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IT'S 2 IN DA MORNIN (1984):)

HELLO EVERYBODY AND WELCOME TO MY WEB PAGE. My name is Scott i'm a 13 year old male from a small town in North Dakota. My favorite bands are Nirvana and Slayer.They are the best! My favorite sport is football. I've been playing for the Barnes County North Bison (BCN Bison)for two years now. My first year we did really bad, but my second year we went undeafted!! Next year I'm on the Junior Varsity team, I was on Junior High team...I like the 49ers and the they are the best football team. If you like them e-mail me maybe we could get together and talk. You can find me on icq my icq # is 6328085. I am also on pIRCh my nickname there is PLT-VIPER. I Like PLayin Rainbow 6,Final fantasy VII , when its working,and Starcraft my nickname on is '|'assadar. Some awesome TV shows are , and Southpark. Dont forget to sign the guestbook!!!!! I don't update this often cause i don't have alot of time. But i'll update it every so often. I haven't updated it forever and i need to do it again. This layout is sorta getting boring. But If ya wanna link to me e-mail me. And if anyone out there has any good MP3's or Real Audio songs then e-mail me bout that too or if ya have icq then msg me bout it. Hmmmmmmm well thats about it. One more thing, I'm canceling the internet over the summer so wont be around to update this... ha like i update it alot anyhow right??

sIgN mY gUeSt-BoOk
vIeW mY gUeSt-BoOk

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