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LLady's Place......

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
AF_Medic's page
EMTinVA Page
SirKnight Page.......

Hi there.. this is my Very first attempt for a page so go ahead laugh.....pouts.... but hey if you don't try you never know right??? Well..... My Nick name is LLady..... I'm always in the Alamak... My real Name is Dawn ......I'm a 27 year old Gal.......I'm a Criminal Justice Major in UCFV.... I live in Abbotsford, British Columbia .Okay a litte more about me.... I'm engaged to him his name is Jeremy and he's a Sweetheart... I'm still looking for some pals......... so please do email me....... Right now I work Two jobs to pay for school... One as Security Guard @ my Uni....Security Officer for a company in B.C.......... I'm studying & trying to be a RCMP Officer or if I don't make it Maybe i'll try for the Calgary Police department or a Corrections Officer.......I'm 5 ' 6 & 1/2 brown hair & eyes If I could figure out how to put in a pic I would..... But Sorry i still don't know how.... *pouts*.. ......This is my family away from my irl one..... they are the best and here they are , If you want to know more about me and my Cyber family just come and visit us in Mak.... my family is very big..... Well here goes......,. Stasija my baby sis & her Bud-dee MrXBear & BMan &..Domino another sis and ManInUniform the sweetest Military man on the Net.....& SandyT she's a sis.....Strawberrie sis too and a very important one too her old husband junior....Hey I forgot two really nice sweet guys there name are Oasis_ & wolpy ....... .. *S* Hmmm lets see silk_petals another bud & My MOM...cnak.....My Dad is newbe... my step-dad is SirC. my other sister Leda.... Hmmm there's Sean23 & his Gal bluedevil they are family somewhere in there also there's Doozer & JME &MoonGlaze& his Gal juliet_ too......Ahhhh then there's Serate....& SWEETSTUFF & her Man Macho_Man ...Hmmmm Jenn and hoss well it's a very long list.... *S* You get the idea..... Oh and I can't forget Dream_Lover & Twisted_Dreams & VELVY ... And the Very Nice SirKnight he's a nice guy & EMTinVA and AF_Medic & Ariel i hope that's how you spell it & and Speedy & Classygirl they are both just sweetie's....If I forgot any of you just email me ... Hey Guys Where is everyone??? pouts..... *S*......Hmmm more to add.... *S* Hey Guys Be nice to me..... I'm the one always on crutuchs.... like now.... *S* HEY DIDN"T YOU KNOW BUFFY RULES..... Yes I like Buffy The Vampire.... Sue Me.... LOL See ya guys... Hey Guys PLEASE ADOPT THESE CUTE GUYS THEY NEED A HOME TOO.
llady27 got their NeoPet at
Anyways that's all for now ... i'll fix this thingie later...I hope this thingie works.... If i have time I'll maybe put a pic of me up..... DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH...( Looks at emt)........ *S*.
LOL I'm still working on my page..... HUGS see you on the MAK... *S* Oh PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK THANKS

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