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 Ok time to end this bullshit ONCE and FOR ALL!, This has gone on long enough!
Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:40 PM
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First off this is not a quitting post, anyone who would quit over one person, is a sad individual. Read on, and try your best to analyze my situation and help me,
I’m calling out for your guys help. I’ve also omitted any racism this person said to me for the benefactor of the viewers. Sorry this post is 10 minutes of pure reading, bare with me. It helps if you listen to musc...

Throughout my Gladz career, I made a ton of friends, all of them were peaceful and nice, making the aura of the atmosphere is amazing as always.
Plus currently youguys brought me up 11+ hitpoints levels, I’ve gone from 1000 skill total to +1240 I think. Now we always PKed together. We have had fun duels...etc.
For example, Me and sethnik were testing out magic one day, obviously he walked on me, but he commented on me being a magic beast. That sent me on my magic course wink.gif
I was always inquisitive about how whiplash owned all the people at the axe hut with magic, she answered, and everything seemed to be cool. Well when the EOH war came around we disagreed, we got it quelled and we past over it, now I assume were fine, she always seems happy whenever you meet her.

Now this is where the anomaly began, pay attention I want your help at the end of this post.

I was down at edgeville training on earth warriors... as always when I’m p2p. I received a very malignant message from Kopasetic stating this
"Chrispaks, you (not appropriate) idiot, whiplash was right! You stupid moron, I’m blocking you!"

At first I’m led to believe... what the hell, wasn’t something I took a shine to. I wanted to find out why she was mad at me, don’t know if she lives in recluse or something so she defends someone else. I tried to find out the answer to this problem, I tried PMing, I couldn’t contact her after her outburst of emotions, so I just gave up, thought - Ok wanna be an idiot, ill deal with it... life goes on.

Some of you probably said to yourself "That’s Kopa, don’t worry about it". dry.gif...
So be it!
This is where everything went pernicious, or moreover, the biggest paroxysm you’d ever deal with...
First off, people went silent to me (certain people) who were in a tight relationship with her, and apparently, someone leaked out I was being badmouthed... Isn’t that just great!? My own clansmate backstabbin me? Life is a picnic! angry.gif
When we went on a PK trip, she tried to avoid me, ok so you don’t like me? So be it, but when I leave for a few mins, log back in, join back up, shes there and she went silent. I try and resolve it face to face as humans should, but I later realized I was still blocked, 3lite asked if I was blocked, the response was ‘huh’? Constant refusal

As most humans, I gave up, said 'screw it' and trucked it on to 100 combat.

P2P was almost out, so I went for a bit of mage PKing, guess who I saw? I saw Kopasetic in the wilderness. Going up, I was about to say 'perfect, someone I can team with. Was I ever in error!
I wasn’t the hunting, I was being hunted
user posted image

At first I saw it as this let me define two terms for you:


ac•ci•dent    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (ks-dnt, -dnt)

An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm: car accidents on icy roads.


pur•suit    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (pr-st)
The act or an instance of chasing or pursuing.
The act of striving: the pursuit of higher education.

dry.gif... Guess what? I was taken away by the latter term (Latter is the last term for all you who don’t know what it means). As you see Hellspawn was there, since there was another Gladz member witness to it, she had to stop.
You know what? I wasn’t gonna put up with this shit anymore. I talked to some leaders out of concern of death. Some people would say “Yeah so Chrispaks it’s just a full rune set you can get it back in 30 minutes?”... maybe for a rune miner and smither, plus I don’t play that much cause of the comp removal for not being perfect with school and getting 90s, 85’s aren’t good for my dad sad.gif. Well, why should I die for no reason to someone dictated by the center fulcrum of their brain?

