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Sailor Moon Trading Cards

I am currently unable to trade or sell the cards listed below. Updated January 2006.

First, a little blab. Below are listed the cards I should have and the cards I think I need. There may be typos so please check with me. And please let me know if I got the numbers wrong. Regarding trading, I'd like to trade for cards from one collection for cards I need in that collection. But if you don't have any, I am willing to trade for cards in other collections. If you have any of the prisms I need, I usually have doubles from that set that I haven't listed here because I will only trade those prisms for those from approximately the same set. So, if you have any of the prisms I need, and that includes Banpresto, let me know. I have prisms to trade. Mostly, I am interested in the collections that I have things missing in. I don't really collect the Hero Collection except for the cards that overlap with the PPcards and I want the foils from any collection. Please note that the older cards like early Cardass and Graffiti and PP are worth much more than the recent ones because those were released only in Japan whereas the newer cards they started to import everywhere. Also, the Banpresto Game Machine cards are extremely rare and I will only trade for rare cards or prisms, or maybe multiple regular cards. I'd like to trade the same for the Cardass Doubles since I really like these cards. They have a sticker and a clear card all in one. It's almost like a miniature cel. But, I am willing to be generous if you can fill in the gaps when I have one or two cards missing from any given collection. I tried to list descriptions of the cards I found most interesting. I can scan them if you'd like but please keep requests to a minimum and only after some sort of a trade has been negotiated.

Cards in pink I might be getting.

Cards in green I also need, the trade I was planning seems to have fallen through.

Now, on to the cards:
Cardass Cardass Double Battle and Private Graffiti similar to Graffiti PP cards Hero Collection Banpresto Card Game Machine Others

Collection Wanted For Trade

Cardass 1
(1-28) 28 cards total
4 prisms (1-4) and 24 regular cards (5-28)
1-Sailor Moon prism have a prism from this set to trade for this one
5, 7,
9-Sailor Moon and Luna,
11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22,
23-Sailor Moon,
have a near complete set of regulars (missing 8 and 16)
- all these cards are original japanese from 1992. I will trade regulars for early PP or one Cardass 1 plus one later Cardass for PP14 prisms. If the prism is really nice, I will trade two Cardass 1 for it. Soft prisms only though.
- may be willing to sell some of the cards for $5 each.
- I have two prisms from this set and will only trade for the prisms I need, the Cardass 2 prism I need, or early soft PP prisms.

Cardass 2
(29-70) 42 cards total
6 prisms (29-35) and 36 regular cards (36-70)
32-Sailor Jupiter prism
41, 45, 53, 55
- Will trade for early PP.

Cardass 3
(71-112) 42 cards total
6 prisms (71-75 and 80) and 36 regular cards
none 79, 87-Mamoru, 92, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102-Usagi in sailor outfit, 103, 104-Sailor Moon and Usagi, 105, 108, 112
- Will trade for any PP.

Cardass 4
(113-154) 42 cards total
6 prisms (113-118) and 36 regular cards (119-154)
none 119-121, 123, 124, 126-128, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 141, 142-Queen Serenity, 146-148, 154
- Will trade for any PP.

Cardass 5
(155-196) 42 cards total
6 prisms (155-158, 189, and 196) and 36 regular cards
none 159-163, 164-Mamoru, 168, 169, 170-178, 180, 181(bent), 190
158-Sailor Pluto prism
- Will trade for any PP.
- Prism will only be traded for an early PP soft prism

Cardass 6
(197-238) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none 199-nice Sailor Mars, 200-nice Sailor Jupiter, 201-nice Sailor Venus, 205-209, 213, 214, 216-Pluto, 217, 218, 220*-Prince Diamond, 222-226, 229-236, 238
227-Very nice prism
- cards with a * are considered rare to me because it is sometimes the only card of that character in any set that I have seen, eg. King Endymion.
- will trade for any PP or Cardass 7.
- prism for trade for PP prisms only.

