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Kurt Donald Cobain

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Page 2 - Heroin
Page 3 - Courtney Love and Frances
Page 4 - Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic
Page 6 - Kurt's Suicide Note

Kurt ate oranges with the peels still on. When Kurt was living alone he was living in an old beat up apartment he burnt his hand really bad while cooking french fries over grease. The doctor told Kurt he probally wouldn't be able to play the guitar ever again. Wendy Cobain (His mom) took Kurt back into her house and soaked his hand everynight and pulled the deadskin off. Kurt Kurt had to go through alot of pain but his hand healed and now there is barely a visible scar. Think about it if his mom didn't love Kurt and much as she did that might have never been a Nirvana. The cover of Incesticide was a painting Kurt had painted. If Kurt might not have made it as a musical artist he very well could've made it as a visual artist. Kurt's wrote ABOUT A GIRL for his serious girlfriend Tracy Marander (Before Courtney). Kurt was found dead on April 8th, 1994. But died somewhere between Late Sunday night [April 3rd] and Early Monday morning [April 4th] Kurt was found in the Greenhouse a 19 x 23 foot room above the garage. Kurt was killed by a single bullet entering Kurt's head through the roof of his mouth. Tom Grant (Private Investigator in the [Kurt Cobain] case) says "There's no doubt in my mind that Kurt was hanging out up there in the Greenhouse with a shotgun. That was like a little lookout tower for him over his whole property, and I do firmly believe that he was in fear of his life. He was going to be flying out of Seattle, probally within hours, certainly within the next day or two." Wanna know more about Kurt, Courtney, Frances, Dave, Krist or Kurt's death E-mail me. Be sure to look at Kurt's suicide letter on the next page.

Email: ecstasy552@aol.com