Biology lesson:
As Joe Jenninz will back me up on this, the brain is divided into 2 hemispheres and 2 lobes. Left and right hemisphere interconnected for body use and function.
The left hemisphere is where we use our analytical thinking. The right side is our creative side. The front is where we use our processes and working like speech and things that get us through everyday life. The center of our brain is our emotions. It dictates you if your willpower is low. If your mad at someone, your center brain tells you to punch them. What stops this is our frontal lobe. Its our thinking part. With this concluded, I don’t know if her brain malfunctions on the left side of her frontal lobe, I don’t know, could be trauma, could be biological construction (and genetics)... or some other biological reason, I’m into science, its my forte…

She got a warning, I assume by her un-sarcastic, sad, feeble response later on she made to me, which I think was an attempt to be a guilt trip, but it seemed to stumble her more up then affected me...showing that she got in trouble. With the differences settled, I showed I wouldn’t take any crap like this from anyone, not even a clanmate. Things died down, Third encouraged me more then ever to go for 100, I had idols in the clan
that pushed me day in and out and I’m thankful for it, people like third, pally, lancelot and sometimes final who gave me positive encouragement, and others (too many to mention). So everything was calm right? Pfft yeah right, calm my face.

If you know me in real life, I find myself solving problems diplomatically (unless your IQ is negative, as in this case with the person I’m dealing with), So I asked Kopa:
"wanna pk? ill teleblock and you can own them" as a general courtesy. Lets leave the past in the past. Lets move on to the future.
"Why me?" something like that... generally it was to pave over any lumps or anything to make at least decent emotions. Earlier I even offered her free magic bows.
"Why dont you go PK with Sethnik kill?"
First Kopa, thanks for dismissing it, I REALLY appreciate that! If you wanna burn down your bridges go ahead. Your life.
Second, I admire your intelligence though Kopa, you are smarter then me for sure, know how I know? Sethnik kill is 99 magic and I’m 76, and I’m sure he would want someone
of a lower magic level maging for him. The logic is just PERFECT!

Then her account comes under what seemed to be a perfunctory attack, if any of you saw, it was a post by apparently a hacker who got her pass somehow. (probable keylog)
How do you know when someone is getting hacked? First of all it wasn’t like her, second, the elite level of sarcasm surpassed what she could concoct in her brain by far, by far for sure, and finally it was a threat to Jeremy Carr and DI I think. So no one warned her, I decided to. She was skeptical at first, but it was removed (the topic was, I think by a leader or mod) and she soon became scared.
She changed her pass and stopped herself from getting keylogged. Her account would have probably (90+ percent sure) would have had the password changed at the RS.com main page and she would of lost everything. I saved her. Quite the hard pill to swallow after being slapped in the face so many times in the past (figuratively).

So I did something nice again, but doing a Christian thing, I felt the full percussion of the recoil. After she changed her password, I asked her which song should I
listen to? Fuel, or Eye of the Tiger (inspired by Jerico and the MD war I think). I got quite a polite response this time:
"I don’t give a (not appropriate) about your music, stop changing the subject". For saving your account I see your pretty thankful, and your welcome dry.gif...

Lost, I ask her what was that about, and I got a nicer response: "You know what, your too confusing, you change the subject too much, your (not appropriate)in’ blocked"

Hence the repetition of history. This is beyond pathetic. Perhaps a thanks would of been nice before you placed knife number I think 4 in my back. So sordid...

From now on, I told myself "(not appropriate)'em man, youve been nice enough!"
So I once again just dropped it, I completely just drove that away. I’ve tried, I’ve offered things, I’ve tried to PK as we share that in common. I tried to make the atmosphere better just like Joe Jenninz wants me to. FOR JOE! On the topic of Joe I hope he’s recovering at maximum speed from his cancer incident, because it destroys your immune system even if you recover. I’m not gonna do anything nice for her anymore, as you see above, I’ve been screwed over and over and over, not once, nor twice, nor three times, nor four times... I have learned my lesson wink.gif Don’t worry I’m not stupid.

Wanna know what broke the straw?
Someone told me I was being flamed behind my back, they said their name not be released, and I’m not going to, but this is it.
I’m tired of this stuff. You are being hypocritical. Sure we hate ZF, but don’t go do what ZF does and flame them for it.