Cardass 7
(239-280) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
239-Sailor Moon prism,
248-Sailor Pluto prism,
268-Neptune an Uranus prism,
280-group prism

(top) 307, (bottom)319
Cardass 8
(281-322) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none none

(top) 339, (bottom)357
Cardass 9
(323-364)) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none 323-Sailor Moon prism
324-Sailor Chibi Moon prism,
364-Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon prism

Cardass 10
(365-406) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none 365-Sailor Moon prism, 368, 370, 372, 374, 379, 383, 385, 387, 389, 390, 394, 395-Sailor Moon prism, 396, 398, 400, 402, 404, 406-group prism
- Cards are $1 each or 6 for $5. Prisms are $6 or trade for PP prisms from recent sets

Cardass Double 1 (1993)
(1-42) 42 cards total
6 plastic foils (1-6) and 36 plastic cards (7-42)
4-foil, 19, 30 11-Sailor Venus, 12, 17-Sailor V, 22-Makoto, 23, 25-Wedding and Mamoru, 27-Rei, 29, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42-Chibi Usa, cardboard insert
- will trade 5 cardass doubles for 2 PP14 prisms
- have Venus foil to trade for the foil I need

Cardass Double 2 (1994)
(43-84) 42 cards total
6 plastic foils (43-48) and 36 plastic cards (49-84)
none (Yay :)) 44-Sailor Mercury foil,
46-Sailor Jupiter foil,
48-Sailor Uranus foil,
51-Mars transformation, 52-Jupiter transformation, 56-Ami, 61, 69-Mars, 70-Jupiter, 73, 78, 81-Rei, 82-Makoto, 83-very nice Sailor V, cardboard insert
Sample (73 and 70)
- will trade 5 cardass doubles for 2 PP14 prisms
- will sell foils for $6 each
Graffiti 1
(1-42) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none 4, 5, 6-lovestruck, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35-Venus, 36-Venus, 40,
- have most of the regulars even though they are not listed. Will trade for PP.
Graffiti 2
(43-84) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
44-Sailor Moon prism
45-Sailor Moon transformation, 46, 53-Sailor Mercury transformation, 55, 56, 57, 59-Ami in evening dress, 65-Rei and Mamoru, 66, 69-Sailor Jupiter transformation, 75-Makoto, 78, 79-Venus Love Me Chain
- Will trade for any PP or Graffiti 4
- have prisms to trade for the prism I need
Graffiti 3
(85-126) 42 cards total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
none 89-92, 95, 99, 100-Ami blushing, 101, 103, 104, 105, 109, 112-Jupiter, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122-funny Minako, 125, 126-nice group shot in school uniforms
- Will trade for any PP or Graffiti 4.
Graffiti 4
(127-170) 44 cards total
6 prisms and 38 regular cards
136-Ami, 139-Sailor Mars, 140-Sailor Mars, 145-Sailor Jupiter, 152-Minako, 155, 167-Chibi Usa, 170-Haruka and Michiru 138-nice Ami close-up
143-Rei, blushing,
151-Minako looking in mirror
Graffiti 5
(171-214) 44 cards total
6 prisms and 38 regular cards
all except
172, 175, 178-180, 183-186, 191, 195, 197, 203, 204, 207, 209

Graffiti 6
(215-258) 44 cards total
6 prisms and 38 regular cards
none 216-Outer Senshi prism, 217, 220, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239,
241-Chibi Usa double prism. Has a very nice Saturn underneath,
242, 244, 246, 249-Neptune, 250, 252, 253, 255-Setstuna
- will trade from this set for this set or for PP, Graffiti 11, well, almost anything.
- have prisms, including the rare Chibi Moon double prism with the nicest prism of Sailor Saturn underneath. Will trade single prisms from this set for singles from other sets and the double for two.
- regular cards are $.75 each. Single prisms are $6. Double prisms are $15.

