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NEW: If you have visited this site before or still do, then I apologise for the absence of updates and the fact that this site really has absolutely no content in it whatsoever (lol). So this is an update as of September 28th, 2003...I've completely downloaded my entire page from Angelfire and put it up on my new webserve since Angelfire is such a horrible web space provider nowadays. They were incredible when I started with them, but they're not worth it anymore. You can still use the site like ads everywhere and a design damaged by Angelfire's staff's incompetance. Click here if you want to go to an ad-free undamaged copy of CyberpowerX. Also note that there will no longer be any updates to the Angelfire copy of CyberpowerX, but in the new copy you will soon find a new sidebar and some other little goodies as well. =)