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Do you have Star Trek: Voyager News? Well if you do send it to me HERE


Brannon Braga said that he will not leave Voyager's day to day business to Kennith Biller till Series V takes up enough of his time that he believes it neccessary.

This statement was made by Robert Picardo on an AOL chat:
"I have heard rumors that there will be a two-hour movie in November, and I suspect that they are true. Perhaps that might be our return to the Alpha Quadrant. Our cliffhanger that ends this season is a one-hour show."
New reports are coming in that Braga won't be leaving next season. Right now there are a couple contradicting reports so I figure that we should take it all with a grain of salt for now.
Exec-Producer Kennith Biller will take over Exec-Producer Brannon Braga's role of head writer next season. Braga will be working a lot more on the development of Series V. Biller's style of writing is more character based than Braga's (as can be seen in episodes like CHILDS PLAY and GOOD SHEPHERD) which will probably be a good balance for VOYAGER in its last season.
Star was nominated for a number of Saturn Awards:

Best Syndicated Television Series : Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Best Actress on Television : Kate Mulgrew, Star Trek Voyager
Best Supporting Actress on Television : Jeri Ryan, Star Trek Voyager
Best Supporting Actor on Television : Robert Picardo, Star Trek Voyager has provided two pictures of FURY:
According to the Voyager Delights website, at the Slanted Fedora's Kansas City Convention last weekend, Robert Duncan McNeill said that "Tom Paris gets his [lieutenant] rank back" in a "story involving the Borg", in which "they establish contact with the Alpha Quadrant again".
According to the Official Jeri Ryan homepage, Jeri broke her foot last Thursday and is now on crutches. E! Online reported that Jeri suffered the hairline fracture after tripping on a step. Production on Voyager apparently isn't affected by the injury.
Last week's TSUNKATSE was able to get VOYAGER's best rating (6.6-overnight) since last February's DARK FRONTIER.
At the Star Trek Convention in Portland, OR on January 10, guest Robert Picardo (Voyager's Doc) announced and confirmed that Jennifer Lien has been signed to reprise her role as Kes in a guest shot later this season. No word on how her appearance will affect Voyager's finale, or the status of Voyager being in the Delta Quadrant, but given Kes's powers seen in her departure, it maybe possible that Voyager is due for another big leap.
New reports are coming out now that say the Enterprise won't be seen in PATHFINDER. I tend to believe these new reports as the producers try to keep Star Trek television and films seperate.
A lot of interesting information was released at a German convention recently. For one it was confirmed that there will definitly be a 7th season. I was surprised by the next bit of info. but we will get to see the Enterprise-E in PATHFINDER. Last but certainly not least we will once again get to see Q! It's not confirmed when, but my bets would be during February sweeps.
Ultimate Trek, the special airing before PATHFINDER on December 1st, 'will present an assortment of Star Trek moments - both lighthearted and thought-provoking -- from the four series, scenes that reflect the far-reaching effect Star Trek has had on popular culture. Among the segments are: "Most Beautiful Guest Stars", "Sexiest Moments", "Most Memorable Villains", "Best Dialogue and One Liners", "Those Last Minute Heroics" and a salute to the late DeForest Kelley, "Our Man Bones." The special will include an announcement of the "Best Episode of All Time." Fans will be able to vote for their favorite episode at'
According to a new writer is coming onto the show. Her name is Robin Bernheim and she has worked with former DS9 producer Hans Beimler before. Her title will be something along the lines of "Supervising Coordinator". She if the first female writer to be on the staff since Jeri Ryan and Lisa Klink left over a year ago. reports this:

"The Rock will tape an episode of Star Trek Voyager in Las Angeles, CA on October 13 and 14. The episode will not air until early next year"


MUSE 04/19/00
FURY 05/03/00
LIFE LINES 05/10/00


An old Kes shows up out of nowhere, requesting help from Janeway and seeking permission to come aboard. Of course, Janeway gives permission. Kes proceeds to ram Voyager with her shuttle, taking half of deck 10 with her. Kes then proceeds to walk through deck 11, flexing conduits and blowing out bulkheads left and right in a fit of rage. When a couple of security guys try to stop her, they are killed. She makes her way to engineering where she starts sapping power from the warp core. Torres tries to intervene, and is killed as well. Kes, hugging the warp core, suddenly becomes young again, then disappears.

