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Gargtallica-for Fans of Gargoyles and Heavy Metal!

Hey, all you Gargoyle freaks and Load- and Reload-Bashers! It is I, Eddie, here with my own page dedicated to anyone who believes that Barney and Hanson are evil and Disney did an injustice with the cancelation of Gargoyles. This is for those who believe that Sevarius has created evil clones of Metallica who produced crap like Load and Reload and have the real Metallica in his basement, starving. And, most important, this is dedicated to free speech. "So if you want to start a war, then get up on your feet. And If you want to talk just open your mouth and speak!" (No Means No, "Land of the Living")

Eddie's List of Hype and Gripe

Now, you're probably wondering what does Eddie like? She's been bitching and moaning since I've got on this page! Well, frankly, life sux. Then you get cancer. Then the cancer goes into remission...those who like Denis Leary know this part.

The reason why I'm so cynical is the fact that, hey, everything good usually gets offset by this crap that continuously gets dumped on me.

Then again, I'm just your average piss-&-vinegar redneck.

Things I like? My best friends, Mercedes, Alexia, and Blitz. Their families. My boyfriend. My boyfriend with money. Unfortunately, the problem with that is, well, I have the car, he has the money. I see a possible compromise with that one.;)

Pre-Load. Moxie. Web design and programming. Cool afternoons by the lake...

Aw, damn, why the hell am I doing this? Because this is how I feel, I guess. This is my page dedicated for the underdogs who are really kick-ass but are treated like crap.

Peace out!

Science Fiction Double Feature Cyrway's Magic and Psion Page

Eddie's Links!

The Gargoyles Fans Site!
Station 8--Gargoyles, Dragons, and Chat Rooms, Oh My!
For anyone who gets offended by graphic language and inflatable Cthulhu pool toys!
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Hudson's Page! Thanx, dude, for all the help!
This page is maintained by the crazy leader of Clan Winslow, Eddie! Back Home

Email The Almighty Black Blade, Eddie for short.