Mon RPG!/My RPG!

WARNING : This fun version of hannah and the ice caves are by ME paslechoix. Unless you give you the special permission of neomail (paslechoix)or e-mail ( you are NOT allowed to copy this (copyright law) but you can alway link to this site as long you are not pretending its you who made it.

It is quite possible that someone else have he same idea of making a fun verion of HAIC but where have 100% of having different ideas.

Please do not make the same things (even if it is your ideas). You can make meridell war 1 or meridell war 2 comics.
Maraquan curse war is ALLREADY taken by Growler2379 (not me)

Suggestions and comment are really appreciated (if i like your suggestion i might give you a reward).

Hannah and the ice caves fun version.

Chapter one

Galem: Let’s see…we have…wait a sec I put my glasses

Malisia: But you don’t have any!

Galem: Oh yes i forgot that. Im gonna have to buy some. Now can I start? We have a lot of old unique books, some statues and poetry. Bah donated these dung to the money tree.

Valin: I know SOMEONE that’s going to make a lot of neopoints when he finds these.

Galem: Doesn’t matter it just worth 100,000,000,000 neopoints.

Valin (to other thieves): Who agrees Galem is a newbie?

Old man: Sorry to interrupt your stupid discussion but there’s something here. It mention about a kinda gem.

Galem: Less silence and more detail!

Old man: There’s a enormous proportional red shiny cool gem that-

Galem: Not THAT much detail!

Old man: -is hidden on the heart of terror mountain-

Malisia: Since when the mountain is alive?

Old man: Stop interrupting me! I was saying-

Valin: I believe there is more polite way to ask for silence. You should-


Malisia: He needs to go back to school to learn manners.

Old man: The key is deep in a tomb full of traps, danger, monsters ETC. But we go there anyway despite the assured death right?

Galem: Kanrik! Bring me what is inside that tomb and you’ll get 2 np instead of one! I’m generous huh?

Thieves: *loud gasp*

Galem: And you…blue monkey I have a special task for you…

Valin (blue monkey): Buy usuki dolls for your free time?

Thieves: *another loud gasp*

Galem: Huh…not this time.

Chapter 2

Hannah: They call me Hannah the brave. Hannah the quick. I’ll get the gems for you and I will be out…huh…in a few years. When they see Hannah the turn and flee. Pirates and ghouls are no match for me.

Red Bruce: Can ANYONE makes her shut up?

Pirate poogle: ANYONE can press on “report” button for spamming?

*after getting kicked out*

Kanrik: Excuse me Hannah? I have heard your spamming. I have to discuss a Mather of great importance. But first let me tell you that spamming might-

Hannah: Can you move on already?

Kanrik: My old annoying sister is dying. I have no idea why I want to save her but anyway that the orders of gal- my village has been affected by some kind of mysterious plague. It’s hidden somewhere and im too dumb to get it myself. I have only these weird symbols as clue.

Hannah (thinking): Oooooo baby Kanrik can’t get it himself! (Not thinking anymore and talks) I have already seen that kind of stuff somewhere. Its was a long time ago in lost desert. Why don’t we press on the stuff button on the yellow sidebar.

Kanrik : Are you really experimented?

(Hannah not listening hopefully for Kanrik)

Kanrik: I know its far…but my boss is ri- my family is rich and I can pay you with these false jewels.

Hannah: Okay let’s go! Hey what did you say?

Kanrik: Nothing...*whistles*


Hannah: Why do I have the feeling that I have being tricked?

Chapter 3

Kanrik: *point at two random peoples* Hey you two. The plan is (speak not loudly)…and I want you nearby in case of trouble. This would be the reward.

Yellow moehog: Since when money smell’s the dung?

Hannah: Ok let’s go im ready!

Kanrik: It’s about time! Why does people like you always must groom despite that where going in the desert?

Hannah: See in the future when garin’s come. I think I dream like isca. (you have to have seen my screenies to understand this one)

Kanrik: Who are those?

Hannah: Characters of the next plot.

Kanrik (not understanding): ???

Hannah: So how the heck did your village got filled with tons disgusting mucus?

