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Nick's cute quotes

"the flying wha?"

"I want to be crazy forever, even when I'm 80."

"Here's my favorite joke: Yesterday I flew from Florida to Europe, my arms are still hurting."

"Sometimes good looks come in handy."

"We live on pizza."

"I'm a camera hostage."

"Music is our love."

"I want a girl who'll let me hold her so tight and let me kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her."

(Donna, management): "Nick whines a lot."

(Nick - in response to Donna's comment): "I do not."

"Sometimes I shut up cause I'm afraid I don't have anything interesting to tell anyway."

"I don't believe in being mean to anyone. I'm really a peaceful person."

"I can be shy around girls."

"Personally, I like it when fans do crazy things! It may sound funny, but I got a thrill when I was pulled into a crowd once. It was like 'How am I going to get out of this?!"

"I like to do anything I can think of to these guys."

"I never hang my feet off the end of the bed - I'm afraid little gremlins will bite my toes! Really!"

"I always like to know what the time is. Especially break time - cause then I can rush off and play my Nintendo!"

(On New Years Resolutions) "I'm not making any. I don't believe in them. Just take things as they come!"

"I hate flying but I've gotten used to it. I just try to sleep through the whole flight."

"Personally, I love girls, but the fact is that we're always on the road. It's hard to actually stay down with one girl and go away."

"I think everyone has a dream that they want to fulfill in life and I think this is our dream. We wanted to make it happen and that's what we did. And we enjoy every minute of it and we take every day like it's our last." (On the kind of music he likes) "My range is from old rock to alternative rock. I love R&B, too, because that's what we sing and then pop and all that stuff."

(about before the show) "I think about what I ate."

"I want to play the drums."

"So I went on TV and made a fool of myself."

"I'm sorry...Brian and Howie won't let me."

"We're gonna star in the next movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger."

"Love has no age."

"My family comes first before anything, they are everything to me."

"I love girls!"

"The caring's the most important thing when a girl gives you her heart."

"Everday I get a lot of hugs from fans and the guys, but I don't get a proper hug everyday....I wish I did."

"Music is our love."

"I have to admit that I do look at the breasts too."

(What do you wear in bed? )"Underwear. A T-shirt and boxers. That's about it." (Do you have any tattoos, and if not, do you think that having a tattoo would improve your sex life? )"Um.., do I think that having a tattoo I don't know, I don't have a sex life right now."

"I feel all mushed up in these spandex things!"

"You don't even know how to say it right."

"I like to do anything I can think of to these guys!"

"Yo Brian, stop lying!"

"Then Kevin said somethin' about a castle."

"It's not that way with us."

"I've been sitting in a chair for two hours and it's really affecting me right now!"

"I'm sorry! I always mess up!"

"Howie's just a little stressed out here!"

"Me and Howie, we've been on the road a little too long!"

"It's All Good!"

(on the group TLC) "They're tough little cookies!"

B-Rok's Cute Quotes

"I have to know someone really well before I'd even kiss them."

"If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic."

"I love these guys . . . oh gosh !!"

"I'm very soft, you know!"

(What turns you on?) "Girls!"

(What's been your most passionate experience to date?) "Oh man! It was a long time ago, I can tell you that much!It was over a year ago. I don't want to go into details, but there was a sauna involved!"

"Most of all I like chasing girls."

"Actually, I have to say that I don't believe in having a sexual realtionship outside of marriage."

"Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot-blooded boy doesn't."

"We've all got pretty smelly feet!"

"If we've been to a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go 'It's dark in here, isn't it?' And he's not trying to be funny he means it!"

"I'm his big brother and I'm gonna knock him out!"

"I'm married to these guys..."

"We're not perfect."

"I snore. Just ask the others!"

"AJ is to blame for this."

"AJ- he's just a lunatic!"

"Boner, that's what we call him!"

AJ's Cute Quotes

"Music is love, love is music, music is my life, I love my life. Thank you and good night."

"I like the kind of girl who'll let me do everything for her."

"I love cooking!"

"I had a crush on my teacher."

"Usually girls have a really sensitive side, so you can go mushy on them."

"I love you all!"

"If I fall in love with a girl, I'd write her a poem - right away!"

"Bring on the women!"

"Why do men have nipples? For girls to kiss!"

"Nick, this is all your fault!"

"Wow! She can dance better than Brian!"

"You see Howie, that's how you gotta do it man, Howie, Howie! Yo yo, D!"

"Nick's gonna be on a sugar rush."

"Welcome to Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Sorry Mr. Rogers couldn't be here today. I'll be taking his place!"

"My brother Phil and my brother Bill. DON'T MAKE 'EM ANGRY!"

"I want a divorce!"

(in funny high voice) "I'm Kevin!!"

(on Howie fighting, in puerto rican voice) "I kill you man!"

Howie's cute Quotes

"The guys call me 'Sweet D' because they say I have a big heart."

"Girls are like exotic birds. Pretty to look at, but hard to catch. And they fly away easily."

"Hey, I'm Mr. Romantic!"

"We love you too!"

"Brian is a five finger discount man."

"Brian’s scared of heights so he doesn’t like going on roller coaster rides-but he’s no scaredy cat."

"I don't wanna be payin' AJ's phone bill..."

"Yo Homie! Gilligan! We'z goin' back to da' islands!"

(on their name, in high voice) "cuz we're back......we're from the street.......and we're boys!!"

Kevin's cute quotes

"I don’t get jealous if guys are looking at my girl or anything."

"I need love."

"I could use a hug every day but I am not likely to get it."

"I'm bashful, I like it when a girl tells me she likes me."

"I love anything my mom puts on the table."

"Mom never let me have girls up in my room."

"We take the bras girls throw up on stage back to our hotel."

"I fell in love with her and after a year we slept together for the first time. Even though I wanted it myself, I felt bad and blamed myself. My belief doesn't allow sex before marriage."

"I wear, like, the new-style cotton boxers, Tommy Hilfiger ones."

(What do you do when fans throw their underwear on stage?) "We take it home and wear it!" *said by all of them!*

"Brian and Nick mostly flirted with the 2 fair-haired girls."

"It's in the key of A.J."

(on A.J.) "he's bein a freak!!"

(on shows) "sweat and girls........does it mix? I think so!"
