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Game Intro; First Final Cut

Earliest known history indicates a mankind who spoke with the earth. They were given its secrets, which they recorded as the Truths of Life. Guarded by the purest minds, the original manuscripts were duplicated, that all would know and realize the Truths of Life.

Free to a life unbounded by turmoil and sorrow, generations grew and thrived with the earth on its two major continents; Geth, dominated by one nation, and Rognaan, by two. Stretching to the northern shores of Rognaan lay Imonaea, a glorious nation of three golden kingdoms. The forests of the southern lands concealed Pynth, a single bastion under King Karnias, a man consumed with knowing the Truths of Life. While much else of this world’s documented history was either lost during the Coming Ages or destroyed by Rebels of the earth, one thing is known;

Savage greed devoured a king’s heart,

and marked the Fall of the Worlds.