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CCF: About Zambia | CCF: Chimusanya Project | Christian Childrens Fund

Letters From An African Village

Letters From Africa

Letter from Tembo 2/96
Letter from Tembo 12/96
Letter from Tembo 1/97
Letter from Tembo 2/97

Christian Childrens Fund child Kennedy Mailoni

From the CCF file: Kennedy Mailoni is nine years old (born February 10, 1989). Kennedy is sponsored by the Christian Childrens Fund "Chimusanya Project" in eastern Zambia, in Africa. He is the fourth born in a family of six children. Unfortunately his father passed away, leaving Kennedy an orphan at an early age. He is being taken care of by his mother who is a peasant farmer. But it is not easy for her to raise children alone. She cannot get better yield from the fields as she is still using outdated methods of farming. She cannot even afford basic necessities of life, let alone educational requirements for the children. They will surely appreciate some help. The family are members of the Soli tribe and belong to the Catholic Church. Kennedy is in grade school and has fair health. He runs errands and enjoys playing with friends. Your kind assistance will go a long way in shaping the future for this needy child.

Sponsor Background

From Kennedy's CCF Sponsor: Katherine Hepburn's TV spot for CCF a couple years ago touched me every time I saw it, and I ended up calling CCF and signing on to the program. I didn't know what I'd gotten myself in for, but I was so plesantly surprised. I can not begin to tell you how spiritually thrilling its been, what a magnificent sense of privilege and value that the little help I've been able to provide Kennedy and his family has brought to my life. I'm posting this site because not only because I want to share with you some of the beautiful letters that Kennedy's widowed mother, Tembo, has written me, but I also want to give you a chance to share in that joy. Below you'll find informaion for contributing to and/or corresponding with Kennedy and his family yourself, or in getting your own CCF child sponsorship account. Thank you so very very much.

Contact Information

To Send Money to Kennedy/Tembo

7/98 - All financial contributions to Kennedy will be appreciated, no matter how small, and should be sent through the Christian Children Fund main office. You may phone the CCF tollfree line at 800-776-6767 or write to:

To Send Personal Correspondence and Small Gifts

Letters, birthday cards, and small gifts (the project director mentioned they could use a inexpensive camera) are appreciated and should be sent directly to the CCF field office in Zambia. Replies from Africa to your letters that might inadvertently get routed to Kennedy's CCF sponsor will be posted on this site as time allows. (Also the sponsor would appreciate your feedback as well - Email: The address in Lusaka is:

To Sponsor A Child of Your Own

CCF's home page is at:
Their toll-free number is: 1-800-776-6767. Viva la Esprit!

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