Suzy's Kool Page is BACK!
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Suzy's Kool Page is BACK!

Finally! Suzy's Domain!

Welcome to my home page! Here is where you can learn a bit more about me & the projects I'm working on.

See the image at the top of the page..? I know its Sailor Jupiter/Lita but since I have no way of showing a pic of myself,(no scanner), I will use Lita because she looks & acts pretty similar to myself.

Projects I am working on:

  • Suzy's Sailor Moon Page

  • The Duran Duran Mini Mall

  • Sailor Superfly fanfic Zone

  • The B-ko Daitokuji Shrine

  • The Top 10 coolest people ever!

  • Getting my life on track!

    If you want to know more about me here goes:

    My name is Suzy. I'm 18. ^_- My fave group is Duran Duran. I enjoy Video Games, Anime, Music, Cartoons, & hanging out. I know I must sound like a total drone, but I'm terrible at describing myself!!

    I dont know what I want to do in life. I'm keeping that open. I work at Shop'N'Save. Yay.

    I love music! Here are some of my faves!

  • Duran Duran: Duh! These guys are my fave group ever! Hands down the best!

  • Spice Girls: Boy am I gonna get flamed! I love the Spice Girls! So there!

  • John Taylor: The master of depression! And one of the hottest guys ever! Used to be in Duran Duran!

  • Arcadia: Too bad they only made one album!

  • Michael Jackson: I'm gonna marry him someday!

  • Madonna: She's everything I want to be! My idol!

  • Pet Shop Boys: Too catchy! My mom likes em' too!

  • Blondie: I've never met anyone who hates Blondie! I love them! Yes the whole band is Blondie not just the chick!

  • Peach Hips: Is actually the Japanese seiyuu from Sailor Moon. Emi Shinohara/Makoto is my fave! She does B-ko too!

  • Alanis Morisette: Shes awesome! I got Jagged Little Pill when it first came out & I still listen to it daily!

  • No Doubt: We love you Gwen!

  • Pulp: A cool British group. If you've never heard them go buy their CD "Different Class" do it now!

  • Boy George: He has got one of the best voices I've ever heard!

  • Take That: Unfortunately never were too popular here in the US.

    As you can see I love all styles. You'll find a bit of everything in my CD collection. (Pop,Alternative,New Wave mostly) Rap & Country just dont hit it with me. Sorry.

    The Number One Link around here:

    Suzy's New Sailor Moon page!
