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Geohazards Project Unit!

I.S.A students will follow specific geohazards around the world. The term Geohazards refers to both natural geologic processes that can be harmful to people (natural geologic hazards) and with human modifications of natural geologic systems that can be harmful (human geologic hazards). We will be following these events through the media (newspaper, television, news, the internet, and other various sources).

The Main Geohazards

  • Volcanoes Jonathan Phillips

  • Earthquakes Natalie Maidich & Krista Blusanovics

  • Soil Erosion & Sediment Pollution Paula Sandjian

  • Landslides Sandra Della Porta

  • Subsidence & Collapse Laura DiSalvo

  • Atmospheric Melissa Mercier

  • Waste Disposal Eric Paquette & Colin Styker

  • Wetland Problems Stuart Cairns

  • Coral ReefsAnthony Mendolia & Anthony DeAngelis

  • Coastal Problems Sabrina Carroll

  • Severe Weather Hazards Sabrina Mariani

  • Groundwater Sabrina Mercuri

  • Rain Forests Miranda Lightstone

    Alert!!! Check November Deadlines

    1.Each student will choose one geohazard to focus on. Throughout the year each student will become an expert on their topic. They will share with the class information with the class about their geohazard, and any geohazards in the world.

    2.Each student will maintain a Geohazard Journal. Keeping newspaper articles, and any other relevant information about all 13 topics. Sharing with your fellow students is crucial. In the journal they will:

  • Keep track of geohazards (date, time, place);

  • Write a brief description of the event;

  • Effects (what is happening to the land, agriculture, business, wildlife, and the people)

    3. Each student will develop a series of Case Studies focusing on their Geohazard

    4. Internet Aspect: Students will develop their projects so that they can be viewed on the Geohazard Web Page.

    Social Studies Homepage

    Bishop Whelan Geography Links
