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FC Blanchardstown Match Reports

Revenge is oh so sweet

(By Jesus Montgomery for the West Cork Tribune)

"I'd love it if we beat them, love it" where the quotes heard prior to this game. Yes, this was the same CBT who ended our magnificent unbeaten run last season. Yes, this was the same CBT who in said game snatched our best defence trophy. Yes, this was the same CBT who won best reporters of the season (not something we could have won last season). This was a match of enormous proportions - well, it was a big game.

The game kicked of, well, not at 7pm as stated on the web page (get it sorted lads) but rather when the ref turned up (and a nice fella he is too). Without the ever impressive A.J. McCarthy, Florence of Arabia and the massive stature of Adrian The Cus O'Carroll, FCB kicked off on the back of three successive victories, and immediately went on the attack. Then CBT came back, then we attacked and the game went on in this vain for some time. All very tiring twas. Something had to give and it did - namely Fergus's hamstring ("On my leg I cant play - Natasha will massage it when I go home"). So the changes were made by the Management. Were these the changes that would swing it in our favour ? Would CBT take advantage of the enforced changes ? To both questions one has to answer no. Half time, no clear openings, nil, nil.

The second half started in the same vain as the first with CBT kicking of this time (as per the rules). Pressure was applied to both goals but FCB were looking the more likely. There were tight tussles in midfield where no quarters were asked or given. Conor Vialli upfront for Blanch was starting to look dangerous, as Damien Prior and young O'Leary started controlling the middle. Then, the ball came to Boyce, he slipped it through the gap and Vialli with just the keeper to beat.................hit it wide. If only FCB had Clements on the bench to step up the pressure !! Half way through the second half with CBT under the cosh, the ball came out to Prior senior and he wellied flew off someone's arse, someone else's head, three sheep and four Bosnians (who have made Sutton their second home) and into the net. Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy !

CBT stepped up the pressure but couldn't break the resolute defence and that was that. Blanch were "Top of the world".

Team : Simon Prior, Fergus Prior, Tadgh Prior, Dermot Prior, Brendan Prior, Sean Prior, Damien Prior, Donal Prior, Stephen Prior, Conor Prior, David F. Prior.........subs : Adrian Prior, David B. Prior

JBA are to IBM as Liverpool are to Arsenal

(By F. Meharg for the Orangemen United magazine)
We are talking in terms of bogey teams. (thats where the comparison ends, mind). In nine encounters now we have failed to get the better of the black & white minstrels of JBA. Recent bouts though would tend to suggest that we are at least holding our own. After suicidal performances in the past (we're talking 3-0 up only to lose 4-3) the Men In Blanch have at last been able to count themselves unlucky not to have beaten the bogey.

Mind you, if you'd seen the first 5 minutes you wouldnt have thought so. JBA came out of the blocks like the Blues Brothers (they were on a mission) and took the lead with a header at the back post following a flick on from a cross from the right. In days of yore that would have heralded their chanting of '1-0 to the JBA' but those days 'alas' are no more. IBM decided to wake up a bit and they shook, rattled and rolled the ball around (well, hoofed it up the other end). There was one rattle, though, and that was when the JBA goalpost shook from one of the countless 1st half long balls came in. Anyway, they hung on until half-time, by which time their goalie must have had a sore foot from taking so many goal kicks.

Blanch kicked off the 2nd half with 2 new faces and one less football (The house at No.51 may also have one less window, Damian). We continued to have slightly more of the play while playing a lot shittier (Is that a word?) than in previous games. It wasn't until yours truly was caught between a bramble bush and a bushy place trying to retrieve the spare ball from No.51 that a cheer went up from the Blanch support (well, the 3 subs - even though there should have been more but obviously Arsenal seemed more of an enticement for our 3 no-shows, you know who you are - Derek, Dave and Aidan), Tom had apparently watched a video of the JBA goal at half-time and decided to repeat the performance with another headed goal at the other end. 1-1. Several misses ensued at both ends after that (It wouldnt have happened if we'd had our star central defender playing of course, ahem) and it wasn't until almost 5 minutes to go that the incredible excitement that was this match, suddenly boiled over in the form of a penalty to Blanch. To put it nicely, several of the JBA chaps 'didn't quite agree 100% with the referee' and claimed the handball was outside the area (which of course it clearly was not). This not quite 'eye-to-eye' view resulted in one sent off and one sin binned. Unfortunately for us super(ish)sub Robbie's penno was saved well by the keeper. Doh! There was more doh to come too as the 9 minstrels managed to produce two clear chances and two clear misses before the ref blew the final whistle. But as they say, a draws a draw and a points a point and lets see if we can direct our sights and look towards the Vision next week...

Up the Blanch!

One all again !

(By Si-mon is home : Naas news)
I don't know how many games we drew last season, but I think that it was a lot more than we won. Having said that, we normally came from behind to draw, so this result wasn't that bad. We had never met nor played against Vision before, and therefore had no idea what way they were going to play, or who their strong players were, but judging from their previous results we knew they had to be a good side. And it didn't take a long time for us to see why. We took the lead with a nicely taken goal from a free kick on the left hand side taken by Colourme Crackin, and slotted in by Tom Kerwick with a backwards heel sort of thing. It looked good from where I was standing anyway. And true to typical IBM Blanch form, we sat on our fat arses without really attacking much, and this is when Vision started to play like a top of the table team. From good kick-outs by their keeper, to 90% of all headers in midfield being won, right down to the extremely accurate passing from midfield to the wingers and strikers, we were under pressure. And it wasn't long after we scored that Vision got what they deserved - a sweeping cross from the right, teasing the keeper and fooling the defenders who left a man unmarked at the back post to slot in a free header. A nicely worked goal, but soft from our point of view. And the Vision pressure continued right until the half-time whistle where we got another bollocking from Aaron Wenger, our manager (we know he means well though). If only we could play the way we do in training.

The second half started more or less the same way as the first, with Vision having the advantage of a light breeze, which was the reason their keeper could kick it out so far (at least I hope that's why). We had a few neat passes which almost led to a few chances (not goals, but chances!), but whatever happened for the last few minutes of the game we'll never know. It's safe to say that I've never seen a long throw come so close to getting a goal, without even touching a single player along the way!! And as for the other chance that hit the top corner of the goal and went straight back out right down to the amazing agility and ball-handling skills of Blanch keeper who was too busy wondering if there were going to be any cocktail sausages available after the game as he hadn't had any dinner, we were under pressure and although I wouldn't say we were relieved that the game was over, it could have been a worse result.

We look forward to the next game.....

This page was last updated on the 26th May 1999.