Already, 3 people have suddenly gone quiet again. Can I not sense something?
What’s even sadder for me, is someone I someone I look up to, he knows who it is, also somewhat abandoned me. How can people fall in the swift sentence composed by hatred of the opposing person? God be skeptical please sad.gif

How bad do you have to be to get user status? Does something extreme have to happen?
Its depressing someone as respectable of an elite cavalier rank would ever do something so malignant.
This is turning into a big fire, and you know what Kopa? Your doing just what is needed. Feeding it. When I get told that I’m being badmouthed, that’s just low, ill-bred…

Before any of you go hypercritical, I’m working so hard for our ZF possible war and my award at home. I’m going on the computer and going for the combat goal. I’m sneaking on in Gladz pride. I’m not only working my rear off at home, but also at school. I’ve got two 90s, and 80 mark and I’m not sure about math currently.
I post to keep the Gladz spirit up, I don’t solo PK and just ignore the Gladz like some people, I go on PK trips...etc. Am I not trying my best? Us low levels are trying to get 100 combat, but if it was so easy we would have it already wink.gif Gladz for life

I post often in the forums, it’s the ambience of the Gladz that makes this clan so great. I don’t have around 500 posts and have been here for over a year, I’ve been about a year and over 2000 posts. You all know how good the Gladz emanation is. Just remember us, were (as in fewer than 100 combat) trying hard!

Now you guys come in, first, you better have read the above, and second, read the final lines at the bottom with seriousness.

What do I do? I’m stuck here being badmouthed and defaced over one thing. Its so SAD! angry.gif WOW, what am I gonna do?

I can hear it now from her "Don’t user me"

Try the ‘want a life’ foundation they offer these:
Try badminton, its fun, try weightlifting, it makes you [i]NOT[i] fat and builds muscle, try basketball its fast rhythm. Try soccer? Try karate? I don’t know, I do those, how about you set aside time from RS and do some sports. I don’t know if its cause you play Runescape so much that you have a mal-denaction from your alpha waves (pulses omitted from your brain every 10 seconds that calm you down), and I know hands down you have more range experience then my total experience. Sorry for the science again I just love science.

Well there’s a problem, now for the leaders:
1. I HAVE tried resolving, I’ve sent PMs to her, I’ve offered stuff just like what I have done above, and I’m going nowhere. She wont let up, which leads into my second statement:

2. This situation is very akin to cancer. So, you stem her from BSing me, you stop her from threatening me, you stop all that? Well there’s one problem. This is like a malignant tumor, you can counteract the main problem, but it’s malignant! It spreads, it will continue unless you stop it all. You can’t stop it all, she’s still in the clan, still interacts with people, and still voices her opinion. As I have proven history repeats itself, lets change the futures course!

3. Lastly she never uses the gladz boards.... like ever, honestly, shes still a user... its been "What is a week", not like she'd respond anyways.

Now when you post, first off, I will LOSE ALL RESPECT FOREVER if your are somewhat biased due to peoples “pictures”. I can see it now, people posting "Chrispaks y0ur li3kr wrong!!!11 k03pa is hawt li3k pmg!", this is actually serious, I don’t want anything haphazardly posted due to that, I feel I’m at a disadvantage cause she will appeal to the "you know what side" of men. I have proof from a PK trip about how a certain someone used seduction techniques to manipulate someone, which I believe is smart to get your way, until it’s distorted.

Do I deal with her abuse day in and out for the rest of my Gladz career? Is that fair?
Do you bury me when I’m dead (wilderness)?
Why should I suffer? Why me after all I’ve tried doing? This is the only time I’ve ever had to say something with affirmative content, as I’ve always been nice to her, even when the abuse goes on. I’m sick of it!

Why should she degrade MY Gladz experience?
We are better then ZF, we are better then DI, we are #1…

Please help someone, my plea for help… leaders have tried and it hasn’t worked (well they cant just kick someone like that I know, but now ive shown the main stuff).

This is all that’s happening…
QUOTE (Metallica - Fuel)
Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I DESIRE!

Feed the flames! Quench my thirst with gasoline…

How about you Kopa? You reading this? Explain yourself here, and now, I’m tired of this bullshit, end it ONCE and for ALLangry.gif!

