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As a student in HCT (higher Colleges of Technology) and in Al Ain Women's College I had the oppertunity to create my won website which I am to interest its visitores through visiting it and looking at its sections. It also aims to improve thier English Language especially if they are lower level students. My name is Mariam and as I mentioned, I am astudent in AAWC. Now I am in my first year as Higher Deploma student and in the business programe exactly. Al Ain is my hometown where I grew up. In addition, I like collecting coins and pre-paid phone cards and I starting doing that three years ago. My favorite sport is ice-skating which I practice regularly in Al Hill Fun City ice Rink with my elder sister. The kind of music that I like is Rai music and it is a mixture between Morocan and French music. After graduating I plan to have a good job in any bank or to start my own business. For that long term goals and plans I intend to travel to Morocco and other countries. The College Field Trips: In this section will know more about the field trips that I went to during my studing in AAWC. H.H Sheik Zayed Palace Museum Field Trip Heritage and traditions are parts of culture which all of the great nations were based on. On the other hand, people’s opinions on the importance of knowing and visiting heritage places like museums differs widely. Because of the AAWC aware about that so its staff organized a field trip for some its students to H.H Sheik Zayed Palace Museum in order to allow them to know more about their country’s history and traditions. This field trip was on Monday 4 October 2004. At about 1:45 p.m 62 of AAWC students’ from its first year business program and three of their instructors were driven by bus to Sheik Zayed Palace Museum which is located in Al Ain’s down- town. As a student in one of the sections that was taken there, I had the chance to go on my first visit there. After about 15 minutes we arrived and in order to have a good tour around the museum we were divided in to two groups and I was in the second one. The first thing that our guide showed us was Sheik Zayed sons’ classroom. Later we saw other rooms like the visitors majlis, and besides it there were two other rooms for those who wanted to discuss something with Sheik Zayed. There was also another majlis for Sheikah Fatima and women’s meetings. Sheik Zayed’s office was one of the rooms that we saw and his bedroom as well, and our guide told us that all of the furniture there was from India. In addition we saw almost all of the palace rooms, but the ones that I really liked were the family tree room and the gallery. In the family tree room there was Al Nahyan family tree from its roof and pictures of Sheik Zayed sons who are 19. I enjoyed seeing the palace before and after renovating photos in the gallery. Actually, we did not face any problems except that the guide’s voice was unclear sometimes and she started speaking before making sure that everybody in her group were near and able to listen. To sum up, I can say that I had a really great time in Sheik Zayed Palace Museum and I would like to visit it again. Moreover, I learned some new things about my country’s heritage and traditions in this trip. My Projects: During my studing in AAWC I had been given some projects to do and that what you will find about in this section. The UAE Traditions: In order to allow you know more about my country I am going to include some writings about the UAE taditions such as education in the past and other aspects. Somewhere to Visit: I meitioned before tha I like taveling and I intend to travel to Morocco and other countries so, in this section I am going to show some places where one can visit not only in the UAE but also in other countries. More Links: For those who want more sites that are about learning English or about the UAE they are as following: World-English

My Links

Online Arabic MP3
Consists of music, games and other fun subjects
English lessons and tests
The ESL links site
There are alot of information about thr UAE industry, social life and more!
Most of the websites that are about the UAE are included in this site