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What is a "Decker"?

Accessed [Graphical Counter] times since 28 February, 1998.

Who let you loose in the Matrix, chummer? Whaddya mean, "What's a Decker"? How do you think you got here? You didn't walk, you silly git! You used your 'deck, tapped a few keys, and wandered on in! Maybe you were out DataMining, using some computerized Search Engine to look something up, and found references to something here that interested you... That's what this place is all about!

A Decker is a people what does DataMining, using a souped-up computer specialized for the job. This toy, called a "Cyberdeck" is where we get the name "Decker". If you wanne be a Decker, you need some Computer Know-whats, both in the Programming, and (if you know what's good for you) in the hardware end of things (you aren't dumb enough to trust some Skummy-git of a Fixer to do yer hardware forya, areya, Chumbot?). Once you've got the Know-whats to get yourself in the Matrix (this-here consensual-hallucination what we all know aint real, but agrees tp treat as though it were), you can start DataMining on your own. From there, your skills can grow as fast and much as they're able.

The Decker (the git what runs this site) makes hardware sing for its supper, and uses a regular computer (that's right, a turtle!) to set up this site. Helping him out are a bunch of Brother-Deckers (some Kahunas, a few Wage-slaves, and some other unmentionable gits). All the Kahunas have signed an agreement allowing us to share data on our sites so we can point you all over the Matrix to whatever "good stuff" is out there. If you're not a Kahuna, become one! Both Angelfire and GeoCities will offer any git her (or his!) own HomePage. If you get one that deals with 'decking, and want to join us, let The Decker know, and we'll let you in on all the details.

Now, quit wasting your time reading about what other people are up to, Chummer! Get outta here, and go mine some data for yourself! "Time is money", don'tcha know?!

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