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Definition: JavaScript adds interactivity to your Web pages and brings them to life. It is an extension of HTML code that is placed right in the HTML code by placing a beginning tag <script> and an ending tag </script>. It's a scripting language based on Java but is not Java. JavaScript is a very usefull tool for building websites that interact with the user. JavaScript can be used to do such things as listed below:

  • Automatically change a formatted date on a Web page.
  • Cause a linked-to page to appear in a popup window.
  • Cause text or a graphic image to change during a mouse rollover.

Below I have listed a few websites with great examples of JavaScript. Take some time to review and learn about the script for yourself. All of the examples on this page can be found and explained on the following sites.

Below are ten examples of JavaScript:

1. Date Script with images:

2. Moving Text:

3. Countdown Generator:

Click here to go to the countdown generator.

4. Scrolling Text:

This is an example of scrolling text. It is a simple script that is easy to use. There are many more types available. You can access them by clicking on the scrolling text.
