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My Favorite Kayaking Links

Yahoo Kayaking Index
Mike's Kayaking Journal
Allah7's homepage (This has nothing to do with kayaking)

My name is Tyler Johnson and I am 12 years old. My favorite sport is kayaking. Kayaking is a growing sport in America and is now getting more popular with kids. Before you go paddling down a river in a kayak you must first have the right equipment. The things you have to have are a spray skirt, spray jacket,helmet,paddle,lifejacket,and something you hopefully might have guessed by now, a kayak. Other optional gear are a wet suit, booties,a dry top, a dry suit, and the list goes on and on. Now it's time to pick your boat. I have a Dagger Blast. It is a good boat for me because it fits my size. Try to get a boat that fits you. Put your knees in the knee braces and put your feet on the feet pegs. Put your spray skirt around the cockpit of the kayak and snap your helmat. Now it's time for the lake. The posture of a kayaker is quite simple, but it is easier said than done. You keep your back straight up and down and your hands far out on the paddle. To push yourself forward you use the flat side of the paddle. With practice you'll be ready for the river in no time! I would like to thank Angelfire for this FREE web page and Iwould also like to thank my former instructors Dan, Jen, Hugh, Tracy, and Eathen.
