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30 facts on the boys


1) Romantic AJ once sent his ex-girlfriend a massive and mysterious box for her birthday, when she opened it out jumped AJ with a bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne. Awww!

2) Kevin was engaged when he was 19 to a girl called Beth, "I was too young, I wasn't ready," he now admits. "We had dated for about a year and I thought we were right for each other but we found out we really didn't know each other at all."

3) Sandra Bullock is Brian's ideal girl, "She's not really stunning, off the wall fantastic. She's cute and normal like your everyday girl."

4) AJ's definitely a nutter - he spent the whole of a BIG! photo shoot running around with a coat hanger in the back of his dungarees shouting - "I'm just hanging around!?" Pop stars eh?

5) Kevin's a real neat freak, he has to unpack and do all of his laundry the minute he gets home!

6) Howie's definitely the brain box of the BSB's - he has an Arts Degree which he completed in his first year in the Backstreet Boys.

7) Last year the BSB's nearly had to cancel some of their tour dates when their bus ran over AJ's foot. The poor chap was in agony for days, but there was no broken bones and he was back dancing before you could say 'Backstreets' Back, alright!"

8) Howie's a fussy old devil! "My perfect woman would have to have the face and body of Cindy Crawford, the personality of Louise with the intelligence of Beethoven."

9) Nick's got a secret dream of being a big movie star, "I'd love to star in the next Alien movie. I wanna shoot loads of aliens," he says!

10) Kevin wasn't always a gorge popstar you know, when he first moved to Florida he worked at Disney World as a tour guide - bet he looked cute in Mickey Mouse ears.

11) The BSB's once opened a pet store, "We were doing our best but all the dogs were just howling along." explains Nick. Glamorous or what?!

12) When Howie was a wee nipper he used to go by the stage name Tony Donetti, oh dear!

13) If you were to travel on the BSB tour bus you'd never get the front seat as AJ always rides up front. "So I can see exactly where I'm going," he says

14) Nick can't travel without munching on bags of sweets. "I eat so much I'm afraid I'll get fat." chirps the cheeky fella.

15) Kevin's definitely the party animal of the group, he loves to go clubbing when he's in London and admits he's been to some pretty wild foam parties back in Florida. Hmmm!

16) Howie's most embarrassing moment was when he had to sing the American national anthem in front of 400 people at his school basketball match, and the cheeky fella forgot the words, "I was so embarrassed it wasn't even funny!"

17) Did you know that Brian has a little scar on his forehead where he head-butted a table when he was 12 years old.

18) Nick's younger sister BJ has just passed her driving test, but she isn't allowed to drive Nick or Aaron around until she's had some more practice.

19) Little Nick loves his Mum so much he phones her twice a day, everyday , no matter where he is to let her know what he's up to.

20) When he was at school, AJ carried his books around in a briefcase and used to wear glasses, even though he didn't need them, in order to make himself look cool. Does that sound cool to you?

21) Softie AJ used to take a blanket, that his Great-Great Grandmother made for him everywhere, until one day heleft it in a hotel room in America, "It looked like a rag and it got thrown away." Sob, sob.

22) Howie won't leave home without his pyjama's, "They are Oriental silk PJs and I love them." he says

23) Kevin once went on a date with a fan, to a country dancing bar! But it didn't work out, "Cos she couldn't dance!" he chuckles

24) When Howie graduated from high school his parents bought him a Mazda 626, "I love to cruise around in it," he reveals.

25) Nick's a real animal lover and he's got three dogs called Samson, Pepper and Simba, three cats called Bandit, Sugar and Rocky and some fish!

26) Howie's nick name is Sweet D, "because I'm so sweet and I have a big heart." aaahhh

27) Brian's a bit on the superstitious side, "Before I get on a plane, I kiss my fist and tap it against the plane. It's like a good luck thing."

28) Howie always wears two rings that were given to him by BSB fans

29) Howie used to be a right old scaredy cat and was afraid of the dark! "I was sooo scared I would sit with the lights on. I was petrified!"

30) When AJ was just seven years old, he got picked to play the part of one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White, you guessed it! He was Dopey!
