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Little ole' ME!

Since you have decided to journey to this page and find out a tad bit more about me than what you already know, I will endulge your inquisitive mind...

I am Kristi Marie Brewer aka Century Topanga Corum... I dwell in the northwest corner of Tennessee and hope to someday emerge a well-rounded, open-minded person and venture into the world continuing to mature in my spiritual pilgrimage throughout life... But as a seventeen year old female I do have many of the same interests as most people in my age range... Music is a very significant aspect of my life. With all of it's diversity and expression of every emotion feasible, it continues to be a confrere through some of the harshest times... I, also, am exceedingly interested in poetry, yoga/meditation, photography, and computers...

I now wish to pay tribute to some of my exceptionally unique and original friends:
1.Niki Collins = my best friend (always there for me even when she totally disagrees with my actions)
2.Larry Holtzclaw = a great vocalist and hopefully my trainer someday!
3.Jared Holtzclaw = Larry's younger brother and a wonderful person to spill problems to.
4.Jackie Bishop = Niki's ol' man
5.Tyler Webb = my partner in crime! *w* *L*
6.Heather Gibson = crazy chick!
7.Sammy Butler = all around cool dude and one mean body guard!
8.Tom-Cat = lovable teddy bear type guy (sweet all around)
9.Aaron Bing = wonderful guy who brought me to love Type O Negative even more!
10.A few members of Kansore (pronounced "Cancer") = Nathan-drummer, general sweet heart and massage therapist *w* , Kethan-the joke master and lead singer , Steven-Selena's man,bass guitar and just all around funny guy
11.A couple of friends of the band = Michael-general hormonally geared guy (but hilarious), Tommy-the man in charge of all remarks towards Michael and his "homosexuality" *LOL*
12.of course there's that sweet lovable James in UC... I love you forever AB... never forget that!
what was I thinking!?... James is a total freako flake!!!... sheesh... nevermind I take all that back!!!
13.If there's anyone I left out or haven't added yet please tell me and I will asap... thanks to all of you!

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