*NOTE: Since Kopa is so dedicated to the gladz, she got her name reinstated again, and she’s been a user for like 5 days, why cant she just get her account reverted back to elite cavalier… I don’t know, I see lots of gladz pride there!

End note: I hate bringing this up when ZF is rising dramatically, but something has to be done, if Kopa gets away clean… then…I’m at a loss for words. Remember I’ve only scratched the surface of what I’ve dealt with. This whole situation is like a pop can, well the can has been shaken, physics shows pressure will build up, and the pop is spewing… Please help Gladz, please…
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:48 PM
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63/85 Slayer

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I just read all that, and no offense to you, but all that could've been confined into a few paragraphs. There's going to be people in Gladz that tick you off, people who, like you said, will "degrade" your Gladiatorz experience. However, you can't let these people get to you, because wherver you go, there's always going to be someone that's going to dislike you.

There's no need to throw a hissy fit. I can understand that you're mad that you're not being shown any thanks or anything after preventing Kopa from being hacked, but you should have initially only done it out of being the faithful christian as you are, expecting nothing in return, not even a thanks.

When I left Gladz, Chrispaks, you wouldn't imagine the inside tips I was getting about people flaming me behind my back. "LIEK OMG HES NOT TEH LOYAL11111" or some other lame crap like that. You know what, Chris? They're (not appropriate), they always will be (not appropriate), and they'll die (not appropriate). Let them rot in hell, ignore them. By being affected by it, you're only giving them the satisfaction of having been able to offend you so easily.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:49 PM
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Spoiler of Women

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Let it go, Let her go?

Kopa has never spoken to me in the past 12 months or so ive been in gladz. I dont think shes even added me, ever.

Some people just arn't worth bothering with.

Anyhow, about the flaming behind your back, name names.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:49 PM
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QUOTE (Smoressoccer @ Mar 24 2005, 04:48 PM)
I just read all that, and no offense to you, but all that could've been confined into a few paragraphs. There's going to be people in Gladz that tick you off, people who, like you said, will "degrade" your Gladiatorz experience. However, you can't let these people get to you, because wherver you go, there's always going to be someone that's going to dislike you.

There's no need to throw a hissy fit. I can understand that you're mad that you're not being shown any thanks or anything after preventing Kopa from being hacked, but you should have initially only done it out of being the faithful christian as you are, expecting nothing in return, not even a thanks.

im not pissed at that, im mad at the backstabbing behind my back

EDIT: I dont care if she burns, or hates me, i dont care if she never talks to me again, but i dont like the backstabbing...
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:51 PM
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Dutch Pride World Wide

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Dont start doing bad u people , u can clearly see he typed this with his heart I will seriously think about what he said. but thing that confuses me most i never noticed any like this unsure.gif Chrispaks owns!
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:52 PM
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QUOTE (bartba @ Mar 24 2005, 04:51 PM)
Dont start doing bad u people , u can clearly see he typed this with his heart I will seriously think about what he said. but thing that confuses me most i never noticed any like this unsure.gif  Chrispaks owns!

yeah i did it with a passion smile.gif
EDIT: with smores' edit, i know what he means
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:55 PM
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Just remove him Chris
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:55 PM
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Dutch Pride World Wide

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76 views and 5 replies , well 6 with this one dry.gif Didn't u read the part where he said : Help me Gladz?
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:56 PM
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QUOTE (K_Y_L_E @ Mar 24 2005, 04:55 PM)
Just remove him Chris

its a she lol

btw i would, but when i go to mage bank, i wanna see if its a green dot, and that way if she has to PM me about anything, i can respond cause im f2p with 200 people...

76 views and 5 replies , well 6 with this one  Didn't u read the part where he said : Help me Gladz?

maybe their reading? lol
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  Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:57 PM
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Princess Wildy

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QUOTE (bartba @ Mar 24 2005, 04:55 PM)
76 views and 5 replies , well 6 with this one dry.gif Didn't u read the part where he said : Help me Gladz?

Lol Gladz boards went funny to me so it wouldnt let me reply.
Can you make a sorta version of the story, from wat i heard Kopa, Bsed, Rl pic....Im confused. unsure.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:58 PM
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Chris, i aint siding with anyone here but the best thing you can do right now is to calm down and relieve your stress and dont let anyone from the internet bother you. Sometimes words can hurt, only you can do something about it and thats by ignoring those words.

