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Abbey The Unstoppable Venture Scout Unit
WHO ARE WE ?????

Words by Ade.
Pictures by Dave.





Chris L

Colin H

Colin W

Dan Bond

Dave W





Ian James


Kath Drake




Liz Drake


Mark L

Matt Collins


Rich Drew

Richard E


Si  Bond







Select a member (!!)

Adrian Croton Adrian, as he is no longer known, joined Abbey in 1993 having come from a scout group outside the district. Within in a few weeks of joining it was clear that he was a loose cannon, a liability and a safety hazard. Ade sat twice on the exec committee at Abbey firstly as official tea maker and then as chairman (bit of a step). He stopped being a regular at meetings in September '96, but has kept very much in touch with the goings on within the unit . At the moment he is living in Berkshire and furthering links with other units - his life is still full of drama
MOMENT OF GLORY… Wedding – reading – too much vodka the night before – nightmare!

Richard Lemon Involved in Scouts since he was eight, Richard has developed a Scouting alter ego: "Ricardo le Mon". Told when he was 10 years old that he would have "little chance" with girls if he introduced himself as Richard Lemon, Richard was re-christened Ricardo and became 52nd Reading's, and later Abbey VSU's, sex God. Allegedly.
Seriously, folks, Ricardo's the sensible one (most of the time) and has been described by AD (Ched) as "never at the forefront of anything, yet always at the forefront of everything". Read into that what you will... Currently instilling some sense of order into that nest of iniquity that is London
MOMENT OF GLORY… ‘Evil Kenevil style mountain bike riding in Luxembourg.

Brendan Cox Its been said that Brendan is a little interested in politics, This is like saying there may be a few little problems with the NHS at the moment,. There in lies the fuel for the fire... its also been said of Bren that there's nothing he likes more than to get around a pub table with a few mates and a few pints and have a debate about politics. To be fair the guy was national chair of Labour Students. Bren does a lot of work for charidy mate and has been the driving force behind our continuing links with Croatia. On that subject Bren is also learning Croatian at the moment. Something of a cunning linguist. Now keeps up with 'current' affairs by living on the Thames.
MOMENT OF GLORY The story of the legend of the man they call Coxey.. every day is a moment of glory... read into that what you will.

Si Bond Simon (as he is seldom known) has been an Abbey boy for many years...after falling into the River Thames at age the age of 2 and not resurfacing for 12 years he was destined to become first a venture then a student and the world is his oyster. Si thinks he can drive (although that's still open to debate), he likes going to the pub, drinking, having a beer or simply relaxing on his very narrow boat with a cold tin from the fridge. (He also gets naked a bit)

UPDATE after all that, Si is now working as an environmental hydrologist (or something like that) which basically involves leaping into rivers and getting paid for it.
MOMENT OF GLORY.. His many varied hair styles

Richard Drew A masterful chairman of the Unit. taking the reign.. the rain ...rein after Ade. organised the spectacular event that was the luxembourg experience and has been to Croatia more times than anyone else from the unit (except Bren..oh and Damo) Can now be found in Bristol, sharing cars.
MOMENT OF GLORY.. Either navigating Reading to Brighton via the M27 at Southampton or, leaving Ikea to travel to Australia and get a job in ...umm Ikea

Ben Long um.. mostly censored.. did much being a staunch venture socialite.. only ever did south coast walk, and some of the Corsica training weekends in the way of expo's.. lived in Whitley for most of his life (hence his war cry of (and i quote)"I think you'll find that's 'University borders actually'") Ben spends much of his time naked (see left) although, not as much time as Simon...
Now pushing credit cards in Bangalore
MOMENT OF GLORY... The whole Butlins weekend.. say no more

Toby Swallow Mr Toby was a venture along time before me, A long long time before me, he's a very old and wizened gent , warlock like in his approach to life... Toby is 50% student 50% surf dude 50% rugby player and 50% magic .. and he's the only person who can make that add up...
MOMENT OF GLORY... Of all the car accidents he's had, none of them have been his fault

UPDATE He has moved South, very far South to tell kids how to make things go bang in the science lab. Good work Fella


