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GoldenEye Cheats and Secrets

These are some GoldenEye cheats and secrets you might want to use to help your game. I you have any cheats please e-mail them to me.

Play as Same Character- Don't you just hate when your friends fight over who want's to be who? Well try this! If all your friends want to be Bond, tell player four to pick Bond, it doesn't matter who player 2 and 3 pick. Swtich to three players tell player 3 to pick Bond, it doesn't matter who player two is. Now switch to two players tell player two to pick Bond. Now switch to four players and everyone is Bond!

Double Different Weapons- First get a pair of let's say ZMG's. And you want to double it with an AR-33. What you do is fire once, the right gun fires first quickly press 'A' then when your just about to switch to a new gun fire the left one. Now you should have two different weapons in the same hand!

Secret RC-P90- In the train on Agent setting, go to the front of the first train car and find two stacked boxes. Destroy the bottom one and an RC-P90 flies out! This also works on a Dostovie on Secret Agent!

Secret AR-33- In the Caverns, in the room with the RC-P90 guy and the toxic barrels, kill everyone and go near the far right side of the room. Destroy all boxes until another box flies out of one. Keep destroying boxes until TV monitors come out. Destroy those and two AR-33s fly out!

Kill Jaws Fast- In Aztec don't you hate having to kill Jaws? Well this is an easier way to kill him. Once you've killed the guards around him without him noticing, use your AR-33 and aim it at his head fire until he turns around. Go up the stairs to the secret vent-thing. Wait about 20 seconds then go down through the doorway and Jaws should be standing there. Shoot him in the head again and walk up the stairs to the vent-thing. Now shoot him, walking up and down the stairs. This is a good way to save life.
