Creatures Stories

Creatures Tales

We all know that watching our Norns grow and learn is one of the most gratifying experiences one can have. And everyone loves to weave "child stories." This section of my page will feature stories from people from around the web. Tales of their joy, friendship and woe. If you would like to have a story added here, please email me with your story, your name, visual aids if you like, and anything else. (Links, ect.) For now, browse below and soak up some of the majesty.


By Yale (The authour of this page)

I have a true highlander Norn called Yeara that has (since her birth) warmed my heart. She is playful, energetic, and healthy. But today, (1/11/98) I glanced at her breeder's kit and to my surprise she was three months pregnant! I was justly excited and proud, this being Yeara's first child and I immidietly prepared for the young one's arrival.

Upon the laying of of the light blue egg on none other than the tip right side the submarine dock (she contracted the egg IN the sub!) my oldest Norn, Zoe, began to die. He was a pensioner, and had had a good life, and was among friends in the treetops near the house when he died. (His favorite spot) So I was not too shooken up when he died. I prepared the headstone and condoled myself in the fact that there was a new Norn coming into the world.

I took a quick second to get food to all my Norns and then the egg hatched, exposing a new highlander, looking exactly like her grandmother. (See below) I named the new one Xenia and was surprised to hear the mating sound coming from Yeara. A little post-birth fun, eh? Out of spite, I checked Yeara's breeder's kit. She had a four month pregnant mark as a result of having to count down until another child could be born. I ritualistically checked Yeara's breeder's kit again in five minutes to find her 6 months pregnant and sure enough, another egg appeared and yielded another healthy highlander.

The concept of one Norn having two eggs without a seperate gestation period in between is what I call the Twin Phenomenon. Since Norns are incapable of having more than one child in one egg, I belive under certain extreme circumstances there can be the components of two Norns in a females' body from one injoculation from a male. The two embroyonic Norns are then systematically put into eggs and onto Albia one after another. The second twin was male and only partially highlander, who I named Xavier, which presents the possibility of identical twins also.

The stress on Yeara from twin birthing was great, and reduced her to about 20% lifeforce. Shocked, I quickly brought her food and all other elemets needed for recouperation. I decided to open the observation kit to see how my other Norns were doing. Horrified, I found the tell-tall symbol of a tombstone beside Yearas name but I had not seen the DEATH word in the toolbar or the funeral kit come up to inform me of this. I brought down the Norn toolbar and Yeara's name was still there without the deasesed word beside it. She was alive! All this evidence points to a computer glitch from a program that always seems to give me heck but it could be possible for Norns to be resurrected. A occurance I call the Resurrection Phenomena. The tombstone beside Yeara's name remains to this day, further suggesting a glitch, but it may be possible.

If you have any information regarding these occurances or a story of how a Norn of your own experienced these phenomena, please email me! (And yes, I DO have witnesses to these unbelivable events! Like you nerds I was talking about from the Intro section will belive me anyway!)


By T Wright

Before you start reading I want you to know that this is a true story. I know it sounds really fake but I'm dead serious its not. Once upon a time (about two weeks ago) a norn was born. This norn was absiloutly fantastic! She had grendel legs and a light purple color mutation. I taught her all the words in the norn encyclopeadia and off the computer. Sadly, she seemed to have no other mutations. I then left her, her name was Sucsess, and went to check on my other norns, she was only in the garden, what could happen? So when I came back to Sucess I found she was with the grendel, his name was Tree,! I slapped both her and the grendel and told sucess to "run right ."Suprisingly when the grendel slapped her she started laughing like a maniac. Then she slapped the grendel right back and it was the first time I'd ever seen my grendel do the grendel happy dance. They seemed really happy so I figured that if I just left her for a short while her health wouldn't drop much and she'd be ok. When I came back about 10 minutes later. She and the grendel were still together. She had had no food but her health had skyrocketed to max. I liked my grendel but Sucsess was an adult by now and I had picked out my favorite male norns for her to breed with. Then I exported her and reimported her, and did the same with my males. Sudenly she burst into tears. she slapped the males and strarted running towards the grendel tree. Her health was dropping imensly and I thought she had swallowed the death cap but there were no traces of gltoxin in her. Then she saw the grendel. Her health started to rise again and there was a kisspoping sound. Sucess was pregnent by the grendel. "Shoot," I thought "there goes my norn with the new mutation". Then quickly and softly the grendel curled up and lay down. Sucess gave it a kiss and it died. Sucsess went into a full pout. She kept saying "wake up grendel, wake up. Sucess have egg soon" THen after a while I think she relized it died. She started running her health was almost at zero and the energy injections weren't helping. she wouldn't eat. Then mercifully she crouched down and layed the egg. Then she too lay down. Her last words were "Sucess coming grendel." A while later the egg was born it was a little boy had norn legs and a grendel head. I named him Leaf.


Have a story that you'd like to have featured here? Mail me!

Copyright © 1997 M Duncan

Musical Credit: Leroy Anderson, Bugler's Holiday. (Don't ask me!)