And yes I left gladz once, I tried thinking like this: " oh its just a game, i dont need to be honourable and i dont need people to like me so ill just join DI".. once i started using their forums and it was.. well words cant describe it.

Just dont let someone intimidate you ok chris, you're better than that. just ignore them and move further wink.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:58 PM
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QUOTE (Rebirth1 @ Mar 24 2005, 04:57 PM)
QUOTE (bartba @ Mar 24 2005, 04:55 PM)
76 views and 5 replies , well 6 with this one dry.gif  Didn't u read the part where he said : Help me Gladz?

Lol Gladz boards went funny to me so it wouldnt let me reply.
Can you make a sorta version of the story, from wat i heard Kopa, Bsed, Rl pic....Im confused. unsure.gif

Basically, as time went on, she kept stabbin me in the back, wont help me, and degrades me behind my back, i dont care if she hates my guts, but the backstabbing and threat of being PKed again, is something i dislike

im calling out to gladz for their help, since were a clan as a whole

Chris, i aint siding with anyone here but the best thing you can do right now is to calm down and relieve your stress and dont let anyone from the internet bother you. Sometimes words can hurt, only you can do something about it and thats by ignoring those words.

And yes I left gladz once, I tried thinking like this: " oh its just a game, i dont need to be honourable and i dont need people to like me so ill just join DI".. once i started using their forums and it was.. well words cant describe it.

Just dont let someone intimidate you ok chris, you're better than that. just ignore them and move further 

words dont effect me, the actions do wink.gif
plus when i go to mage bank i really dont feel like running from a green dot, and im usually maging so that is a double negative for me
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 03:59 PM
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QUOTE (N0valyfe @ Mar 24 2005, 04:58 PM)
Chris, i aint siding with anyone here but the best thing you can do right now is to calm down and relieve your stress and dont let anyone from the internet bother you. Sometimes words can hurt, only you can do something about it and thats by ignoring those words.

And yes I left gladz once, I tried thinking like this: " oh its just a game, i dont need to be honourable and i dont need people to like me so ill just join DI".. once i started using their forums and it was.. well words cant describe it.

Just dont let someone intimidate you ok chris, you're better than that. just ignore them and move further wink.gif

oops my bad that was me, i 4got to log out of n0vas account tongue.gif
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Osiris D3
Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:01 PM
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Oeseyeereis Deethree

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QUOTE (bartba @ Mar 24 2005, 04:51 PM)
Dont start doing bad u people , u can clearly see he typed this with his heart I will seriously think about what he said. but thing that confuses me most i never noticed any like this unsure.gif Chrispaks owns!

Well Chris I have alot of respexct for you for that long post you typed, you didnt go in spamming flamming and flipping out, you were smart and typed what you really felt and I can see that you'd really like to fix things. I've been in gladz since december and I have never once talked to kopa, I havent talked with you much but at least we have.

Do you even know why shes mad at you? I think we have each other added, so if you wanna talk just pm me tongue.gif

Hope things work out unsure.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:03 PM
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QUOTE (Osiris D3 @ Mar 24 2005, 05:01 PM)
QUOTE (bartba @ Mar 24 2005, 04:51 PM)
Dont start doing bad u people , u can clearly see he typed this with his heart I will seriously think about what he said. but thing that confuses me most i never noticed any like this unsure.gif  Chrispaks owns!

Well Chris I have alot of respexct for you for that long post you typed, you didnt go in spamming flamming and flipping out, you were smart and typed what you really felt and I can see that you'd really like to fix things. I've been in gladz since december and I have never once talked to kopa, I havent talked with you much but at least we have.