Dan Bond Dan 'The Man'. What can I Say. Long term Venture, Abbey "lifer" if you will. Done pretty much everything there is to do. School, College, Uni, Army (kind of) Advertising Executive (sniff) college AGAIN, now doing surveying. Also a WORLD RECORD HOLDER (Unofficial) for speeds reached in a domestic Mini over a 10 mile course (that's roughly the distance from Reading in Berkshire to Henley college which isn't). Can be found most Thursday evenings propping up bars in London's Covent Gardens chewing the fat with Ched and Comrade Cox
AKA Derick De Large - long story, happened about the same time Ched became ...well um... Ched I Guess
MOMENT OF GLORY See above.... and the whole Brighton thang. Good work Fella

Marion K Never been touched! Maid Marion! Saintly almost.. so good and pure she felt it would be improper to join the unit on any of our overseas trips for fear of blemishing her oh so clean, unsullied, virtuous character.... ooops my bullshit meter just exploded. Top lass our Maz, a regular at meetings, parties, pub visits, club nights and the annual venture love in (although they did happen more than once a year and it always seemed only two people turned up..) ...suddenly this all sounds like a damming indictment and somewhat incriminating.. oh well that's journalism.. Mr Maz is also the sweetest and loveliest person I, personally, have ever met.. (the photo does her no justice - yes, that is a girl in the photo!) Now thought to be in Bolivia

Fiona Fiona, the arty one in the unit (remember the birthday cards?). She was poached from a lesser VSU whilst once on stage and soon became a stalwart, known for staying calm whatever the situation, and even when panic was our only salvation. You need to dig deep to understand Fiona, though hopefully not as deep as she digs herself. Look out Time Team! Fiona's house was fortuitously close for those who needed a floor for the night, which reminds me that it was she who introduced Gemma to our ranks.
Moment of glory: Turning up at the reunion just as we were off to the pub, and leaving the next morning once the ale had run out.

Gemma Gemma hit the unit like lightning - fast, brilliant and gone in a flash. She holds the world altitude and speed records for investiture, making her vows somewhere in Austrian airspace, although she will be best remembered for celebrating her 18th birthday with beer and pizza (of the Italian and pavement varieties) in Fuzine. By the end of that summer she was off to uni to become a student of knowledge, although she still kept up with one or two friends made on the trip. Maximum respect for not being phased by a trip to the former Yugoslavia accompanied by a bunch of individuals she barely knew, and not muttering a word of complaint. Last heard of examining historic buildings - expect to see her soon at the boathouse.

Linda Spencer Mr Linda, like a bottle of Champagne is our Linda. Bubbly and intoxicating, expensive taste and can be drunk at any time of the day or night. Another of the Abbey lifers, it was The lovely Linda who introduced Mr Ben and myself to the unit in a cold February in 1993, and the rest as they say is history. Unfortunately absent from many of our overseas expos, but always made up for it when she was there. Now training for local government by boozing with Joe and Co a lot.. Which brings me onto....


Jo Cook and the girls from Apache Nice link what... The 'Apache Girls' best described as friends of Abbey, although they did partake in many joint activities with members of our unit (Phnurr Phnurr). Known collectively as Apache Girls, being as they were from Apache VSU, Known individually as Jo Cook, Sarah Dutfield, Julia Lovell and Catherine Tinson (and I have almost definitely spelt them all wrong and am in huge trouble) Lovely bunch all of them.. Fantastic.. there were also some other people in Apache VSU but I can't remember any of them right now.. Oh, there was Jamie Buckle, but he wasn't one of the girls.

Mr Waite (Dave) Our illustrious leader for more years than I can remember. from America, to Croatia, from Sweden to Canada, from Iceland to the pub in under 10 minutes, oh yes Dave has been all over the place. He is busy single handedly restarting the Unit and already has the first new member (although he's only 18 months old at the moment.) Dave is a fine leader of men and a great teacher to boot (quite literally) he's well experienced in a variety of water sports, plus innumerable personal achievements.. Duke of Edinburgh's Awards, an expert skier (te he he) all of which are over shadowed by the fact he still can't tie his own shoe laces...never mind Dave.....
MOMENT OF GLORY - Just one of many, but the Luxemburg minibus incident was worthy of an Oscar .

