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Dammit.....none of you fawkers are signin my guest book*thanks to all that did*sign it dammit...heh.....well i dunno whats goin on in my life right now....a buncha shit..but ohh well.....i miss all you alaska folk....good people..ohh....i added some's ok i think....nuthin new pics*awww*...ohh ya all.....i'm gone....John

*Updated January 15th, 2001*

Fuck this world...this world sucks...this town itself is filled with superficial people living there barbie doll lives.....i hate it...i hate it all....i know everyone thinks i'm just a punk kid...but i'ma punk kid on a mission....a mission to prove myself wrong prove everyone else take everyhting i've ever said and throw it back in to the peoples face that said that i couldn't do it.....whatever.....

© Copyright '00 John Robertson....please ask to use any pictures that are mine....Props givin to MM and his crew and all rights reserved....

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