Do you even know why shes mad at you? I think we have each other added, so if you wanna talk just pm me tongue.gif

Hope things work out unsure.gif

RS is going fuzzy, just one day she flamed the hell out of me, and I have no idea why, ive asked her countless times and gave up after the ignorance of her
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:11 PM
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OK ive heard a few peoples input, but the more input on what I do here is essential...

can someone forward this to kopa?
she deserves to see this... seriously...
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:12 PM
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The Social Clown
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I haven't seen kopa in months..... unsure.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:14 PM
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QUOTE (Seike @ Mar 24 2005, 05:12 PM)
I haven't seen kopa in months..... unsure.gif

Oh shes still on RS, but this is what happens

I warned her about her getting keylogged, read above since you already know what i mean since you read my post, she told me she hasnt been on gladz boards in almost a month, and still hasnt revived her account...

Hope shes on RS tonight, i wanna have a big talk with her, or have her post here, cause im not gonna screenie everything she says lol
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:16 PM
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Spoiler of Women

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QUOTE (Chrispaks @ Mar 24 2005, 11:14 PM)
Hope shes on RS tonight, i wanna have a big talk with her, or have her post here, cause im not gonna screenie everything she says lol

What makes you think shes going to talk to you?
Also, why do you want to speak to her?
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:17 PM
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Chrispaks y0ur li3kr wrong!!!11 k03pa is hawt li3k pmg!

ahahhahh sorry tongue.gif

only real advice i can give is to just say screw her and not let her get to you....its obviously making you pretty unhappy but why? you don't have to be friends with everyone in rs or even gladz :S

hope you resolve your probs CHRISFUDGEPAKS
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:17 PM
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QUOTE (Coolhaz7000 @ Mar 24 2005, 05:16 PM)
QUOTE (Chrispaks @ Mar 24 2005, 11:14 PM)
Hope shes on RS tonight, i wanna have a big talk with her, or have her post here, cause im not gonna screenie everything she says lol

What makes you think shes going to talk to you?
Also, why do you want to speak to her?

I want her to personally answer to me, i want to be direct, I dont want her sittin on the fence. I really want to know what caused her to do this, its pathetic i think
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danger boy
Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:18 PM
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No better game then BF 1942.
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First off, this could have been shorter, some things in there that were irrelevent, but thats ok because it was typed from the heart, and didn't have any flaming.

Sometimes in life, you just cant fix things, no matter how hard you try. What is this initial event your talking about that you did? I can't remember exactly where in your article, but it sounded like you did something (Im guessing you dont know what you did? Your just saying that something must have ticked her off in the first place?)

Forget about her, if shes this much trouble, take her off your list, put her on ignore, and dont take anything to heart that she says to you. Your going to too much trouble to her when she doesn't give the time of day about you. Not everyone gets along, maybe it doesn't make sense, but seriously, dont loose sleep over it.

Side note, I play badminton too, its fun as hell and I kickass at it tongue.gif (First last year).

EDIT: One last thing, it may suck to not know what the problem is, and maybe you wont ever know. But also, maybe in a few months you will find out when you least expect it (or when you most expect it), just let things take their course.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:20 PM
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QUOTE (danger boy @ Mar 24 2005, 05:18 PM)
First off, this could have been shorter, some things in there that were irrelevent, but thats ok because it was typed from the heart, and didn't have any flaming.

Sometimes in life, you just cant fix things, no matter how hard you try. What is this initial event your talking about that you did? I can't remember exactly where in your article, but it sounded like you did something (Im guessing you dont know what you did? Your just saying that something must have ticked her off in the first place?)

Forget about her, if shes this much trouble, take her off your list, put her on ignore, and dont take anything to heart that she says to you. Your going to too much trouble to her when she doesn't give the time of day about you. Not everyone gets along, maybe it doesn't make sense, but seriously, dont loose sleep over it.

Side note, I play badminton too, its fun as hell and I kickass at it tongue.gif (First last year).

EDIT: One last thing, it may suck to not know what the problem is, and maybe you wont ever know. But also, maybe in a few months you will find out when you least expect it (or when you most expect it), just let things take their course.

I know what you are (and others are saying)

but there are people who are removing me from my lists and dont talk to me anymore, and they are close friends with kopa, can you see the correlation there?
And i used to talk to them occasionally and admire them
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:21 PM
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Spoiler of Women

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QUOTE (Chrispaks @ Mar 24 2005, 11:20 PM)
but there are people who are removing me from my lists and dont talk to me anymore, and they are close friends with kopa, can you see the correlation there?