Graffiti 7
(259-300) 44 cards total
6 prisms and 38 regular cards
none 280, 287, 299, 300
-for sale or trade. Same deal as Graffiti 6

Sailor Moon Supers (1995)
(aka Graffiti 8)
(1-21) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
none full set of regulars and a couple loose cards

Sailor Moon Stars
(aka Graffiti 9)
(22-42) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
22-Eternal Sailor Moon prism
24-Sailor Team prism

Jewel Cards
(aka Graffiti 10)
(1-21) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
none 3-Sailor Starlight prism ($10), 16-Sailor Moon
Petite Frame Collection
(aka Graffiti 11)
(1-21) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
all except
- let me know if you have this set, I really want it
Battle/Private Set 1
(1-21) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
all-would prefer to buy as a set -
Battle/Private Set 2
(1-21) 21 cards total
3 prisms and 18 regular cards
none -
Hero Collection 1
(1-156) 156 cards total
12 hard prisms (145-156) and 144 regular cards (1-144)
regular cards: 2-16, 19-20, 22-24, 26-28, 30-38, 41-77, 79-124, 126-129, 131-132, 138-139, 141-144
prisms: 145, 147-148, 150-155
Hero Collection 2
(157-312) 187 cards total
12 prisms (301-312), 144 regular cards(157-300), 28 foils (PC1-PC28), 3 double prisms (WGL1-WGL3)
157-300-all the regular cards
PC1, PC2, PC4-PC12, PC16-PC28-foil cards
WGL1,WGL2-double prisms

Hero Collection 3
(313-396) 103 cards total
12 prisms (385-396), 72 regular cards (313-384), 16 foils (PC29-PC44), and 3 double prisms (WGL1-WGL3)
regular cards: 314, 315, 317-320, 322-324, 327, 329, 332, 333, 335, 337, 341, 344-346, 348-350, 354, 356, 357, 359, 361, 363, 367, 368, 371, 377, 381, 384
prisms: 385-387, 389, 390, 393, 395
PC31, PC32, PC34, PC38-PC41, PC44-foils
WGL1, WGL3, need the top of WGL1 I think
330, 338, 339, 360, 366, 379
Hero Collection 4
(397-480) 84 cards total
12 prisms (469-480), 72 regular cards (397-468), 16 silver cards (MC1-MC16), 3 double prisms (WGL1-WGL3)
very interested in this set
all except
403, 422, 446, MC1, MC14
446-Sailor Chibi Moon doing pink sugar attack on paint daimon
Hero Collection 5/ PP Part 11
(509-550)42 cards in PP set and 63 cards in Hero Collection total
6 prisms and 36 regular cards
The Hero Collection has 12 prisms (LC1-LC12), 6 foils (PC1-PC9), and 3 double prisms (WGL1-WGL3)
509-514-all prisms,
LC2, LC5, PC2, PC8, PC15, checklists 1, 2, 3, 5
518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, LC10, PC14, PC16, checklist 4, 6
- Trade for this or other PP cards.
- will sell regular cards for $1.00 each.
- have foils and hard prisms for trade
Hero Collection 6/ PP Part 12
(551-592) 42 cards in PP set and 63 cards in Hero Collection total
6 prisms (551-556) and 36 regular cards (557-592)
The Hero Collection has 12 prisms (LC13-LC24), 16 foils (PC17-PC32), and 3 double prisms (WGL1-WGL3)
551-556-all prisms
LC13-LC16, LC18-LC21-all foils
PC17-PC21, PC24, PC25, PC29-PC32-all foils
WGL1-WGL3-all double prisms
PP Part 1
(1-48) 48 cards total
12 prisms (1-6, 43-48) and 36 regular cards (7-42)
1-6, 43-48-all prisms 9-Jedite, 20-Mamoru, 26-Jedite trade only

