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Dragon Bane's Fantasy Capital

Dragon Bane's Fantasy Capital

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Welcome to my page, my name is Jonathan nickname Dragon Bane this page will have various info on the following topic:

Click on the Pic or Link below for great Warhammer Info

Warhammer Info

Access anywhere on page with this simple directory.

Winner So Far
The Dwarves With 17 Votes

Best Vote For The Leading Army:

By: Gordon Emmerson

I like the dwarfs for a lot of reasons I grew up liking that race since I saw "The Hobbit" when I was 6,always fighting to claim lost lands and treasures,to recover,what once was their's,thorin Oakinshield,King under the Mountain,not to mention all the cool magical weapons.

The Warhammer Fantasy Favourite Army Voting Pole

Dwarves............17 Votes

The Empire............3 Votes

High Elves............6 Vote

Wood Elves............10 Votes

Bretonnia............11 Votes

Lizardmen............5 Vote

Dark Elves............6 Votes

Chaos............7 Votes

Undead............9 Votes

Skaven............4 Vote

Orc And Goblins............7 Vote

Chaos Dwarves............2 Votes

Total Votes: 87

I would like to get some feedback for my page... do you find there is easy access to info?? Just tell me about your general feeling for it..

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Disclaimer:This is a non-profit page and it's only goal is to encourage the play of games mentioned. I am not paid in anyway to post or advertise anything and do not wish to challenge Games Workshop Inc, Wizards Of The Coast Inc, Target Games Inc, or any other companies mentioned. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me by E-mail, if necessary I will correct them immediately with no hassle. Thank You

Dragon Bane's Webring Section

Since Dec 27 1997.
