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Nikolai H. Chernev *
some irrelevant details


"The True Bulgarian Gospel". In: Chitalishte Magazine, CXXVI, 1996, N 7-8, pp.6-7 (ISSN 0324-0746); An article about the first regular Gospel during Ottoman muslim rulership (having the Turkish Sultan's printing license). Translated by pop Nencho - pupil of Petko R. Slaveikov, printed in Bulgarian with exceptional quality by the Rousse Vilayet Press in 1865 - the time when Greek Orthodox (Phanariot) authorities made autos-da-fe with old Bulgarian Gospels and other christian books straight in the yards of Bulgarian churches. Registered in the Bulgarian National Bibliography (ISSN 0324-0398), fortnightly bulletin, series 5, 23/1996, p. 133

Interviews for the Bulgarian National Radio "Horizont" (by Rosa Chergova) on the significance, both christian and pagan, of rituals performed the days before Easter. Based partly on Kuzman Shapkarev's ethnological material for Macedonian Bulgarians. Broadcast April 10 and 11, 1996 at 13.30.

As a curiosity, my name appeared also in a German hydrobiological journal - acknowledgement for reviewing an article of my friend Stefan Stoichev, hydrobiologist in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of zoology. By the way, in this article he reports a species new for the Bulgarian fauna - Stictochironomus pictulus (Meigen), a kind of insect (midge), found in Pirin Macedonia, BULGARIA (Stoichev, S. On the Chironomid fauna from Bulgarian inland waters. In.: LAUTERBORNIA. Zeitschrift für Faunistik und Floristik des Süßwassers, Erik Mauch Verlag, Dinkelscherben Juni 1996, Heft 25, S. 122, ISSN 0935-333X).

It appeared also in a joint issue of the Bulgarian Ministry of environment and Waters and the Institute of zoology, with data provided by the Bulgarian-Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Program. Stoichev, St. The zoobenthos from the lakes Shabla-Ezeretz (Northern Black sea coast of Bulgaria). In: Biodiversity of Shabla lake system. "Prof. Marin Drinov" Academic Publishing House, Sofia 1998, p. 98, ISBN 954-436-545-9


De occulta philosophia (my translation into Bulgarian, commentaries and footnotes), incl. "On Agrippa, or a journey beyond humanism" - foreword to the Bulgarian translation. In: Bk. 1, p. 8-26; ISBN 954-626-007-X; the translation is based on the Lyons edition of Agrippa's collected works: De occulta philosophia. In.: Agrippa von Nettesheim, Opera, Lugduni, per Beringos fratres s. d. [Argentorati, Zetzner 1600?], Nachdruck Hildesheim-New York 1970. Registered in the Bulgarian National Bibliography (ISSN 0323-9616), fortnightly bulletin, series 1, 5/1996, pp. 6-8.


A picture with me appeared in Chitalishte Magazine, CXXIV, 1994, N 9-12, p. 35. Chitalishte was the first Bulgarian magazine, issued in 1870. Petko R. Slaveikov was his editor in 1873. My father Hinko Chernev published a poem in Chitalishte Magazine (in the last issue of 1951, p. 34) and in 1953 he was head of the litterary circle "Aleko Konstantinov" at the first Bulgarian Chitalishte in Svishtov. The Chitalishte institution was created to promote Bulgarian culture to all Bulgarians even in remotest villages during Ottoman rulership. Ami Boué and many others considered it as a Bulgarian contribution to world culture.


Founder member of the Bulgarian section of MENSA. Personal results on the first entry test IQ 160.


Some details about my grandfather

* My father's name begins with "H" or "X" in Ancient Greek and also in Bulgarian. Proclus wrote (In Tim. II.276.16-20) "The circular motion of the Soul is linked with the fact that the first letter of the word psyche (in Greek) is composed of lines bent into the shape of a sphere (cf. also Plato. Tim. 36bc). Similarly the "X" in the same word reflects in its shape the element of equilibrium and therefore of automotion in Soul".

My Sun is in Libra in conjunction with Mercury/Vindemiatrix on the Ascendant. My Mars is Scorpio with Jupiter in IX-th. The only person I know with these characteristics was my favourite long before I learned what it means.