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AOL Proggies and Utilities

AOL 3.0 proggies| AOL 4.0 proggies| Macro Makers| Other| .BAS Files| Utilities|

I would like to say that all of these files are on OUR ACCOUNT at Crosswinds I think linking is for lamerz and it is really fucking annoying when you get a bunch of file not found shit. Also there will be more files soon. Don't forget to visit our the main page here-Thanx

AOL 3.0 Proggies
Fire Toolz 3.0 - A phat overall proggie alot of stuff.
MiB Final - A pretty phat proggies it works on 16bit AOL i don't know about 32bit.
Fate Zero 5.0 Beta - An extreamly phat proggie has everything.
Coca-Cola 2.5 - A cool little proggie with a decent amount of stuff.
AOHell 3.0 - This is it, the proggie that started it all, I think it all still works.
Hell Raiser Final - Kind of old, don't know if it still works.
Havok Platinum - One of the original's and it's phat.
AOMess 3.0 - Kind of old, im not sure how good it is.
Hanson Kill Toolz - This is so lame who would waste there time making this, PW="I Want DrOwn Access".
The Deep End - This is just plain kewl, a must have for 16bit AOL.
Reaper 3.0 - This is a pretty good little proggie.
Fate Ultra 9.0 - One of the many proggies in the Fate series, it's not bad.
Hot Ice - A pretty good punter with many options.
Elniņo Punter - A Good Punter, well worth the donwload.
Phyrric Acid - Ok, is it a lagger or a multi, i don't know but it's cool looking.
Turbo IceDrop Mass Mailer - A Good Mass Mailer.
Oxygen Mass Mailer - Another good MM'er.
UnReal - A server and mass mailer in one, pretty good.
Wh0rd 2.0 - A good punter.
Paco Punter - Kind of old used to be one of the fastest.
World War - A decent puunter.
Fate X Server 4.01 - A phat server, the faster your computer the better.
AONiN Beta 98 - A phat flashmail server, the fastest

AOL 4.0 Proggies
Macabre - Look's pretty phat but havent tested it cause it's for AOL 4.0
Cube Punter - A good punter for AOL 4.0
Casablanca Room Buster - One of the best room buster's for AOL 4.0
Slam Final - An antipunt that I havent tried

Macro Makers
Xtreme's Macro Shop - Pretty good macro maker.
Macro Machine 5.0 - A good macro maker with good interface.
Gemini MacroPlus 2.4 - In my opinion the best except for version 2.9.
Gemini MacroPlus 2.9 - The best of them good interface and fast.

Other Stuff
WaTTer's Ascii shop - A good program for making random Ascii's.

BAS Files for progging
AOL_40.bas - .bas file for AOL 4.0 progging.
AOL_32.bas - .bas file for 32bit AOL progging.
Master1.bas - .bas file for progging.
Master2.bas - Ditto.
Master3.bas - Ditto.
Master32.bas - .bas file for 32bit progging.
Progger1.bas - .bas file for progging.
Progger2.bas - .bas file for progging.
Genozide 7.0-Has many .BAS files and an .EXE that get's the code you want, includes a PWSD.

Decompile Shield - Don't let those lamerz take your phat code
Magma's Decompile Block - One of the best decompile shield's.
Stealth's PWSD 8.0 - A great way to check if your files are Password Stealer's.
Popup Moniter 2.4 - The best way I have found to keep yourself on AOL, kill's 45 min. and idle.
WILDeHACK's VB guide - Just get this it is good, one of the ways I learned how to prog

N.O.A.H., Inc.