PP Part 2
(49-90) 42 cards total
6 prisms (49-54) and 36 regular cards (55-90)
50(want to trade for soft prism) 49-Usagi prism (soft), 58, 69, 83
- trade for rare cards only
PP Part 3
(91-174) 84 cards total
12 prisms (91-94 and 131-138) and 72 regular cards (95-130 and 139-174)
91-prism, 93-prism, 99, 136-prism, 137-prism, 138(want to trade for soft prism) 97-Usagi, 98-Venus (a little bent), 142-Jupiter, 149-Rei, 166-Makoto
PP Part 4
(175-216) 42 cards total
6 prisms (175-180) and 36 regular cards (181-216)
none 176-Ami hard prism, 189-Mamoru and Usagi, 191, 192, 193, 196-Chibi Usa, 197, 198, 200, 204, 206, 210-very nice Chibi Usa, 211, 213
- near complete set of regulars. Just missing about five cards (185, 190, 202, 212...) . will trade for a complete set of early PP or other rare cards only
PP Part 5
(217-264) 56 cards total
12 prisms (217-228), 36 regular cards (229-264)
217-prism, 220-prism, 224-prism, 225-prism, 227-prism, 228-prisms 259-girls at the beach
PP Part 6
(265-314) 50 cards total
8 gold-etched (265-272), 6 prisms (273-278), and 36 regular cards (279-314)
265-272-all foils,
273-prism, 277-prism
279, 281, 283, 285, 286, 289, 292, 294, 297, 299-305, 307-309, 311-314
PP Part 7
(315-368) 54 cards total
6 prisms (352-356) and 48 regular cards (315-351 and 357-368)
351-Sailor Moon prism (have a hard prism to trade),
355-Sailor Venus prism (have a hard prism)
318, 321, 322, 338, 339, 348, 350,
353-Sailor Mars hard prism,
354-Sailor Jupiter hard prism,
356-group prism have hard version to trade for hard prism and soft for soft only.
357, 358-Mars, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364-Makoto, 365-Rei, 366-Minako, 367-Ami, 368
PP Part 8
(369-424) 56 cards total
12 prisms (377-388), 8 foils (369-376), and 36 regular cards (389-424)
379-Sailor Mars (have hard prism to trade),
383-Sailor Uranus (have hard prism to trade),
388-Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune (have hard prism to trade)
380-Sailor Jupiter (soft prism),
386-Sailor Moon (soft prism),
389-393, 396, 398-400, 402-409, 412-415, 421
- will sell regulars for $1.50 each. Prism is $10. Sorry it's so expensive but, that's what I paid for them
PP Part 9
(425-466) 42 cards total
6 prisms (425-430) and 36 regular cards (431-466)
none -
PP Part 10
(467-508) 42 cards total
6 prisms (467-472) and 36 regular cards (473-508)
468-472-all prisms
473-508-all the regulars
PP Part 11 see Hero Collection 5/ PP Part 11)
PP Part 12 see Hero Collection 6/ PP Part 12)
PP Part 13
(593-643) 51 cards total
12 prisms (593-604), 36 regular cards, and 3 special cards (double prism? They might be regular cards, I don't know)
594-598, 600-602, 604-all prisms
640-643-special cards
PP Part 14
(644-741) 106 cards total
18 prisms (644-649 and 694-705), 8 foils (686-693), 80 regular cards (650-685 and 706-741)
646-649-all prism
662, 665-669, 676, 677,
696-699-all prisms, 701-prism, 702-prism(trade for soft prism),
705-Chibi Moon prism,
714, 715, 722, 724, 733, 736, 739
673, 679, 712