Kanrik: Well I really don’t know…maybe there’s someone that was trying to get defender of neopia mission 4 but there is not proof of that. Peoples keep getting-

Hannah: *yawn* boring…

Kanrik: *put a lot of profanity here* and my sister she- HELP ME HANNAH!!!

Hannah: Wait a sec I look in the dictionary the meaning of “and my sister she- help me!”

Kanrik: Could you help me instead?

Hannah: Why? Oh yes you are going to pay me. But let me do an afternoon nap first.

*a lot later*

Hannah: Oh he has felt form the cliff! Good thing I have a rope.

Kanrik: My hero @_@

Hannah: Huh…I think you felt on the head. I know how to cure this!

Kanrik:*slap*OW*slap*ok*slap*im not*slap*dizzy anymore!

Hannah: Soooo what does your sister look like?

Kanrik: Obviously a Gelert duh….all she did in life was singing and dancing all the time…now I need to find a cure for here…sob sob

Hannah *thinking*: I knew he was a baby. Can’t do thing on he’s own and now he cries.

Chapter 4

Hannah: OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! The marking but be sooooo old!!!

Kanrik: What are these things? Well it seems to be the place.

Hannah: I can’t make it out all but it say’s something about a demi-god of awesome power is in there…


Hannah: How can I moehog shaped stick figure can hurt you?

Kanrik: Huh…by casting a curse.

Hannah: He doesn’t even have a mouth.

Kanrik: Don’t know.

Hannah: Mmmm a god….cool I hope there is treasures like bottled semi-god that blesses you 100 HP!!!

*Hannah escapes all traps*

Hannah: I think I hear something behind us. Is it a bottled semi-god?

Kanrik: These things DOES NOT exist ok? And arrow shooting trough walls, pikes coming from the ground and all kinds of stuff I think you heard something.

Hannah: Ooooooh this must be the assured death place! I’ll go first! (Rushes in) *click* Wow the kinda weird eye turned red! Is it made to protect a bottled semi-god?

Kanrik: For the LAST time- oh there a really cool and beautiful insect or something there!

Kanrik: *Kanrik is mesmerized by the insect* wow…. (Not paying attention to Hannah)

Hannah: (gets hit by the curse) OUCH that hurts! *falls* Kanrik help!

Kanrik: What I cool insect…@_@


*Kanrik is not mesmerized anymore*

Kanrik: Great where is that Usul now? What a coward she fled.

Moehog thief: Is everything all right? I heard a scream. Having nightmares again?

Kanrik: Nonono everything is all right lets move on.

Chapter 5

Hannah: Wait till a find a bottled dung semi-god so I can unleash it on you Kanrik!


Kanrik: I hoped something equivalent to the jackpot of test your strength. < sarcasm > This is the best treasure room ever < /sarcasm >. Well pick it up you two lazy boys. Hurry up Galem waits at Terror Mountain…

*Hannah gets up the cliff and enters the chamber*

Hannah: Oh! More stick figures! Wonder what they mean… Gosh im mad I don’t have a cell phone because they place really need a maid! Oh! A gem! Despite that liar of Pooanrik I have not come here for nothing.

*gets back to town*

Hannah: Let’s see...where is the doctor? *look up* Oh a big banner says A doctor here. Wonder where it could be? Mmmm...

Doctor: Ok... what do we have here? AAAAHHHHHHHHHH a eye is staring at me!!! It’s out of my capacities of healing it!!! Well take these bandages and GO AWAY *hides*.

Hannah: It’s just a burn. It’ll heal fast. Now im going to Terror Mountain. By the way is it terrific there?

Doctor: I never had been there. But its cold you’ll need these warmer clothes.


Valin: *makes a last check before leaving* Hey Galem im supposed to pretend to frozen and hungry right? So that big faerie wont be in the way right?

Galem: Yes now go! And how come it’s the 999th time I told you this?

Valin: At least you didn’t told me that 1000 times.

*pretends what Galem said at the front door*

Taelia: Oh another Lost Soul! This will be a nice when I sell it. Oh wait it’s not the neodeck card. When will they learn to give me a real Lost Soul? For course id prefer Jahbal TCG but...

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