Roger Street (Papa Smurf) Ladies and gentlemen.. Let me introduce to you Mr Roger Street.. (cut the drum roll). Rog was with Abbey before I got there so god knows how long he's been knocking around (oops watch what you say Ched). A man of more talents possibly even than Dave!! Our second in command is a master at entertainment He should have been the fifth Beatle, cos he knows all of there stuff. Rog is very big in outdoor activities (oh dear there I go again), he's a master at windsurfing (apparently, but I've never seen it)and now an expert on teenage pregnancies. In general is the man to have around. If there's a form for it, Rogers got it, and you wouldn't believe how useful that can be at times. One thing I will say though is this : Rog does love his cider-Scrumpy Cider!!

Colin Humphrey As Uncle Roger left the unit, so Uncle Colin did join. absconded from Rafiki-taurus VSU Col found himself living in Reading without a unit, if you know Col , you know this is bad. Colin is an easy going realist who joined the group for our first sojourn to Croatia. A killer socialite, Col spent a few years living on a bus (which was pretty cool) and has since seen the light and done the traveling thang, at the moment I believe he is somewhere off the Oxford Rd. Watch this space cos there will be more.

Damo! Known around the manor variously as "The Great Damondo", "Dr Damian" and "Dam", Damo is a veteran Abbey boy. Coming up through the scout ranks into the unit. Damo found it somewhat hard to adjust to the concept of 'washing' and 'shaving' and 'trying to stay sober'. This, however, has in no way impaired his ability to 'pull some chicks' and ' remain alive'...
I think Damo has been on every venture expo since '95 although not necessarily at the same time as the rest of the unit. (if I tried to explain you might die laughing, so I won't). His long running battle of wills with Mr Ched never ceases to entertain the troops.
MOMENT OF GLORY: Having had 5 months to decide whether or not to join us on the 98 Croatia expo, Damo decides to come whilst we are in the pub the night before we leave. (although as team doctor he did save my foot so I for one am glad he came)

Liz Drake Elizabeth is (was???) the quiet and sensible one of the twins, hard thinking, hard rowing and hard to take down the pub to get drunk. She was a major player in the Sheffield New Year 'event' but was unable to claim her place on the Somme trip due to a last minute injury. Now spends 25 hours a day healing the sick and nursing the health service, and probably knows more about drugs than nearly anyone else in the unit.


Kath Drake Katherine was invested one dark night stood on the ruins of an ancient and sacred Celtic site, but despite this she has managed to keep her legs firmly on the ground. A regular rower, she survived the Somme to gain the Gold D of E award, and had a long friendship with Toby which still remains a bit of a mystery. Now earning an income by massaging men's bodies (a physiotherapissed).
Moment of glory: being the only girl on the Somme trip, and never needing the toilet for the whole week.
Update: Now married! Katherine Stubbings. How appropriate is that for someone who helps people who have tripped and hurt their toes?

Mark A keen member, and I think still the chairman of Abbey VSU, a successor never having been elected. Mark was famed for his sterling attempts to score on away matches, but finally hit the net much closer to home. Still to be found risking his life, in the Andes, on the sports field or simply living in Edinburgh, taking an MA in walking up hills.

Chris Another of a pair of twins, though this time with a less nautical surname. Chris had an early exposure to Venture culture on the Croatia trip, and still keen to display his sporting prowess, although he's recently had more medical attention than Beckham's toe.


Wiggy! David Wignall, a legend in his own little world (where much of his time is spent). A long term inmate of the Abbey clan joining us from 52nd Reading, the home of Longs and Lemons etc. The Wig's first major outing with the Abbey was the 1995 Germany exchange (although the only exchange I remember going on was with a girl called Angela eh Wig ;o)... in later years Wig has been present on several Croatia trips and spent some time talking to lions in Africa. Very friendly apparently. Now in rehab back in Reading after 6 months living with Ched. Currently an audit type accountant but not for long according to the man himself...
MOMENT OF GLORY - Joining Ched and a mini bus full of Ched's uni mates on a trip to Alton Towers and getting left at a service station somewhere on the M1 (sorry about that mate). This is where the war cry of "where's Wiggy?" actually originated.

