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The default characters

Alex: The default character of the game. Alex wants to block the ball with the paddles, by using his paddle skills. He wants to be a Paddlemaster, so he can get that cool hat. His only weakness is that sometimes he misses the ball with his paddle.

Luna likes singing almost as much as she likes playing Lords of Lunar. She usually musically blocks the ball with her paddle. She also plays the paddle. Her only weakness is that she tries to sing the ball to sleep(which never works).

Nash uses his mirror for a paddle, so he can check on his hair while playing. Unfortantly, he never pays attention to the ball, only to Mia(who usually rams it down his throat).

Mia uses her magic to move the paddle. She yells "abbra caddbra" and swings her paddle back and forth. Sometimes it hits a ball.

Jessica tries her hardest to beat everyone at Lords of Lunar. If she loses, she uses her paddle as a club.

Kyle plays only to boast how good he is at it. He's not(he's usually plastered).

Ramus only joined because he thought the game was called Loads of Tuna. But he realized he was good at the game because of his body mass. His only weakness is when he's looking for the tuna.

Nall has a big mouth. He's to small to carry a paddle, so he just uses his hot air to whack the ball.

Onwards to the other characters!