Next we see Kes reappear, only now it is three years earlier (she has traveled back in time). Old Kes finds past Kes in the aerponics (spelling) bay, sedates her, and takes her place amongst the crew. Kes is angry with Janeway, and blames her for filling her head with a bunch of space exploration stuff, and convincing her to explore her telepathic side. It turns out that Kes was not ready to become a 'being of light' - and blames Janeway for forcing her into it. ANYWAY, Kes then begins a devious plan to have Voyager captured by the Vidians (the guys that steal peoples organs) as revenge.

Due to Kes' strong telepathic abilities, Tuvok begins to have bizarre visions. He sees and speaks to Naomi Wildman in the turbolift, and sees Seven of Nine and the Borg twins in the cargo bay. This obviously disturbs him, as none of these people yet exist - none of that has happened - so he does not know what or who he is seeing. He even makes a reference to using the Delta Flyer for an away mission, and it has not been built yet. Tuvok becomes confused and asks to be relieved of duty.

When the Vidians attack, Janeway figures out whats going on, and confronts 'future' Kes as she is trying to get a semi-conscious 'past' Kes off Voyager to take her back home. Janeway ends up having to kill 'future' Kes.

We then jump back to the present, and back to where the show originally started. Kes again pops up and requests to come aboard, but this time Janeway is ready. She raises shields to prevent the crash, and shuts down the warp core so when 'old' Kes gets to it, she cannot travel back in time. Torres does not die. 'Old' Kes then sees a holo-message that she recorded in the past (as young Kes - after the vidian incident) to try to dissuade her future self from doing this. Old Kes is moved to tears, and leaves the ship once again.

The episode will be directed by Levar Burton and deals with three alien con artists named Feydra, Mobar and Zev, who have obtained extensive information about Voyager and are now posing as Janeway, Tuvok and Chakotay, respectively. In this way they're trying to scam others out of money and needed materials. The casting sheet for the episode notes that the actors cast in these roles do not need to be of the same ethnicity as the real Janeway, Tuvok and Chatokay, as the aliens as scamming people who have not met the real Voyager crew.
This is the much talked about ep with Troi and Barclay. In one of their now monthly transmissions, Barclay sends info to the Doc that Doctor Zimmerman his creator has a terminal cellular disease, and that he will die in a couple of months. The doc convinces Janeway to let him send himself back to earth over the wire to treat his creator. His experience in the Delta Quadrant and with Borg technology gives him an edge over Earth doctors. When the doc arrives, he finds that Zimmerman wants nothing to do with him. The Mk I holodocs have been found incompetent and relegated to scrubbing plasma conduits. They are already up to the Mk 4 EMH. The two docs bump heads and fight a lot. In the end, the doc cures him and they reach an understanding. Troi, and Barclay have fairly small roles. This episode was actually co-written by Robert Picardo (he developed the story with Co-Exec Joe Menosky, Menosky took care of the teleplay).
Torres and Harry crash in the Delta Flyer on an alien planet. The planet is developmentally comparable to earth in the Shakespeare period. A 'poet' finds Torres in the downed flyer (Harry punched out in an escape pod) and begins writing plays based on Voyager and the crew. Torres ends up helping him perform his last 'play', which keeps a war from breaking out on the planet because of the play. The B plot has a really rather funny bit with Tuvok snoring and sleeping in the Captains chair.
This story is mostly told as a campfire type story by Neelix to the Borg children. The power on ship goes down, and the regenerating children wake up. Neelix tells them what is happening in the form of story. Basically, while flying through a Nebula, Voyager picks up an entity which makes its way through the ships systems wreaking havoc and trying to force the crew to take it back to the nebula. The crew just thinks the ship is fraught with malfunctions due to flying through the nebula and doesn't figure out there is intelligence behind it for quite some time. In the end, they give the creature some place to live and everyone is happy.
Unimatrix Zero is a place where the Borg's minds go to when the regenerate. A kind-of cyberspace, where they can be their old selves before being assimilated. It is in this realm that Seven has a boyfriend. Seven's father, Magnus Hansen, is rescued throughout the course of the episode. Janeway, Torres and Tuvok will be assimilated in this episode. Paris is promoted back to Lt. probably after the other guys are assimilated. Janeway may actualy become the new Borg Queen. Deals with a Borg civil war. The Delta Flyer will be destroyed.