PP Part 15
(742-767) 26 cards total
6 prisms (742-747) and 20 regular cards (748-767)
742-744, 746, 747-all prisms 767
Banpresto Sailor Moon (1992)
I think the set had 21 cards and probably 3 prisms.
all -
Banpresto Sailor Moon Set 1 and 2 (1993)
Each set had 21 cards and 3 prisms. Prisms are 2, 13, 17, 22, 31, 41
has a picture of the card machine on the back
2-prism, 6, 13-prism, 14(r), 17-prism 1, 4, 5, 9-Ami, 11, 12, 19, 21, 24-Serenity and Tuxedo Kamen, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 39, 42-Luna
- will only trade for Banpresto I need or one Banpresto for one prism from recent sets
- have prisms but will only only only trade for prisms from this set

Banpresto Sailor Moon R
24 cards total
6 prisms and 18 regular cards.
19-Usagi prism, 20(r)-Ami prism, 23-Minako prism, 24-Group prism
2, 3-very nice Rei, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16-cute group shot, 17, 18
- will trade for PP's.
- have Rei prism but will only only only trade for prisms from this set

(left) 19 (from set 1)
(right) 12 (from set 2)
Banpresto Sailor Moon S (1 and 2)
each has 18 cards and 6 prisms
set 1: 1-6-all prisms
set 2: 2-6-all prisms, 13, 14

(left) 3 (from set 1)
(right) 31 (from set 2)
Banpresto Sailor Moon SS (1 and 2)
each has 18 cards and 6 prisms?
19-prism, 23-prism, 37-42, 43-prism, 45-48-all prisms none

Banpresto Sailor Moon Stars
each has 18 cards and 6 prisms?
none 13, 14, 15
Sailor Moon R Fortune Telling cards
36 total. 9 each for Money, Daytime, Love, and Health.

Money cards: all except
Sailor Moon holding Moon Rod
Daytime cards: all except
Sailor Mercury
Love cards: all except, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon, Usagi in green shirt
Health cards: none

(left) back of 49
(right) front of 29
Sailor Moon Memorial
11 prisms (1-11), 44 regular cards (12-56), 5 checklists, special 22k insert
1-5, 7-11, 17, 19, 32, 35, 41, 43, 47, 50, checklist 1, 2, 3
29-Minako doing a peace sign,
30-Sailor Pluto holding talisman,
34-Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune
Charamide Part I
54 cards and 12 cel cards
a bunch I have cards to trade or sell:
card 1: ($5) has usagi. I think it is from the main set with the gold seal with each character.
card 2: blue villain from this set as well.
card 3 ($5): is Ami with a pyramid behind her.
card 4: I have the card with Rei as well (trade only)
card 5: ($15) is twin Rei that looks like the suit cards in a poker deck.
card 5a and 5b: Have the cards with Mercury and Jupiter. (trade only)
card 6: building with Usagi and insets of the four Senshi.
card 7: Sweet Memories card with Endymion and Serenity holding a wand.
Charamide Part II
48 cards and 12 cel cards
all -

Other cards I don't really know much about (and therefore don't have any of). I'm interested in the twin cards and the Fortune Telling ones right now.

-Bandai Jumbo Cardass Set 1-6: 48 for SM total. Others for SMR, SMS, SMSS I think I have some.
-SMS PP Special (12 prisms)
-R Festival Cards (1993): 24 cards
-SMSS Film Collection Part 1 and Part 2
Part 1: 64 regular cards (1-64) and 8 prisms (65-72)
Part 2: 64 regular cards (73-136) and 8 prisms (137-144)
-SMSS DX Prism Pro: 35 cards total
-SMS DX Bromide
-SMSS DX Bromide
-SM Bromide
-SMR Bromide
-SMR/SMS Bromide: 12 foils (112-123) and 25 regular cards (124-148)
SMS Bromide: 12 foils (149-160) and 25 regular cards (161-185)
SMSS Bromide: 12 foils (186-197) and 25 regular cards (198-222)
-SMS Super Jumbo Bromide
-Twin Character Cards
for SMS, SMSS, and SMStars? SMS and SMSS have 24 cards and 24 prisms. SMSStars has 12 cards and 12 prisms

I have other anime things for sale. Please look at my Anime page for comic books and cels.