Dedicated to My Friends
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Dedicated to My Friends

For every moment that is filled
With sorrow and pain
There is an hour that is overwhelmed
With pleasure and joy.
For everyday that is filled
With darkness and gloom
There is a week that is warmed
With sunshine.
For every month that is ruined with raindrops
There is a year that is blesses
With rainbows.
For every second that is darkened
With loneliness and doubt
There is a lifetime that is brightened
With a friendship.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who have helped me in all kinds of ways since I first met them. Friends are very important to me and I cherish them dearly. So before I start babbling on forever, let's get started.

Moonlight, my mother, my bestfriend. I thank you for doing such a good job of raising me and making me into the person that I am today.

Breezy, I thank you for always being there when I needed help with my web page.

Craven, my bestfriend, you'll always hold a place in my heart.

Tigger and Poobear, the sweetest couple in the whole wide world, I love you both dearly.

Prizm, sis, we've shared so many laughs, why stop now?? lol

Wildbill, even though your an old fart, we all still love ya to death! lmao

Islandboy, for dancing with me when I was feeling down and lonely.

MSL, for being there when I've needed someone to talk to.

Nala, for being your sweet self.

Panther, for putting up with my whining and complaining.

Vegas, for always being unavailable when I needed to talk to you! lmao Gotta love ya hun!

Traci, for making me laugh when I needed a good one.

Becca, for always being supportive and lifting my spirits.

Sassy, we are going to rock some poor city one of these days. lol

LadyBug, for being my favorite nurse..giggles and a good friend!

Ariel, we have had our ups and downs sis, but i still love ya!

Spyder, you are THE biggest sweetheart in the world and i love ya lots!

Tara, for buggin all those damn Englishmen! And for being such a wonderful friend!

Ready, for trying to drag me out of that closet by my hair! lmfao and for kissin me all the time...giggles

DaveDal, just for being your sweet, cyberstud self! lol

Tomcat, for sending me see thru thongs! hahaha

Hope, for being my thong sister and sharing the embarassment! lol

Lacey, for promising to kidnap me and bring me to Texas! lol

Nicki, for letting me play chicken with ya! hehehe

Bennie, for always being such a sweetheart to me and mom.

RNman, for humping my leg and makin me smile! lmfao

If I have forgotten anyone it's not because you don't mean anything to me. I will be adding names every now and then so come back and visit. If your name still doesn't show up than icq me and give me shit! lmao I love you all dearly and you shouldn't need to see your name to now that. Big *huggies* to all my friends.

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