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Movie Sites
Troy Site
Friday Night Lights
Original Doughnut Chronicles

Greek Mythology
Achilles and Patroclus
Patroclus Fan Site
More Patroclus
Great Patroclus Info
From The Iliad


Picture of The week!

04-19-05 written by "The Creator"

Hey all! The site is done. I am getting a new domain name, it will hopefully be something along the lines of or such! I really could use some help lol! Until next time!

04-12-05 written by "The Creator"

Hello all. This is THE Garrett Hedlund website! It is brand new! I have been slaving over the computer for ages now, really it has been a week or so. I AM LOOKING FOR HELP! Please read the second box on the right-hand column, and follow as directed, thank you so much!

I have many jobs available, I need NEWS, UPKEEP, IMAGES, EMAIL, and you all NEED TO KNOW HTML!! You also need to post all of your sources, for NEWS or IMAGES! Thank you "The Creator"!!

04-11-05 written by "The Creator"
Hey. The website is almost done, but it is not, up and running yet. So I don't know why I am putting this on here, but I am goofy so oh well lol!!

Random TROY Fact
In the Movie TROY, Achilles and Patroclus were cousins, and bestfriends. In the real story of TROY, they were bestfriends and rumored to have been lovers. They did grow up together though, which may be where they got the idea to make them cousins. If you want to know more about Greek Mythology, email me and I will let you know where to get Info, or answer any questions I can! Thanks!

Help Needed
I need some people to join up with me. I need you to understand HTML. Advanced HTML. You need to email me, state your name, what job you are interested in. your experience, and so forth lol! I need NEWS people, IMAGES people, INFO people. If you don't know HTML. But can find great NEWS, let me know anyways. There is a place for you at !!

This website is neither created nor endorsed by Garrett Hedlund or any of his affiliates. It is simply created by "The Creator" a.k.a Ashley. My Images and Information all have sources. I give credit where credit is due, mostly for the images, they are found right with the image. Please don't take them. Let me know, I will email them right to you, let me know the ones you want. Or I can email, the whole section, in a matter of seconds! Thank you!

Copyright & copy 2005