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DaMMSoft's Link Network
  Most Recent Update: July 25, 1998

Quick Basic Links


Chris' Qbasic Page 

    5 Star Games - This site? Well you should drop by and take a look.
    Acid Works - This Web site has a simple, but managable interface.
    Ample Productions - Ample enough to provide you great files and links.
    Arrow's Page - Great QBasic page. Well commendable. Has a new site look added.
    Blue Print Software - This site is Blue printed according to your needs.
    B-Soft's Homepage - Not as soft as you think. Contains hard hitting files and programs.
    Connor's Qbasic Links - The largest Qbasic Link page that i have ever seen. Go there now!
    Excalibur Entertainment - You want quality programming entertainment? Click there.
    Franzen Entertainment - What could i say? Lot's of Entertainment sites poppin' out there.
    HaZZard productions - This site won't be a hazzard to your programming activities.
    If - Then Programmer's Page - If you go here, then maybe you may find something.
    Kaboomy's Homepage - Take a look, maybe you will find something.
    Kaddash Software Group - A group with Excellent programmers. Check out their programs.

    Killan's Qbasic Page - Home of the Qbasic Link review. Reviews Qbasic Pages.
    Laz's big fat Qbasic page - Site that presents qbasic programming as a fun way of working.
    MircoHof Web Quarters -  A Qbasic Webring, tons of links, what else do you want?
    Neozones - One of the best Qbasic pages around. Check out  the site now.
    Qbasic Software Pages - One of the few sites that gives you the feeling of being at home. - A Web Site filled with a wide range of Qbasic Files.
    Qbasic Mania - Changed it's design, has added new programs, try to take a quick peek.
    Qbasic on Angelfire - This site might offer some programs that can't be found anywhere.
    Qbasic RPG's - This site is host to a wide selection of Qbasic RPG's.
    Qbasic Station - May be you should check out the station for more information.
    Qbasic World - Check first this Qbasic world site then check the other one.
    Qbasic World - Again?!?!? We're a bit confused. Be sure you've check out the other one.
    Simple Si's Homepage - Simple that it may seem, but this site offer's tons of stuff.
    Sober Clown's Homepage - You will not sober in what you will see in this site.
    SoftShoe's Programmer's World - We'll tell you that their site has the killer looks.
    Sonic Blue Productions - Eager webmaster, Kinda cool graphics, what more huh?
    StarCon X - Homepage of the maker of the qbasic game Starcon X..
    The QBasic website - Has some awesome programs. Cool page, worth taking a look at it.
    Wicked Productions -  Their site's name may be wicked but apparently the site is Great.
    Xplosion Software's Qbasic Page - This site needs more programs. So go visit them.

 DDCom's World 



  Personal Pages

      #Aliw's Homepage - The best channel (daw) in IRC.
    ApOy FyRe's Homepage - View the site, a little look won't hurt you.
    BelowZer0 site - homesite of the belowzer0 mIRC script.
    Betty's Page - Maker of the home page of #aliw.
    Dando's Homepage - See Dando's Angels. This site is worth looking at.
    Noel Guevara Site - Location of where 3-4 batch 97-98' resides.
    Maxine's Home Page - Page where you can find / meet new friends.
* Send us an Email for more information  

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