Step into my World...

These pages were originally optimized for Netscape 3+ on a stndrd VGA(not SVGA).
Sorry, but it's what I had to use at the time to make them, so I figured I would at least make it easy on my own eyes, since I'm mostly the only one who uses it...but relax my code gets better over time as I learn(ed). But now I am revising it to be better reading on my palm pilot(Palm IIIx--one of the greatest tools of our times). Look forward to a greatly improved links, poetry, and pix sections in the very near future. (and for simplified pages for my AvantGo browser on the palm pilot!) i generaly test my web sites out in all availiable browsers, so ther should be no problems viewing anything in here, except for the annoying popup on some pages, but if you don't close it and just leave it in the background, while you're here, it wont bother you too much, or you can turn off java(all this assuming you are even running java...). also since i have moved about 5 times in the last 12 months, i made a new link below here to

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last updated 1/15/2000