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Mission One: Arkangelsk

Mission One: Arkangelsk
Section One: Dam
Overview: The story opens nine years ago in the Soviet Union. A chemical weapons plant in Arkangelsk has been supplying terrorist groups around the world with it's deadly products. To gain access to the facility, Bond must make his way through the Byelomorrye Dam to reach a ventilation shaft that leads inside.
A. Neutralize all alarms/Secret Agent
B. Install Covert Modem/00 Agent
C. Intercept data backup/00 Agent
D. Bungee-jump from platform/Agent
Weapons: PP7 (silenced), KF7 Soviet, Sniper Rifle, Grenade
From the level start position, slowly move to the left wall. Around the corner, you encounter an armed guard. Target his head and take him down. When he drops, collect his KF7 Soviet. Equip it, and you'll find it gives you better targeting range.
Accross the chasm you see a guard tower where a guard patrols either at the base or on the upper walkway. Attempt to target and take him oput from here, but be prepared for him to charge should you miss. Either way, he'll soon be finished.
Cross the chasm, and head to the tower. Behind the tower there's another guard. From a covered position take him out and prepare for two guards to charge out of the tunnel toward you. Once defeated, each guard drops extra ammo you may use.
When you've cleared all the guards, climb the tower and collect the Sniper Rifle. Equip it and enter the tunnel. Continue along the left wall of the tunnel to the end of the yellow-and-black railing. From here, you should be able to pick off the patrolling guard at the next tower. When he's droped, quickly continue ahead to the guard tower, veering right toward the stairway.
The next guard you must shoot is across the courtyard to your left. From here, climb the tower and target the guard behind the crates. If you miss, he charges, becoming an easy target.
Now exit the tower and walk along the right courtyard wall to the bunker. There should be two- very surprised- guards to take out here.
This clears the section. From here, continue along the rigth wall until you reach the glowing red light. Activate this switch to open the gate and allow the truck to pass through. Then follow the truck through both gates, traling along the drivers side of the vehicle.
When the second gate opens, quickly shoot the guard along the left wall, who attempts to run and activate an alarm. You save yourself a big headache and lots of ammo if you prevent his signaling for reinforcments. Now, move to the right wall and shoot the guard at the base of the next guard tower.
With these two enemies down, run accross the courtyard to the metal fence. Along the wall to the right there's a red switch below the Satillite Dish to disable the first alarm and go toward the back of the building behind the stacks of boxes. Behind the boxes there's a small computer on the right wall. Use the Covert Modem, and throw it on the computer to complete Objective B.
at the end of the area there is a locked door. Shoot the lock at walk out toward the Dam. In each of the guard towers there are alarms to be destroyed but watch out for enemys at the top of the towers.
Once you destroyed all of the alarms you complete Objective A. Enter the last guard tower and walk down the stairs to find a whole bunch of guards down the lond zig-zag hallway. Once you defeated all the guards, using the walls and boxes for cover, there is a door to open once inside this control room, take out the guards trying not to destroy the mainframes. Once all dead, activate the mainframes to complete Objective C.
Go back up to the Dam and look for stair's that lead of the Dam. They are right in front of the second guard tower. Walk off them and complete your mission.

Mission One: Arkangelsk
Section Two: Facility
Overview: Passing through a ventilation shaft, Bond enters the facility. Inside, he must disable the weapon's storage capabilities with the help of Q's remote mines. He also meets up with fellow agent Alec Trevelyan.
A. Gain entry to lab area/Agent
B. Contact double agent/Secret Agent
C. Rendezvous with 006/Agent
D. Destroy all tanks in bottling room/Agent
E. Minimize scientist casualties/Agent
Weapons: PP7 (silenced), DD44 Dosdovie, KF7 Soviet, Grenade, Mine (remote)
Inside the ventilation shaft, walk down to the left corridor until you reach the opening in the floor. You see the green cap of a soldier in a toilet stall, unaware of your presence. Use this opportunaty to take him out with a well placed shot in the head.
When he's dead, move into the other stalls of the bathroom and take out the remaining two.
Collect all the ammo from the ground and then head down the stairs. Here you face more enemies. Take the right passageway, pass through the two sets of double doors, and eventually you find another soldier with his back toward you. Kill him and then search his remains to find a Clerence B Keycard which will give you access to the guards brown metal door.
Continue along this path through the next set of double doors, killing any enemies, and soon you return to the bathroom staircase.
Accross from the bathroom you find a brown metal door, open it, and be careful for guards. Once you've killed the guards, activate the security computer.

Tip: If you don't want to bother with the guards security terminals, a scientist with an A Keycard will run up to the bathroom and into the first right-hand stall. The only drawback is having to wait for him.

Exit, walk left, and take the first left turn. This leads to another brown metal doorway. Continue through, and clear out all enemies in the locker room to the left.
After dispacthing a few waves of guards. In this hallway there are two brown metal doors. Go into them and look for a scientist who has somthing in his hand, his name's Dr. Doak. If you don't find him go into the next brown door at the end of the hall.
There are lot's of guards here. Blow them away but get ready for more. Once everything is calm, go into the brown metal door in front of the one you entered from. Inside, there are two computers, activate the one to the right, and get out and go down the right hallway. Open the second door. Be careful with guards here, there are tanks that they can break. If Dr. Doak isn't in there just walk out.
Go back toward the security terminal and activate the left computer, walk down the left hallway, and complete Objective A.
There might be guards in this small room with the staircase. Take them out and walk up the stairs, there are guards and alot of scientists here. Take out the soldiers carfully, trying not to shoot any scientists. In one of these rooms should be Dr. Doak. Talk to him, He gives you a Door Decoder, completing Objective B, and exit down the left corridor taking out any guards here.
Walk until you see a locked door. Use you Door Decoder to open it and meet 006 downstairs, completing Objective C. while talking to him, lay mines on the back row of tanks. Once the alarm goes off, detonate the tanks, killing 006, completing Objective D, and walk out the double doors.

Mission One: Arkangelsk
Section Three: Runway
Overview: After completing all objectives in the Facility, there remaines the task of escaping. To do this, Bond must clear the runway and commandeer the plane to get away.
A. Find plane ignition key
B. Destroy heavy gun enplacents
C. Eliminate missile battery
D. Escape in plane
Weapons: PP7 (silenced), Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Grenades, Mines (timed), Tank
From level start position look behind you and walk through the doorway. There will be a guard to kill. Collect the timed mines once he's dead.
Exit the building on the loading ramp and get ready for a guard on your right once he's finished walk into the small building. Kill the guards inside and collect the plane ignition key on the table to complete Objective A.
Exit the small complex and walk straight until you see a tank, hop on and enter the runway.
Here destroy the three gun turrets with the tank's missiles and destroy the large missile battery to complete Objetctives B and C.
Finally jump of the tank and enter the plane to complete all objectives easily.
