it just exists and always did
アダム says: What do you think of people who wanna argue about the validity of christianity?
daimin says: but that was the first time i even thought about it, ever... then the more i thought about it, i figured i should be worshipping the sun
アダム says: hehe
アダム says: SHould be
アダム says: thats the thing that brings us life
daimin says: analogy: a circle is a circle.. a triangle isn't more like a circle.. a square isnt much better... then a pentagon.. hexagon... keep adding one and the shapes starts approaching a circle right? but never will be a circle, even to infinity
daimin says: only a circle is a circle cos it always was
daimin says: this explains the fact of the universe, and mans attempt to quantify the universe
アダム says: I dont know what you are trying to say by that?
アダム says: are you saying that people are always trying to redefine what this place we live in, is?
アダム says: but there's no need to, cos it is what it is?
daimin says: religion is mans sickness... we saw clearly before we had to think
daimin says: yes
daimin says: and science probably fits in as just another religion
アダム says: When did we have no religion?
daimin says: as newborns
アダム says: Science fits into religion?
daimin says: and possibly in pre evolution
アダム says: naming and defining what we have here on earth?
daimin says: how does one grasp two truths at once?
アダム says: One doesnt
daimin says: thsi is the paradox of our existence
アダム says: But how can something be the truth if it is not proven
daimin says: explain proof
アダム says: "if a tree falls in the forest"
アダム says: I know
アダム says: We could talk down to the molecules
アダム says: to Atoms
アダム says: or down to the workings of our psyche
daimin says: in the end, only this is true... i think therefore i am... because one's own self awareness is the only thing you can know for sure
daimin says: if i don't exist, who the hell is writing this sentence?
アダム says: yes
daimin says: in that sense i can't really prove i am not a trained monkey on acid imagining i'm human... but being aware of anything proves absolutely that whatever or whoever the heck i am ... i am something at least
daimin says: i exist
アダム says: I think therefore you are
アダム says: I think therefore it is
daimin says: i might be a small pebbly lodged in the brain of a martian gnu... but if i am aware...
アダム says: But...2 people think and one doesnt....does it exist?
アダム says: is it valid?
daimin says: cross reference to Exodus 3:14... "my name is I AM"
アダム says: Martian Gnu's
アダム says: They only live up there with god and the fairy7s
アダム says: they arent real
daimin says: i think you didn't quite get my point... my point is that our own awareness of ANYTHING, proves that, if nothing else, the aware one thereforeDOES exist
daimin says: now i would go so far to say that ultimately, all awareness is the same one awareness... the great I AM... like the generic soul of the universe
daimin says: which would be god
daimin says: who is us
アダム says: No...I understand...I was being silly
アダム says: so....
daimin says: all awareness is god... all else is the laws of physics
アダム says: If the church really did know it as you describe....why would they tell?
アダム says: they would lose all money and power
daimin says: nah, i think they are too wrapped up in their strange ways
アダム says: hehe
アダム says: and the pope...being the closest man to god...does that just mean that he is the man who knows the most>
アダム says: ?
daimin says: closest man to god, psshtt!
アダム says: the most about the REAL truth???
daimin says: __________________________>>>
アダム says: hehehe
アダム says: Whats with symbolism?
アダム says: why do we need it?
daimin says: VICARIVS FILII DEI one of the pope's titles.. somethig about "sons of god"... and remember the first pope was Peter, who denied jesus, and to whom jesus said "get behind thee satan"
daimin says: add up the roman numerals...
アダム says: and so how did Peter become pope?
アダム says: did he later come to love Jesus?
daimin says: jesus appointed him pope.. the foundation stone of his church... his name was simon, but jesus called him Peter, meaning, a rock... he was a very tough solid character... but that makes him a goat right? and jesus was a shepherd not a goatherd... he did love christ but there was no changing his ways, he was what he was..
daimin says: and if you got a glimpse from the gospel of judas, every cunt was plotting and planning... peter was part of jesus's plan, just like judas
アダム says: How did you read the bible?
daimin says: bits here and there, then i went gung ho and started at genesis, didn't stop til halfway through isaiah
アダム says: I tried that
アダム says: didnt get very far
daimin says: yeah well, by halfway through isaiah i was forming the opinion that latter old testament prophets were just raving fucking nutbags
アダム says: hehe
アダム says: Ive been told that The New Testament is much more readable
daimin says: yeah i guess
daimin says: most of it is written by paul though
daimin says: half of his opinion is christian, but a lot of it is old school pharisee
daimin says: pity christ didn't write his own book hey ?
daimin says: i guess he was too busy
アダム says: Yeah man...
daimin says: but the truth still filters through the ages
daimin says: sometimes in the form of parchments found in urns..
daimin says: not saying of course that an old document is true but of course truths may be gleaned from them
daimin says: insights and perspectives and such
daimin says: well this has been a most fulfilling conversation.. i might take five minutes leave to refresh my lungs

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