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Chris "The Wild One" Clark's Wild World of Genealogy!!!

The Wild One

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Hi fellow Genealogical Wizards and welcome to my Web Spot solely devoted to Family History. This is a new project for me and as you can see there is very little to show except some links to my most favorite genealogical spots. I have traced several branches back to royalty and a few back to poets, bandits, bards, Civil War soldiers who fought proudly for Old Dixie and some who skidaddled north to go fight for the Yankees. There was even one ancestor who was with the Aaron Burr expedition. And there are many of the Welsh, English, Scottish, and Irish royal lines which have been traced back to Adam! If you have any questions or are interested in certain lines, please e-mail me. This is a work in progress.

My Favorite Genealogy Links

My Genealogical Database - Over 2000 Folks!
The Descent From Adam - Luke Stevens' Webspot - very well documented!
Some Descendants of Gaius Julius Caesar
The Story of Creek Warrior - “The Far Off Warrior” and his wife Hannah Hale
The Descents of Islam

The Descent of Ramses X, Pharoah of Egypt

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