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Monday, 31 July 2006
Final QB
Whoo hoo, we're going to HW for the final QB. I can't wait, we'll post some pics after we're home!

Posted by Rachal at 8:55 PM EDT
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Friday, 28 July 2006
What is Your World View Quiz
You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

If you want to take this quiz, here's the link:

Quiz Farm

Posted by Rachal at 2:12 PM EDT
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Thursday, 6 July 2006
Painting dedicated to Jesse

This calm, peaceful stream is guiding you to your rest Jesse.

Posted by Rachal at 10:11 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 6 July 2006 10:18 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Rest in Peace sweet Auboy, you were in the world too short a time. May angels bless your passing and look over your son.

Posted by Rachal at 10:20 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 July 2006 10:27 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 June 2006
I've Been Remiss
Ok, Ok, what's the point of having a fuckin blog if you are never gonna use it, right?

Well, smartasses, I'm gonna add my pics from the Nashiville trip to the blog on Wednesday, you'll just have to fuckin wait.

Posted by Rachal at 10:33 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 May 2006

Chris Albrecht, Chairman
HBO Entertainment
2500 Broadway, Ste. 400
Santa Monica, CA 90404

RE: Deadwood Television Series

Dear Chairman Albrecht:

It is with great sadness that I read press accounts of HBO refusing to pick up the contracts of the various Deadwood cast and crew and of the possible cancellation of this excellent series. I for one subscribe to HBO almost entirely for its’ original programming. I am able to access any movie I choose to, through TIVO, Netflix and/or purchase. Without HBO’s excellent original programming, I will cancel my subscription to your network.

I have been a subscriber to HBO for more than 15 years, and unfortunately, I am starting to see a disturbing pattern of disregard for your viewers and their favorite programs. Your original programming is unique to television , with extremely high quality productions, awesome talent, incredible writing and artistic freedom. It would be a shame if all you looked at was the bottom line with regard to programming.

I have particularly been a fan of Deadwood, The Sopranos and Rome. I realize that these programs are very expensive to produce but I hate to think that you would so callously cancel a television show because it is expensive. It is obvious that HBO knew when it began Deadwood production that it would be an expensive show to make.

I feel the actors on Deadwood have been treated quite shabbily, in that they were led to believe they would have a fourth season on Deadwood. I am sure many of the actors put off other work so that they would be available for Deadwood season 4. As a fan, I am extremely disappointed that there will be no real resolution to the series.

I urge you and your board to reconsider the non-renewal of the actors’ contracts, and let David Milch complete a final season of Deadwood in order to resolve the show. I thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.

I encourage all you Deadwood Fans to Write and Call HBO as well.

Posted by Rachal at 6:11 PM EDT
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Here are some contacts for Deadwood and HBO:


Chris Albrecht - Chairman and CEO - HBO

Carolyn Strauss - President - HBO

HBO Entertainment
2500 Broadway, Ste. 400
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 212-512-1208

Time Warner (Parent company of HBO)

Richard D. Parsons
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner
c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary
Time Warner Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY10019

Media Relations

Bob Meldrum
Sr. Director - Corporate Communications and Marketing
10475 Park Meadows Drive
Littleton, CO 80124
Phone: 303-566-1000

Investor Relations

Carole Curtin
Director of Investor Relations
10475 Park Meadows Drive
Littleton, CO 80124
Phone: 303-566-1000

Time Warner Board of Directors
(same address as for Parsons, above)

R.E. Turner
James L. Barksdale
Stephen F. Bollenback
Frank J. Caufield
Robert C. Clark
Jessica P. Einhorn
Reuben Mark
Michael A. Miles
Kenneth J. Novack

Another address for Time Warner:

Corporate Headquarters
10475 Park Meadows Drive
Littleton, CO 80124
Phone: 303-566-1000

Posted by Rachal at 3:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 15 May 2006 3:40 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 May 2006

This is a picture of me and my Mom at the Greenbrier last August.

My Mom is:

My best friend
One of the hardest working persons I've ever known
Honest and Ethical
A wonderful grandmother
Pretty fuckin cool!

Happy Mother's Day Mom

[from the great State of West Virginia, home of Anna Jarvis, of Webster, the founder of Mother's Day]

Posted by Rachal at 12:47 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006
Oh God - I can't believe HBO is gonna leave us hanging without a resolution to the show. I can't believe they led the cast and crew and production staff hanging, thinking they all had another season to complete. I am just sick to my stomach feeling for everyone related to DW and the fans and my friends too. Why can a crappy show like Sex & the City get all those seasons, and DW only get three? I think this show was too smart and too savvy for most of the viewing audience and most of the HBO executives. It is a God Damned Shame!

Posted by Rachal at 2:02 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 12 May 2006 2:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, 11 May 2006
Sit, Sit, He Won't Sit
Poor little pup, he won't eat that new science diet food, and I knew he wouldn't before I even bought it. He has only ever eaten Iams his whole life -- I don't want him to suffer.

Posted by Rachal at 2:38 PM EDT
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