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GoldenEye General Info

Control- The controls in GoldenEye follow as read:

Control Stick- Moves/ Aims Direction Control Pad (+)- Looks/ side-steps Start- Pauses the game (duh) A- Changes Weapons/ Pauses firing
B- Reloads/ Activates
C^- Looks Down/ Magnifies the Sniper Rifle
Cv- Looks Up/ De-magnifies the Sniper Rifle
C>- Side-steps to the right
C<- Side-steps to the left
L&R- Aims/ Gets up from duck
Z- Fires/ Uses Devices
Z+A- Scrolls weapons backwards
R or L+Z- Ducks
R or L+C < or >- Leans

Fighting Tactics- These fighting tactics should help you out.

1. Most enemies will duck, or move, to prevent this, snipe, or aim at their head. If this does happen, try ducking yourself, of getting real close to the enemy. They won't be able to hit you.
2. Conserve ammo. If there is an enemy alone and can't see you, chop him to death. You never know when you'll need it.
3. The side-step buttons are faster than your normal run, if going for a cheat, and you want to save precious time, use the side-step.
4. If you can't figure out the objectives, maybe you should have read the briefing and stuff.
5. You only get one shot at the objectives, so don't destroy everything you see. You might need it later!
6. Don't kill eneryone you see, some could be scientists, civilans, or even OO6!
7. Stay quiet. You make noise you pay for it.

Double Toting- There are many weapons in GoldenEye, but some come in two. So you want to find these, this way you'll kill um' faster and better. Just make sure you have enough ammo.
