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This My Family Homepage

My name is Snowy and this is my family's homepage. We live in Alaska and hope to bring some information about living in this beautiful state to the internet. If any of you are interested in the Iditarod, check out the link below. This page is under construction so there arent too many things on it yet. But, we will keep working on it and make it better.

One of the most important things I want to do on the internet is bring information to people who have been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse or Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome. There is a difference. I have both of these frustrating conditions and am trying to get the word out to others. If you know anyone who has it, please go to my MVP page, there are some great sites with loads of information. It is a misunderstood condition and hard on everyone who lives with it. Best of Luck to you all!

My Favorite Links

Please Help A Little Boy Named Christopher

This page hosted by Angelfire - Free Home Pages

Iditarod Official Site

Live Picture of Downtown Anchorage, Alaska

MVP Page (under construction!)

My Sister's Homepage (Geneology)Please Visit! And if you have time sign her guestbook, its sooo lonely!"G"

Last but hopefully not least My Story!

My Son's Page - Please visit!

My Geocites Page

I am proud to be a member of a great bunch of Ladies called
Ladies of the Heart

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