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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:21 PM
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Look at it go!
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QUOTE (Coolhaz7000 @ Mar 24 2005, 05:21 PM)
QUOTE (Chrispaks @ Mar 24 2005, 11:20 PM)
but there are people who are removing me from my lists and dont talk to me anymore, and they are close friends with kopa, can you see the correlation there?


ill tell you on MSN
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:22 PM
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Dutch Pride World Wide

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Chris if u add me ill give u a hug hug.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:23 PM
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Puff the Magic Dragon
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I removed chrispaks.

laugh.gif 2 weeks ago I removed everyone except the leaders and set my private at off so no one would interrupt my training.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:25 PM
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*~~[ Combat 114 ]~~*

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That isn't the Kopa I know.

She must have been hacked or keylogged.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:25 PM
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buying lobs

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kopa is hard to become freinds with...just let it go i'd say...if someone doesn't like you then *shrugs* life goes on
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:32 PM
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Look at it go!
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QUOTE (2hpker @ Mar 24 2005, 05:25 PM)
That isn't the Kopa I know.

She must have been hacked or keylogged.

Its her, i guarantee you 100%, i promise you its her

20 mil if im wrong im that confident

she acted the same way over and over again i even got a picture of her lol

bartba pm me your email if you got MSN/AIM
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blt bap boy
Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:34 PM
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magical sandwich

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i havnt seen her post for donkeys years unsure.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:37 PM
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QUOTE (2hpker @ Mar 24 2005, 04:25 PM)
That isn't the Kopa I know.

She must have been hacked or keylogged.

Let's leave that decision up to the people who actually are her good friends, and not her stalker.

Chrispaks, there's no justification in resorting to being childish and making attacks on her intelligence when, first off, you're no einstein yourself, and second, you don't know her near well enough to make that conclusion. I've been her friend for quite some time, as well as other people, like Hercs Wrath, and Whiplash has known her years, nobody would agree with your insult of her intelligence, I'm sure. She's not the smartest person ever, but she's smarter than she pretends to be.
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:38 PM
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Puff the Magic Dragon
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I recognize her by the eyepatch
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:43 PM
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Look at it go!
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QUOTE (Kiwibird @ Mar 24 2005, 05:37 PM)
QUOTE (2hpker @ Mar 24 2005, 04:25 PM)
That isn't the Kopa I know.

She must have been hacked or keylogged.

Let's leave that decision up to the people who actually are her good friends, and not her stalker.

Chrispaks, there's no justification in resorting to being childish and making attacks on her intelligence when, first off, you're no einstein yourself, and second, you don't know her near well enough to make that conclusion. I've been her friend for quite some time, as well as other people, like Hercs Wrath, and Whiplash has known her years, nobody would agree with your insult of her intelligence, I'm sure. She's not the smartest person ever, but she's smarter than she pretends to be.

can you please tell her to get on the forums or something? or tell her ingame? thanks kiwi smile.gif
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Posted: Mar 24 2005, 04:46 PM
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QUOTE (Chrispaks @ Mar 24 2005, 04:43 PM)
QUOTE (Kiwibird @ Mar 24 2005, 05:37 PM)
QUOTE (2hpker @ Mar 24 2005, 04:25 PM)
That isn't the Kopa I know.

She must have been hacked or keylogged.

Let's leave that decision up to the people who actually are her good friends, and not her stalker.

Chrispaks, there's no justification in resorting to being childish and making attacks on her intelligence when, first off, you're no einstein yourself, and second, you don't know her near well enough to make that conclusion. I've been her friend for quite some time, as well as other people, like Hercs Wrath, and Whiplash has known her years, nobody would agree with your insult of her intelligence, I'm sure. She's not the smartest person ever, but she's smarter than she pretends to be.

can you please tell her to get on the forums or something? or tell her ingame? thanks kiwi smile.gif

Wouldn't that be so convenient if her schedule just happened to fit so that she'd be playing runescape just as this topic is made.
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