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[November 8]~*Hi!!*~ Today I updated the news, survey results, qoute and fact of the week, and the TV GUIDE!!KTBSBPA!!

[Ocotber 10] Hi! I'm really really sorry it took my this long to update!!Well, today I updated the news, and poems, I also fixed the "Brian Pics" and added a caragory for INBYH pics!! So all the links should work now!! If any dont please Email me!!

[September 23] Hey! Sorry I havent updated much! School is really getting to me, and I recently had a death in my family. I'm really sorry. Things should be going back to normale soon!!

[September 5] Today I fixed some links here and there, updated the Survey results, and the tv Calender!

[September 4]Today I updated the news section.

[Augest 25]Hi!~!Today I updated the chat transcripts and added Kevin's.Then I added a "How To Reach Them" section with fan mail address. I also added the news.

[Augest 24]Hey!! It's really late, and I'm really sorry that I havent updated in a long while!! But, today I fixed the survey, the results getting emailed to me werent turning out right so if you took it before please take it again!! More updates WILL be coming tommorro!!

[Augest 16]Today I updated the Quote and Fact of the week, and put in a all new survey and of course surcey results page!!!

[Augest 14]Today I added a new game to the games section, added more news, updated the survey results, made a new section called chat transcripts, added a new section called My Thank You's, added a section about the rumer of BSB splitting up, updated the T.V Guide, and added one new award!

[Augest 8]Today I updated the Survey Results, And added a new game to the games section

[July 30]Today I updated the Survey Results, the news, and the qoute and fact of the week!!

[July 27]Today I updated the Survey Results, and put in one more club on teh webrings, awards, and clubs, page!!

[July 24]Today I updated the Survey Results and the Qoute and Fact of the week!!!

[July 23]Today I updated the webrings, clubs, and awards page (I joined 2 clubs), and updated the survey results!!

[July 21]Today I updated the survey results, and added a new section called "Have FUn in the Game Room" Which has BSB games!! Go cheak it out!.

[July 20]Today I updated the survey results, and added a new section called "It's a sing along (lyrics)" Go cheak it out..

[July 19]Today I updated the survey results, added a new section called "See if the BSB are comin anywhere near you" which is there officall scheldule, and I also updated te TV calender!!

[July 18]Today I updated the survey results, added some new news, put in a section to send a pick up BSB greeting cards!!

[July 17]Today I updated the survey results, added some new news, put in a new section called "BSB TV Calender", and won an award!!!!

[July 16]Sorry I didnt update yesterday!! I've been having a real rough week and have a lot on my mind so all I got done today was the survey Results!! Sorry!

[July 14]Today I updated the survey results, and put in a new quote and fact of the week!!!!

[July 13]Today I updated the survey results, and put in a couple of new rumers!!!!

[July 12]Today I updated the survey results, and put in a new section called "Fact and Quote of the week!!And I made my webrings page into a webrings, clubs, and awards!! I got my first award today!!

[July 11]Today I updated the survey results, and put in an online form to submit your peoms.

[July 10]Today I updated the survey resultes and put in All new pictures on the pictures page!!I deleted a hole bunch of picture catigorys becuase they werent working right but I still have some...cheek it out! I updated the news, and I joined a contest called "Best Site Of 98". Please vote for me by clicking on the logo for it on the mail page!!I also added a page called "How to Reach Them" Go cheek it out!!I also joined a club which is on my web rings page.

[July 8]Today I updated the survey resultes and put in a new picture on the main page! I also made a new adition called "Important BSB news" You can read all up to date new about BSB!!

[July 7]Today I updated the survey resultes and put in a new logo on the main page! I also addd some new rumers!

[June 29]Today I updated the survey resultes and put in a new picture on the main page! I also made a new adition called "Wanna Win My Award??" You can win a BSB award for your homepage!!

[June 24]Today I put in a survey results page!!! Now you can see what evreyone else thought!! I kinda also redid part of the main page.

[June 23]Today I put in a survey!!! Please take it!! As soon as I get some votes I'll put up a results page!!!

[June 21]Today I added a pen pals page so you can make new friends and pen pals who like BSB too! I also added a poetry corner so you can read and submite poems for Brian. More updates Soon!!!

[June 19]I deleted the "surgary" page today scince I think most of you already know that Brian is doing real good now and will be joining the group soon!! I re-did the hole front page...though all the same stuff is on it!! I hope thats good!!! More updates will be coming soon!!

[June 18]Today I added 10 new pictures to the Brian Pics Page, I also added more rumers to the Rumers Page, along with a new picture on the Main Page.

[June 11]Today I added a hole new page called Webrings Here you can see all the webrings I'm in!!

[June 7] Sorry I havent updated in a long time but now that summers here I should be up and rollin agin!! TOday I added a quote from Brian on the Main Page, I also added a hole new pictures on the Brain Pics page. I added some new Rumors, and I added one new person to the Credits Page!!

[May 30] Today I added a new picture on the main page, and a new biography section!! :)I also added more people to the Credits page!

[May 26] Today I added a page hit counter to the updates page!! :) I also added new quotes

[May 25] Today I put up some new rumors On the rumor page. I added a Credits Page to thank all ya that help me on this!! I added some new pictures in the Brian's Pics Catigory. I also added a hole new catigory called WB Tower of Terror which is pictures of Brian from the WB Terrifing Tower of Terror on May 24th.

[May 18] Today I joind the Backstreet Brawl and put up Banners VOTE FOR ME!!

[May 17] I made this Update page!! :)Um...I made a page for Brians Surgary Updates.... I also made um...I made...nothing else.