Kerry Morgan Kerry the Morgan, what can I say.. top lass, became one of the clan via the Wokingham branch of the Duke of Edinburghs Award. (see reports on Germany 95). Kerry was somewhat forced into joining the Luxembourg Planning Exec Committee, to which end she played the vital role of " international relationships" no that's not a grammatical error.. nuff said. Kerry has started more post A-level courses than Stephen Hawkins and is, therefore, in my opinion the smartest girl in the unit. Who cares how many courses you finish, it's the being an eternal studunt wot cownts. Good work fella-ette.
MOMENT OF GLORY: That night on the way back down the Warren after a night out at Valbonnes.. post box.. street pizza.. say no more

Kate Binns Kate was know around the manor as Katie for years until Mr Ricardo found out that it pissed her off and she would rather been known as her alter ego "kate" (or something like that). Another of the Wokingham D of E girls, kate was on the committee as something with RD and Kerry and the like (may have been treasurer.. umm I'm really not doing too well here.. kate went to uni and nobody knows what she did there, but I have a sneaky suspicion it may have been based around journalism as in a recent letter it was mentioned the "She is a very very very busy lady and has had some articles printed in the Express".... maybe journalism was too strong a word to use.. ho hum.
Kate mate is currently spending 6 months in South America with her boyfriend.

Lauren Gray The quite shy one of the bunch. Intelligent, hard working, sober and dedicated. Well that's how we remember Lauren, the lynch pin of the Abbey competition hiking team (well the one that won everything) the quiet organiser, all in all a sweet young lady in the midst of a bunch of rowdy clumsy scruffy blokes, heavy drinking blokes... Or so we thought... Lauren once worked for the MOD playing with big guns and even bigger boats and generally killing people .. Nice!

Emma Smailes contrary to popular belief, Emma doesn't (Smells that is).. ho ho it's one of the oldest jokes in the book, but hey Em's been with us for a long time. Not only content with being a regular at meetings, Em has also been spotted on overseas jollys, most noticeably Luxembourg as well as the occasional competition hike, she has a presence that is noticed by all. Especially all the boys ;-)

Colin WaiteA long term member of the unit - Corsica, Hadrian's Wall, Norway, Sweden, Queen's Scout Award, The Pack Saddle... he's been there and got the T-shirt. Just returned from travelling the remoter parts of the globe, he has flames burning for him in several exotic locations.
MOMENT OF GLORY Genetically merging a large pot of boiling curry with freshly painted varnish on the boathouse floor.Follow his tour here.

Ian James Sometimes known as 'Big Ian' on account of his exceeding 6ft by a few inches, Ian was the VSL from the mid eighties until 1989 and protected a small but enthusiastic unit from themselves with remarkable patience and good humour. As well as being a keen climber, canoeist and cyclist he also worked for a company who made vending machine drinks - a rare and valuable combination.
Last seen at the bonfire that was the Newbury anniversary protest (materials kindly supplied by Costain) but rumoured to still be living locally.

Richard Evans After working his way up through the ranks, Richard joined the Unit at an opportune time, fitting in trips to Sweden, Norway, and Corsica as well as the legendary Aspidistra hike. Reliable and hard working, he helped keep the unit running when numbers were low. A competition sailor, he chose the South Coast as a venue to continue his studies and by all accounts had a great time. Last spotted in the After Dark on his stag night - it happens to all of us at some time or another.
Moment of Glory - completing the Corsica hike with more blisters than a packet of bubble wrap.

Matthew Collins More commonly known as 'Mole' due to his size and eyesight. Matthew was a stalwart of the eighties, attending jamborees in Ireland, Norfolk and most notably Sweden, when sleeping for a week in a mixed tent caused his eyesight to deteriorate further. An expert in the art of gig skulling, sailing and climbing, though not at the same time, he started a tradition by moving from Abbey VSU into town planning, and was last heard of somewhere near Leeds.
Moment of Glory - taking pro-plus at a Swedish campfire and then sleeping for eighteen hours afterwards.

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