New Worlds & Realms

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New Worlds & Realms

Come join us on a wonderful adventure into the kingdom of Forum. This is my new land that I made for my campaign. Hope you will enjoy it.

Lets explain to you a little about forum. The land has just recently been under siege in a great war for survival. The first war of the land has just ended in the year 1020 ad. The Christian religion has just started entering the lands and has banded the old ways of religion. Now to study magic in this land you must do so in secret. The year now is 1121 nearly a hundred years after the great war. The governments are still untrustworthy towards another. A new eerier is on the way, one with no such thing as magic. The Christians have vowed to eliminate all forms of magic throughout the world due to it's evil nature. With full support of the people of the lands, great wizards and witches have been turning up dead all over the world by hangings and burnings. To even mention the study of magic is to be out cased. Little by little the art of heroes and great swordsmanship is depleting. If the Christians keep on their move to banish all these things the world will never be the same. On the behave the old religions they must learn to stand together or be destroyed for ever. The only form of the old religion that still exist is the druids. The druids hiding under the name of Christian they still teach their wisdom hoping in return they can save their religion. For those young men that wish to study of higher knowledge and power must proof themselves to the druids to be trained in the arts.


The Underground Passage

Min. characters:2
Max. characters:4
Max. level:4

This adventure is a starting adventure into these realms only. This is just to give your characters a start into a new world. Thank you and enjoy. More to come at latter dates.

The characters start their adventure in a dungeon prison cell on the east side of the Castle of Luepus. The characters were arrested for brawling in the streets of the city. The air seems to be very Eire and with the smell of death in the air could make anyone feel uncomfortable. There is seven other cells in this part of the dungeon. Two of them which have skeletons in on the other side of the hall. Next to the characters their is a young madden locked up, but for what reason. She appears to be harmless. The other cells are empty. The party sees one guard at the end of the hallway to their left. Their appears to be no way to escape. The door locks on the gates have the look to be very new as if they were changed due to a recent breakout.
DM notes:
The girl in the cell next to the characters has been arrested for the study of magic. She has one spell left on her that she had memorized from before. Which could get the characters out of the cells. She had not used it because she had no way of getting past the guards without being captured. The girl will not speak to the characters unless they speak to her. The spell she has memorized is a level two spell of pick locks. This spell gives her the ability to pick locks as if she were a 9th level thief. Also in the dungeon is second guards not visible to the party. He is around the corner to the right. Both guards are level 1 and have minimal armor and minimal weapons. This is your chose for weapons and armor due to your characters levels and size. "Dungeon Layout"
The charge for brawling in the city is 4 months in prison. In order to avoid this charge the party must escape. The party has been striped of all items and clothing that they had. Their equipment is being stored in a prison closet near the guard to the west and has been locked(DM note: The guard to the east that is around the corner has the key to that door.). The only way the party can get out is if they help the young girl next to them. There is no secret passages any where in the cell areas that they can get out from. When they escape from the cell the alarm will be sounded as soon as the guard to the left sees them. At this time the guard from the right comes to reinforce the key master of the cells. They must take out both guards to survive.

2 Guards
Equipped:DM choose
Experience:20 + DM bonus if any
Items:Closet key, 10 g.p., DM extras

After the guards are defeated and the characters have the key to the door they have a choice of two doors they can unlock. The one behind the desk leads to the torture room, the one on the right side of the desk leads to the closet where their equipment is. There is only one way out of the dungeon for the characters. That is a secret passage way located in the west corridor. There is a button on the floor next to the wall that they will have to find. You have entered the dark cavern.
"As you open the door you see a dark passage way with no trace of light. On the wall to your left is an unlit torch. The ground is moist as if water was flowing in here at some point of time."
As the characters venture down through the cavern they will soon come to intersection of paths and they will have to choose through fate from here.
"You have come to intersection. There are three paths you can take. The path to you your left looks rugged with some large rocks in the path put is passable. There is the path in front of you that looks as if it were the most traveled, and then there is the path to your right that is very wet it looks like there could be a way out that way but your here some weird soft tapping sounds in that direction. In the distance of one of the paths, which one you can not tell, you here the sound of water flowing."

Right Path:
As the characters walk down the path the tapping gets a little louder and the sound of water flowing gets louder it seems they took the right path until they are attacked by 3 giant working ants.

3 Giant working ants
HD=2 or 3
# of attacks=1
DMG/ATT=1-6 or 2-8

Center path:
As the characters start their walk down the center path the sound of water gets even louder. Just as they think they are home free on of the members walks into a large spider web. At this point the characters are attacked by

2 hairy spiders.
# of attacks=1

Left path:
As the characters walk down this corridor they see plenty of drift wood pilled up and the walls are very slimy. The sound of flowing water seems to get softer as they walk down this corridor. The party sees plenty of rats scurrying around living off of scraps that have reached their domain. Soon enough their walk through this cavern comes to a t in the road. To the left there is a drop down gate that has been permanently mounted in the walls. To the right they hear the sound of water flowing again. In the distance on the ground in front of them the party sees a shimmering sparkle. It is a gem, a rose pearl if that.

Continueing on
As the characters approach the ends of the caverns they see a flowing stream that flows south. The stream flows into a separate corridor. As the characters start their walk down the south corridor they see a few skeletons that lie upon the ground. If the try to walk past the skeletons 2 of them will rise up and attack.

2 Skeletons
# of attacks=1
Items=1 broadsword -2(Character that tries to use this weapon will be cursed for 2d10 days, they will have a negative 2 to every attack roll)

After the characters have completed their escape they can then obtain all their experience for this.
Note:There will be starting adventure coming for higher level characters so please be patience, thank you

If you have any questions about this adventure please don't hesitate to ask me.
