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dEUS is a gift from GOd...

Hello, I am back with good news, I am still working on a good site of the great, beautiful dEUS. I will be working on it in the summer. But if you want to have info mail your question or go to another great dEUS page.

news - songbook - concerts - links - discography - JEROMOQUAI's PLACE - Other Good Music - FOTO's



Klaas Janzoon

Craig Ward

Jules De Borgher

Dany Mommens

Tim Vanhamel

dEUS Biography

dEUS were formed in 1991 by Tom Barman (sing & guitar), Stef Kamil Carlens (guitar & vocals), Gino (bass) and Kris Daans (drums).
They started playing Velvet Underground, Pixies, Neil Young, and Violent Femmes... covers in small clubs in Flandres.
In "Humo Rock Rally" they played their first song (Song For A Jacket) and they reached the second place. During the event, Klaas Janzoons (violin) and Oly Defosse (harmonica), Mark Meyers (guitar) and Mark Willems (drums) joined the group. Gino and Kris left, and Stef started playing bass.

After their first tour, in Spain, where they played at some rock clubs, Marc Meyers left the band because he wanted to have some time to rest by his own. Marc Willems also left dEUS and Jules De Borgher (who played in Julle "El Diabolo" De Borgher ) took his place at the drums.
After Oly Defosse left, Rudy Trouvé (guitar) replaced him and dEUS sound became much more noisier than acoustic (as it used to be).

They started a tour around Belgium where they played the first parts of "The Ex", "The Walkabouts", "Bettie Serveert", "Tom Cora", "Freedy Johnston", "Pere Ubu", "X-Legged Sally" and "The Godfathers" concerts.

In June 93, with Peter Vermmersch and Pierre Vervloesem as producers, they recorded the maxi-cd "Zea". In July, they signed a contract with BANG! and after with Island Records.

"Worst Case Scenario" is released in 94, "My Sister = My Clock" in 95 and after some tours, Rudy Trouvé left dEUS to dedicate himself to his other bands. Craig Ward replaced him as guitarist.
Then came "In a Bar, Under The Sea", in 96, and Stef Kamil Carlens also decided to leave to concentrate all his inspiration in his band (Moondog Jr.)
Danny "The Rocket" Mommens took Stef's place as bass player. He is now workin' with dEUS in their new album. The album is supposed to be released at February/March '99.

change of formation ...

Since dEUS started ,they knew that there would never be the 'dEUS' band. So in 1996 Rudy trouvé decided to leave the group. Since then he developed many succes with KIS MY JAZZ , Gore Slut and now he is making great stuff with DEAD MAN RAY. Rudy was always the strange musican but I think he is brilliant and a real piece of art in the Belgian Rock Scene. (Foto dead Man Ray) Just before the release of IN A BAR UNDER THE SEA. dEUS lost one of his precious voices. Stef wanted to put al his inspiration in Moondog Jr. , (now known as Zita Swoon) (foto Zita Swoon) But Rudy left his place for Craig Ward a Scottish man with a little different sound injection in to dEUS. When dEUS let Stef go , the band had also a new man Called Danny Mommens , but he never could perform like Stef. Just before 2000 , dEUS got another member , TIM a real talented boy from the greatest litle band of belgium Evil Superstars (but they stopped). in 2000 , the sabaticel year , Craig slipped away from dEUS, leaving the group with a big hole but they will survive. And I know that the real motor of dEUS will never be gone

Viva TOM-KLAAS and JULES ....

Last moment of the band and hopefull feelings for 2001...

After 2.5 years off absolute touring and working on the new Album. February 1999, dEUS stricked back. Many people were scepitical, but soon everybody was convinced that the tirdth record was a real beauty. The Ideal Crash , seemed fuller and the songtexts where very emotional. The CD counted 10 songs, not much but dEUS is quality... In april, I went to a show in Brussels. It was a night that I will never forget. I saw them playing like a Radiohead , ready to conquer the planet. Speedy songs but mostly ballads like Magic Hour. The summer was there soon. I had been to a party where they were shooting the video Instant street (april). I never so saw many bastards , calling themself dancers and fans. The summer was a battle between Herman S. and Beach Rock. The Beach won , but the concert of dEUS was disappointed. After the festivals , dEUS performed in Europe and ended in Belgium in Schaerbeek , they said goodbye and hopefully they will be back in 2001.....

What's your favorite dEUS song ?



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