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Character Description for June


The most notorious and fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy is also the most mysterious. Many legends and stories have arisen over the years, but few facts are known of the man called Boba Fett, or of his inextricable link to Han Solo. Long before Luke Skywalker journeyed off Tatooine to fulfill his destiny as a Jedi, Boba Fett was known as Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel. Years past, the ugly young law-enforcement officer on the world of Concord Down had killed another protector, and though the dead man had been corrupt, disgracing his office and uniform, Mereel was still imprisoned for the murder. Against the wishes of his pleader, the arrogant young man remained unrepentant to the trial court, and Jaster Mereel was exiled from Concord Down, stripped of all he owned. Mereel’s adoption of the name Boba fett, and the manner in which he acquired his rare battle armor, are tales lost in time, remembered by no living being except for Fett himself. Fett wears the armor of the Mandalorians, a group of evil warriors who were defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. Fett’s modified Mandalore armor includes a helmet that has a macrobinocular viewplate, motion and sound sensors, infrared capabilities, an internal comlink with his ship, The Slave I, and a broadband antenna for intercepting and decoding transmissions. Wrist gauntlets house lasers, a miniature flame projector, and a fibercord whip/grappling hook with twenty-meter lanyard. Fett also carries kneepad rocket dart launchers, spiked boots, a concussion grenade launcher, and a Blas Tech EE-3 rifle. Braided Wookie scalps hang over his right shoulder to complete the outfit.

Next Month's Character will be Luke Skywalker

Special Thanks to Del Rey Publishing


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